What have you done to your car today?

Rocker cover gaskets done yay :raz:

I had the same problem with 1 of my bolts. Try letting some "Penetrene" soak in overnight, I've found its the best one to loosen stuck bolts or nuts.
We used a spanner with a 4' pipe as an extension & 2 of us hanging off the end. Man, you should've seen that spanner bend lol :eek: I was sure it was gonna snap, but eventually we got it loose.

Ive been soaking them with rost off and I will get help next attempt
Ok You have to tells us what you used to get it to come up that good. I need to do mine...
I used a product called "Mothers" Mag & Aluminum Polish. It comes in a white tin & has a redish sticker on it.
You can get it from Supercheap.

Just make sure you have some gloves on or they'll be as black as the ace of spades when your finished.

Now THAT is serious elbow grease!

Sure it wasn't helped along by a bit of 'electric elbow' grease?
... :iconwink: :cool: :lol:

Looks BEAUTIFUL, mate.
Yes it was all elbow grease :ebiggrin:
I tried the 'electric elbow' (a small corner) & all it was too much :o
I ended up ditching that idea as all it did was made it kind of dull & burned it, if you know what I mean :cool:

Mr Turbo
Don't get many deer out this way. Lots of very stupid kanngaroos and emus though. They are supposed to scare them away. Kanagaroos are so dumb they'd just sit there hoping you hit them One advantage of travelling behind a road train at night is that they act as a bit of a plough through our wildlife!

Are those deer whistles on the bumper?
While im home I gave the foz a wash and cleaned the inside which was well needed.

Im getting prepared to get her sorted mechanically. Get the gearbox done and the engine done :)

Got the drive back to Perth tomorrow too :ebiggrin:
Nice my turbo seems to keep them away so I haven't had to use those yet, seeing a roo that would be sweet.

yep its sweet untill you see them on the road! they can easily write off a car if you hit one!
You got that right :iconwink: they can do some serious damage alright :cool:

Mr Turbo
Not a big fan of roos. They're a bloody nightmare
Oh yea.. thanks to ericstell for all the help. Forgot to mention the rear tail light he installed while I was mangling my hands and the other knuckle. Thanks brosef
New tyres

Gidday All

4X new Michelin XM2 215/60 x 16".

Full wheel alignment.

The latter was OK for caster/camber at front, and camber at rear. Pretty much dead centre of the specs.

Toe in/out was all over the place:

FP = 2.4 mm
FD = -1.2 mm
Spec = -1.6 ~ +1.6

RP = +2.4
RD = +4.6
Spec = -0.5 ~ +2.6

No wonder that Roo2 was less than directionally stable!

With the new tyres and wheels properly aligned to pretty much centre of spec, it sure handles far better and has stopped wandering ...
I run zero toe in the front of both my cars, and the rear of the Forrie as well. Looks like I might be selling Ratbag some string! Big $$$ coming my way!:ebiggrin:
Gidday mate

I run zero toe in the front of both my cars, and the rear of the Forrie as well.

FP is now -0.2; FD = +0.5. About as close to spec as one can reasonably get.

RP is now +0.5; RD = +0.7. And again, about as close to spec as one can reasonably get.

FAR better than it was!!

What's really amazing is that such a (relatively) small error in steering and rear end geometry was so noticeable to me. I have suspected that it was out ever since buying Roo2. It wasn't far enough out to even show feathering on the treads, but it pulled slightly to the left when rolling to a halt.

I am quite amazed at how much better the car now feels.

I drove my old Landcruiser for several years with the front alignment out by 1 1/8th INCHES ... Didn't seem to matter all that much!

Looks like I might be selling Ratbag some string! Big $$$ coming my way!:ebiggrin:

Hey Rally, I reckon I could just about get it better than it was by eye alone! :iconwink: :ebiggrin: :cool:
The Subaru is far more precise than the Cruiser, so a small amount of error will be far more noticeable.
With the new tyres and wheels properly aligned to pretty much centre of spec, it sure handles far better and has stopped wandering ...
Thats great to hear Ratbag :)

I finally got my central locking & keyless entry all sorted today.
Together with a couple of free batteries for my keys from the dealer too :raz:

Mr Turbo
The Subaru is far more precise than the Cruiser, so a small amount of error will be far more noticeable.

:rotfl: :lol: :rotfl: :lol: :rotfl: :lol: :rotfl:

Yeah, just a little bit mate ... :)

:rotfl: :lol: :rotfl: :lol: :rotfl: :lol: :rotfl:

The understatement of the year!
My old Cruiser was flaming near indestructible; and positively agricultural ...
Thats great to hear Ratbag :)

I finally got my central locking & keyless entry all sorted today.
Together with a couple of free batteries for my keys from the dealer too :raz:

Mr Turbo

And that's also very good news indeed, Mr T.

I can now understand why the P7s weren't holding up very well. They were enough out to cause excessive wear, but not so far out as to show many of the classic signs, like feathering etc.
Back in Perth from my trip home for Easter. Had a nice week there which was awesome... got sun burnt (as usual), went to the beach, went fishing, took the boat out, rebuilt the boat trailer with the help of dad(his boat :() and just relaxed :cool:

Didn't eat too much chocolate either which is odd for our family :lol:

Drove 1500km in the trip there and back and around abit. The foz didn't miss a beat even when having to overtake 30-40cars for the whole trip(damn public holidays :rolleyes:). Didn't get pulled up either so I was happy :biggrin:

This arvo I changed my fuel filter, the car now drives like it should. I don't think it had been changed for 100,000km and the owners manual says every 50k(Ive done 60k in it since owning her and haven't done it). It's made a nice difference and the car doesn't feel gutless like it did, although more power would be nice.

While home I went to Lucky Bay(about 30min drive from home and theres 30km of beach and dunes along the coast), such a beautiful place. Didn't take the foz as I didn't want to put any more pressure on the already dying gearbox. Drove dads turbo diesel Mazda ute. Man I can't believe the pulling power that thing has. I was on the highway doing 105km/hr up a hill with a trailer and the quadbike on and was able to gain speed :surprised: :rock:

The foz(before the fuel filter anyway) couldn't even hold 110km/hr on the highway up a hill with 1 person alone in the car :cry: