What have you done to your car today?

I do realise that's where they SHOULD be, but alas, four speakers only for me.

Time to pimp both your stereos!! 4 new split speakers. Apline R-Type 120rms
2x amps and a nice big 1200watt sub along with a new head unit of your choice. Replace all the wiring and run wiring for the battery and amps.

Then you will have a good sound system :twisted: :lol: :iconwink:
Or maybe just us young people do that :cool:
Just realised I didn't have spotlights and on further inspection realised I don't have a seven speaker stereo. Not impressed. The dealer had confirmed verbally that it had the seven speakers. I wonder where I stand in regards to my rights here.

If they were advertised as part of the deal they must be fitted. If not, he needs to fix it either by having them fitted or compensating you.

Time to pimp both your stereos!! 4 new split speakers. Apline R-Type 120rms
2x amps and a nice big 1200watt sub along with a new head unit of your choice. Replace all the wiring and run wiring for the battery and amps.

Now we know where your fuel economy is going...running the massive amp plus carting around the excess weight of your (I'm sure impressive) speakers :raspberry:

doof doof doof doof :twisted:

Or maybe just us young people do that :cool:

No ,just those who can afford it lol. I'm sinking all my money into mods atm, but a stereo is on the list :iconwink:
Gidday Seanan

I do realise that's where they SHOULD be, but alas, four speakers only for me.

Bugger! :(

That, and the other thing/s you mentioned, are guaranteed you by law.

I agree with Taza, he has to fit them or compensate you.

You may trip over because you had the vehicle inspected by a third party, and accepted it as is. But I don't believe that relieves the seller of their responsibility under the Goods Act to sell what has been described to you, and the whole world. It is a surprisingly complicated field of law; encompassing "sale by description" and "sale by sample".

Get it sorted before you leave Sydney is my advice.
Drove it for the first time in 8 weeks. Started first time! (and I managed to remember to get in the right side of the car :lol:)
Just realised I didn't have spotlights and on further inspection realised I don't have a seven speaker stereo. Not impressed. The dealer had confirmed verbally that it had the seven speakers. I wonder where I stand in regards to my rights here.
Thats not good mate & sorry to hear that.

Get it sorted before you leave Sydney is my advice.
I'd have to agree with Ratbag. Get it sorted before you head back to WA.

Have you contacted & spoken to the dealer/seller about it. And if so, what did they say ?
I'm sure they will come to the party though :)

Mr Turbo
Drove it for the first time in 8 weeks. Started first time! (and I managed to remember to get in the right side of the car :lol:)

Hahaha, always a good start :rotfl:

That, and the other thing/s you mentioned, are guaranteed you by law.

Get it sorted before you leave Sydney is my advice.


Even if you cant stay to have them fitted before you go, you could still get it in writing that they have agreed to fit them at no cost to you, in Perth. Then drive back. The stereo will be more involved to fit but the driving lights would take only an hour or two so I'd suggest getting that done before you leave.

Good luck mate :iconwink:
Full day of driving today so no progress apart from picking up bullbar And a white line strutbrace. Willbe in contact with the dealer in the morning. I've gotta get some sleep!
I was going to do my oxygen sensor today, but, courtesy of the US postal service sending it to Alaska (yes, really), those plans are now on hold. Full credit to them, though - they sent it about as far away as they could without having it go to an island territory yet still remaining within the country!
What a bummer, thats a big oops by the US postal service for sure :rolleyes:
Good to see you can see the funny side of it though :cool:

Mr Turbo
Picked up from the motor registry my personalised number plates for the Forrie. I now have my 2 cars with consecutive numbers- no excuses now for forgetting the plate number!
Not too bad actually- about a 10 minute wait if that
Gidday Rally

Picked up from the motor registry my personalised number plates for the Forrie. I now have my 2 cars with consecutive numbers- no excuses now for forgetting the plate number!

Did you have to take a little ticket and wait 5-hrs to be called up to their little booth / bird-cage?

Not too bad actually- about a 10 minute wait if that

There always has to be a first time for everything ... :rotfl:

Having spent many, many hours of my life in these places when I have moved from State to State.

Having said that, my second to last visit to our "local" only took about ten minutes ...

