What have you done to your car today?

^ Too bad its for an SG Forester. Plus I dont have a spapre $300 since im still saving for my holiday, liftkit and raised springs to happen next month. I will just build another one for the time being...
^ Thats not good to here Aware. Im guessing no real damage was caused to your Forester? Hopefully.... if that were me I would get my own back on his car but thats my 2cents.


Thanks Taza - yeah, I'd say it'd be tempting, but after seeing the amount of damage he had, campared to my towbar which has lost a bit of paint, I think I'll let him be - hopefully he's feeling bad about it anyway, there are times and places if he wants to go and do some drifitng, a carpark is not the correct place and time!

Had the car at Subaru Waitara this morning (I rang them last night straight after it happened to see if I could the car looked at today), and they gave it the all clear - no damage apart from the paint off the towbar. I'm glad I have a towbar - even Greg at service said it could have been much worse without the towbar. Ironically the car is booked in for a service on Friday (and had been for 2 weeks) so I'll be back on Friday morning as well!
Not me - but a :censored: idiot in the Uni carpark decided that sliding his Silvia was cool. He then proceeded to go up an Island, and hit my car. He hit the towbar, moved the car forward with the handbrake on and it in first gear - I'll be at Subaru first thing in the morning getting it the car checked. But at this stage I'm ropable


Hey mate, I was there for a while because I recogised your car from on here.

The dude in the Nissan was a complete idiot. He denied drifting his car round the corner but the marks on the road said otherwise....

After giving his details to the security guard, he asked me if I would help guide him out. I said "no, you're going to have to wait for the owner to come and move his car or else you'll do more damage taking it out".

I got photos and stuff of it so if you need anything, let me know.

The security guys said you had been there - glad you were, otherwise they would have driven off and done more damage.

I think I have gotten off a lot better than he has. His drivers door is well and truly stuffed, and front and rear spoiler is badly damaged after getting wedging on the logs. I saw him last week skidding as well, so he is an absolute deadsh!t.
I'd be ropable too :mob:
That was good quick thinking on your side Shiv for getting pics & details of the other driver & giving them to the security guard.
Well done :bananatoast:
Good to see that the offending :censored: & their car came off second best.

Glad to hear that you only had some minor damage to the paint on your towbar aware :) Sounds like it could've been a lot worse.

I'd have gone one step further (unless you already have) if it was me & gone to the police & reported it :iconwink:
You never know your luck, they (police) might even look into it further & issue him with a big fine & sieze the :censored: car for a bit aswell.

Mr Turbo
I'd be ropable too :mob:
That was good quick thinking on your side Shiv for getting pics & details of the other driver & giving them to the security guard.
Well done :bananatoast:
Good to see that the offending :censored: & their car came off second best.

Glad to hear that you only had some minor damage to the paint on your towbar aware :) Sounds like it could've been a lot worse.

I'd have gone one step further (unless you already have) if it was me & gone to the police & reported it :iconwink:
You never know your luck, they (police) might even look into it further & issue him with a big fine & sieze the :censored: car for a bit aswell.

Mr Turbo

Definitely a big thanks to Shiv - I think it could have been interesting if he weren't there, as it appears that security couldn't have cared less.....

I was very relieved when Subaru gave me the good news - I wasn't expecting anything, however, if I didn't get it checked it'd be niggling at the back of my mind. At first I was going to get it checked when it was getting serviced this friday, but I just wanted it checked ASAP. Greg and Andrew were great, I rang at 6pm on Monday, and I had the car in the carpark at 10am - drove out at 10:45am Tuesday. It certainly could have been a lot worse if the towbar wasn't there. Mum now wants to get a towbar for her MY09!

I agree Mr Turbo, however, I think it could do worse for me - security weren't interested when I spoke to them about filing a report (or trying to get an incident number off them just in case any further proceedings had to be undertaken) and I think because it was on uni grounds nothing may come from it - my other concern is (and still a major one) that if I went to the police and they started chasing him he knows my car, my phone number (thanks for that security - check with me before giving out my number) and I'm not saying anything could happen, but I'd rather some paint off my towbar than, well, who knows what a pissed off idiot could do to the car. If there was more damage etc I'd have done that immediately.

I will say one thing though - I had another full day at Uni today, and I've never been so paranoid about which carpark to take.....
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I cracked my 4mm thick aluminum sump guard!!!!! :surprised: Its completely stuffed. Bent like all hell and unrepairable.

And to think I was offroading for the first 9 months of owning my Forester and had nothing there, not even the stock plastic piece of :censored:


I believe that's what they call murphy's law Taza!

But sorry to hear that mate - sounds like a great reason for the upgrade though!
Hey Taza, Just think of the damage you would have caused, should the sump guard not have been there.

What did i to today? Well 'Wanda' (my Forester), she got herself some new kicks. A nice new set of Yokohama AT-S. And since the new shoes looked so nice, I gave her a wash.


Yeah Joel, im quite thankful for it. Best 'Keep Off Dune' sign guard ever it was. I am going to take the sump off on the weekend and bash the dent out with a bit of 2x4 wood and a hammer. Then get my mechanic to check the oil pressure just too make sure.

Got a big trip comming up for Lisa (My Forester) early next month. Got the time off work and am getting my lift done too along with heaps of travelling and scenery. I just want her to be ready for the 4000+km trip.

They are great tyres Joel. Have you had them before? I have done around 5000km on mine and they look like new. Even with some hard driving when I like to get a heavy right foot :iconwink::biggrin:

I was thinking a steel sump guard but will probably go with another aluminum one. Probably better that it bends and maybe brakes than a steel one putting more pressure on Lisa. maybe 6 or 7mm thick aluminum.

I saw aware's car today in the parking lot this morning. Parked a mile away from anyone else, haha.

The dude that hit your car was such an idiot. His poor girlfriend did NOT look impressed! He maintained that he "lost control" - errr no ****! The skid marks told us he lost control because of a heavy right foot. Just tell us you were drifting and be done with it...

I took lots of photos and even video! But my phones memory filled up and it said it switched the memory it was using. I can't find them. I'm going to plug it into the computer and see if I can locate them - will keep you updated!
I know what you mean aware :) Sometimes it's just better to just walk away :iconwink:

Thats what sump guards are there for taza, hence there (other) name; bash plate :lol: Sounds like it has served you well & served it's purpose. Like joel_57 said, you're lucky it was there :cool: Who knows what sort of damage you would have had if it wasn't :cool:

Nice choice of boots you chose joel_57, you're really going to like them, trust me :iconwink:

Mr turbo
Thats what sump guards are there for taza, hence there (other) name; bash plate :lol: Sounds like it has served you well & served it's purpose. Like joel_57 said, you're lucky it was there :cool: Who knows what sort of damage you would have had if it wasn't :cool:

Yes im very lucky. The sump itself has abit of a wack in it and I booked the old girl in today for Moday to get the oil pressure checked. They are also gonna pop a camera in the sump (drain the oil) and just take a look, make sure everything is ok. Will rig up another one before my big trip in two weeks :biggrin:

Nice choice of boots you chose joel_57, you're really going to like them, trust me :iconwink:

Your 100% right there. Very very good tyres. Extremely capable offroad and onroad absolutely brilliant. So far I have done nearly 5000km and no sign of wear. I am suprised since my last set of tyres I got less than a year ago Dunlop PT2 H/T I only got 18,000~km from them.

Thanks guys, nah I haven't had them before, but after talking to Mr Turbo, TroyXT, OutbackBen, and Foresterman, everyone seemed very happy with them. I just got 62,000km from my Toyo HTs, which went everywhere from outback QLD, to the Watagans, Abercrombie, and the Flinders Ranges. I was very happy with those, but wanted some ATs, and the AT-S' were the logical choice.


I stripped out the cargo barrier, stereo, uhf and driving lights today Sooby's been declared a total loss after the nice man hit her in the back so it's sayonara on Monday. Bought a D21 Navara Dual cab today, I wanted more space than a forester offered (even with roof racks).
I stripped out the cargo barrier, stereo, uhf and driving lights today Sooby's been declared a total loss after the nice man hit her in the back so it's sayonara on Monday. Bought a D21 Navara Dual cab today, I wanted more space than a forester offered (even with roof racks).

:sad: Sorry to hear. At least you were able to salvage some of your goodies.

No need to be a stranger though. We'd love to have you stick around.:ebiggrin:
Sorry to hear that about your Sooby :sadbanana:
Like carljwnc said please stick around :)

Mr Turbo
Damn thats a bummer.. Funny because i went for a dual cab too when the subie packed it in.

Oh well, the LRW is fixed and kicking. I just came back from teaching my sister to drive it interestingly enough.
Here's hoping i dont get a call tonight about somthing she's done to it!
Got an alignment done yesterday, after 10k mi. and several wheelin' trips, only the right front toe, and my steering wheel was out a bit.:ebiggrin: Not bad considering...
Thats not bad at all really :iconwink: As you say, your YotaRu has had it's fair share of offroading during the past 10K miles :ebiggrin:

Great to hear that you'll be sticking around 97RXLTD :)

Mr Turbo