Sounds like a great trip, Barry

All the better for not being barbecued ...
I cannot understand why people are so surprised when it gets flaming hot with huge bushfires in this country. I recall driving across from Adelaide to Brisbane via Broken Hill in the 1970s. For about 800 kms, all one could see was burned country. Even from the top of the ridge road the eastern side of BH - black as far as the eye could see on both sides. A young local firefighter had been killed the morning we stopped at a servo for some lunch; always sad, and we should honour the dead by our remembrance of them for their sacrifice to their (our ... ) community. I do.
I also pause and give thought at every war memorial I see. I really couldn't give a stuff about Anzac Day or Remembrance Day, even though I pause then to remember them. I often think that we are only here at all due to the sacrifice of those who lost their lives so that we may live free; and specially for those who lived, but gave everything they had for us - their sanity and humanity especially - nonetheless ...
{shuffle; soap box returned to storage, for the moment ...

Getting back to cars ...
I used ordinary mineral oil in Roo1 all its life, and on the trip to Brisbane in late 2011, it used no oil or water in about 4,500 kms, even though the temps were around 40°C for all except a couple of my driving days. It had around 230,000 kms on it then, so considerably "younger" than your Charlie. Also towing the camper and the weight wouldn't have helped.
I am using full synthetic in Roo2 and RonnyRoo. Neither of them use any oil AFAICS. Wouldn't expect them to either, Roo2 is at about 107,000 kms, and RonnyRoo is coming up for 70,000 kms - not properly run in yet.
SWMBO collected her first speeding ticket in about 20+ years on New Year's Day ... 69 in a 60 zone. I will be pleading for them to reduce it to an "Official Warning" notice instead. She has always said that it is
very easy to go fast in RonnyRoo ...