I then had to pay for this by taking two visits and about 5~6 hours when they introduced the National Heavy Vehicle licensing system about 15 years ago ... :( :madred: :yell: :furious:
Good to hear Rally :monkeydance:

casm, great to hear you can laugh bout it :iconwink:

stilson, Whiteline have some great products, also check out their ALK (anti lift kit)

My news is my clutch pedal decided it would refuse to come out more than halfway. A check revealed fluid leaking onto the gearbox from the hose off the clutch slave cylinder :(

With some help from the friendly RACV bloke & a quick bleed, I was on my way. But I still need a new hose...
No luck with the stereo but the dealer offered to buy the car back from me if I wanted. He says he remembers the tweaters in the dash. Those would be be the demister vents for the driver and passenger windows. I've no intention to take it any further as the whole thing stresses me and stress makes you die sooner. I'm still happy with the car and Subaru confirms it is an xs I just seem to be missing a few bits.

Thanks for your help and hospitality today Ratbag the gps is very intuitive and the sump guard hasn't made a peep following our manipulation. Do you have the number of the place you bought your air comp from?
Gidday Stilson

No luck with the stereo but the dealer offered to buy the car back from me if I wanted. He says he remembers the tweaters in the dash. Those would be be the demister vents for the driver and passenger windows.

He had a "Manuel moment", perhaps.
'Decent' of him to offer to take the car back when you are 1/4 of the way back to Perth!!

I've no intention to take it any further as the whole thing stresses me and stress makes you die sooner.

Too right mate. Doesn't do one any good at all. I am just recovering properly from about ten years of that sort of thing. Life's just too short.

I'm still happy with the car and Subaru confirms it is an xs I just seem to be missing a few bits.

That was around the time that Subaru introduced "Build your own", IIRC.
Maybe the original owner considered that leather seats were more important to them than the stereo. The lack of Frog Lights is explicable by a minor bingle, and failure to replace them, maybe. Those inserts are straight off a Forester X ...

Thanks for your help and hospitality today Ratbag

A pleasure all round, Seanan. Great to meet you and your family, and get to have a gander at your terrific new "baby" (the metal one, too ... ).

the gps is very intuitive

Glad about that. It might not be the all singing, all dancing variety, but one cannot complain about the functionality for the price, IMNSHO ...

and the sump guard hasn't made a peep following our manipulation.

That's a relief!! Might be a good idea to check that the bolts remain tight. It was a bit of a bodgie job, :rotfl:. Tender ministrations could be a more accurate description, perhaps? :lol:.

Do you have the number of the place you bought your air comp from?

Will drag out the URL for you. Here:

$59.95 + $19.35 P&H to Perth

They seem to have lots of good stuff; their service is excellent; postage reasonable - specially if one lives in Melbourne ... :biggrin:.
A couple of before and after pics.

This is the 'Blugewagon'? I bought this from Bennie off Ebay. It will be the run around when the real Beigewagon comes of the road wlater this year.

Looks like it's all going well - good to see! It's also great to see that you're making use of it, if it had of stayed with me it would probably rot away...

Due to my luck I got pulled over by highway patrol cops while overtaking a car.....

As the cop said "We are usually lenient when cars overtake others as its not really possible to do it at 110km/hr to 112. But because you were doing 129km/hr im going to have to give you a ticket"

Not luck, your lead foot! And you were in a loaded vehicle too! You're lucky in my book. As RB and Nachaluva said you're very lucky you weren't in Vic - that'd be a loss of licence, even if you were in a 110km/h zone! Plus they probably have a look over your vehicle at the same time to see what else they could get out of you that's just short of holding you up by your ankles and shaking you to see what shrapnel falls out! Seriously!

Instead of the usual flags that you see attached to the windows, I got these mirror covers instead :ebiggrin:


We got a set of these for Sunnie the Brumby because Ruby Scoo is still out of action. Unfortunately they didn't fit as his mirrors are too small! Old school mirrors!

Thanks guys, just boosting the engle down as far as it'll go on 240v.

I've had our 41 litre Engel down to -20.9 and that's as far down as we could get it to go.

Sorry for the dig on the "older" posts from last week, I'm a little bored and did some reading no realising that I'd posted since all of that had been posted. Anyway...

This is what I did today, well, part of it anyway:




That's cool El Freddo... I want one of those... I don't know what I'd do with it, but I want one

Well, you've got half of that setup - the L series :lol: But what you do with it is up to you, generally the rotisserie is used for body repairs or full restorations ;)

This is a bit of both in some regards.

