I decided to do some problem diagnostics this afternoon in preperation for the big weekend and the rece i am doing tomorrow. Basically my car was shuddering when engaging the clutch, the driveline was thuding when changing gears, and there was a knocking when steering and going over some bumps. I figured shudder was maybe an uneven clutch face that i wouldn't worry about, the bang might be a diff hanger bush or something and the steering knock would be a loose steering rack or front end bushes.
First up i thought a loose steering rack would be easy to fix, but no the bolts for that where tight. Then i decided, well maybe check the engine cross member nuts while i'm here since that is what the rack is bolted to. Lo and behold, they were loose! Tightening them immediately solved all of the above problems. I'll add that i mentioned this problem to the mechanics who did my last two services and they came up with nothing.