What have you done to your car today?

Fitted an awning to the side of the fox and a crossbred diff guard - beautifully looking bit of gear.

Setting off for the second leg of the journey in the morning: Geelong to pt fairy (great ocean rd).

Safe journey for you all, mate.

From my Blackberry, john.

PS: Great Ocean Road is by far the most dangerous road in Victoria!! :(
Take great care.
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It's only dangerous if you try to drive a top heavily laden car along it at speed whilst trying to take in the beautiful view. Ok point taken, cheers John.
^ Mate she's gonna be bewdiful!

I bloody hope so! Actually it's not about the looks, I'm going for capability and durability.

Fitted an awning to the side of the fox and a crossbred diff guard - beautifully looking bit of gear.

I'm sorry, "fox" instead of "Foz". Is there a reason for this?

PS: Great Ocean Road is by far the most dangerous road in Victoria!! :(
Take great care.

Probably only simply due to volume. For me I'd say that the Hume is the most dangerous road in Victoria - not because of the trucks but because of the boredom that the freeway instills in the driver on a long journey.

Or there's the Harrieville to Mt Hotham road - many a sloppy driver is caught out when cutting corners or not knowing the road or simply by not paying attention to the differing (extreme) conditions that can be around at any time of the year. Those that are not confident on a challenging road should not be driving it! Especially during the winter months!


It's only dangerous if you try to drive a top heavily laden car along it at speed whilst trying to take in the beautiful view. Ok point taken, cheers John.

OR the other driver is doing any of the above ...
I have driven that road 100s of times ...
Sub-Fo-XS-Lux just doesn't roll off the tongue the same way.

Now if someone can show me a Z in there without double posting I'll be impressed.
Gidday ST

I don't want anyone to be sorry or annoyed, but mine is a fox.

So is mine.
A wolf, in sheep's clothing ...
Or at least a Fox in sheep's clothing, :rotfl:

Sub-Fo-XS-Lux just doesn't roll off the tongue the same way.

You're not wrong ... :iconwink: :ebiggrin:

Now if someone can show me a Z in there without double posting I'll be impressed.

"Z"? What? Where?

Come on folks. Let's all just understand that we can all refer to our cars exactly how we like; and do. There is no harm in it.
Sub-Fo-XS-Lux just doesn't roll off the tongue the same way.

Now if someone can show me a Z in there without double posting I'll be impressed.

You're American right? (unless the WA means Western Australia) anyway, it's an accent thing, A lot of our Aussie "s" sound like Z especially in that example, Aussie pronounced Ozzie hence why sometime we say we live in the land of Oz - a truncated Aus. It's just the way we say it.
Gidday SP

You're American right? (unless the WA means Western Australia) anyway, it's an accent thing, A lot of our Aussie "s" sound like Z especially in that example, Aussie pronounced Ozzie hence why sometime we say we live in the land of Oz - a truncated Aus. It's just the way we say it.

Nah, Stilson's from sunny Western Australia ... :iconwink: :ebiggrin:

Either that, or he drove the long way around from Sydney when he visited me here in not very sunny Melbourne, Victoria ... :rotfl:
hahah embarrasing... for me... but more so for him... he should know where the Z comes from, unless he grew up in the northern suburbs of Sydney ;)
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G'day again SP

hahah embarrasing... for me... but more so for him... he should know where the Z comes from, unless he grew up in the northern suburbs of Sydney ;)

I think not. We both call our Foresters generically a "Fox".

I don't know what his reason/s is/are; but I just like it that way. BTW, I am very well aware of the Audi Fox. Very close friends had one for years. Wonderful emblem. Not a very good car, IMNSHO. They have been delighted with their succession of Honda Accords ever since ...

Others may call their Forester a "Foz" or a "Forrie" or whatever. I know what they mean, and I am sure they know what I mean :iconwink:.

It really isn't even worth commenting on, IMHO.
You're right, I was just answering his statement of, "I don't know where the Z is" or something to that effect... Call it a Honey Badger if you want it's your car :)
I ordered myself a pair of these :cool:
..American of course! Not bad for only $8 w/ shipping out of a place in Georgia.

Awwww....not Aussie ones? lol :raspberry:

Fitted an awning to the side of the fox and a crossbred diff guard - beautifully looking bit of gear.

Setting off for the second leg of the journey in the morning: Geelong to pt fairy (great ocean rd).

Great drive, a real classic!

Great Ocean Road is by far the most dangerous road in Victoria!! :(

It certainly can be but I'm sure there are many others that would be more dangerous, esp alpine roads.

Put some boom boom in my boot today ;)

Make sure you remember to let him out! :raspberry::rotfl: