I thought there was a general "post pictures of your Subaru" thread here somewhere, but I can't seem to find it right.. So, I guess I'll post these here..
I've been
slowly starting to explore the area near a local lake, to try to find the off-road trails that I see on Google Maps that lead from an overlook down to the lakeside.. or at least closer to the lakeside.. I will admit that I haven't gotten too far on that quest yet. But, here are a few pics from after dinner last night..
I found one trail down, but I'm not going to try it. That right-hand side looks a little too washed out for me, especially after you go down a little ways..
And I found a trail that I hadn't noticed before. It kind of "drops off," so I thought it was more of a bike trail than anything else. So, I hadn't looked down there until last night..
I think I need to walk that a ways before I try to go down through there.. I don't want to get 100 yds down, find out it's washed out, and have to backup all that way.. :lol:
Here is one back up to where I had parked my OB. You can kind of see part of the drop-off, I mentioned..
And here are two from up top that I liked the best.. Unfortunately, I had a lot of glare from the sun. So, I had to do some heavy post-processing on them..