Gidday Taza
Put my girl in storage yesterday then drove 800km home in dads ute.
God I love turbo diesels!!! Instant overtaking power and can actually pull up hills in 5th gear.unlike my slow arse foz..
Yeah. Coming back from Brissy last year I was following a bloke in one in the Impreza and had real trouble keeping up - until we came to some "slight" corners, that is ... Even so ... :lol:. Mind, the Impreza was around 100K overdue for new plugs. However, it was still (much) faster than your Foz, by the sound of things. Flat chat was around 160+ km/h, compared with around 176-178 km/h when the plugs (and car) were somewhat newer! :rotfl:.
Bought myself a new subwoofer for the foz as a Chrissy present. Peaks at 1300watt and is a pioneer unit.
Works heaps better than the old one. Much deeper bass and goes harder.
I made quite a few people deff along the freeway yesterday while blasting this - