Gidday Stilson
No luck with the stereo but the dealer offered to buy the car back from me if I wanted. He says he remembers the tweaters in the dash. Those would be be the demister vents for the driver and passenger windows.
He had a "Manuel moment", perhaps.
'Decent' of him to offer to take the car back when you are 1/4 of the way back to Perth!!
I've no intention to take it any further as the whole thing stresses me and stress makes you die sooner.
Too right mate. Doesn't do one any good at all. I am just recovering properly from about ten years of that sort of thing. Life's just too short.
I'm still happy with the car and Subaru confirms it is an xs I just seem to be missing a few bits.
That was around the time that Subaru introduced "Build your own", IIRC.
Maybe the original owner considered that leather seats were more important to them than the stereo. The lack of Frog Lights is explicable by a minor bingle, and failure to replace them, maybe. Those inserts are straight off a Forester X ...
Thanks for your help and hospitality today Ratbag
A pleasure all round, Seanan. Great to meet you and your family, and get to have a gander at your terrific new "baby" (the metal one, too ... ).
the gps is very intuitive
Glad about that. It might not be the
all singing, all dancing variety, but one cannot complain about the functionality for the price, IMNSHO ...
and the sump guard hasn't made a peep following our manipulation.
That's a relief!! Might be a good idea to check that the bolts remain tight. It was a bit of a bodgie job, :rotfl:.
Tender ministrations could be a more accurate description, perhaps? :lol:.
Do you have the number of the place you bought your air comp from?
Will drag out the URL for you. Here:
$59.95 + $19.35 P&H to Perth
They seem to have lots of good stuff; their service is excellent; postage reasonable - specially if one lives in Melbourne ... :biggrin:.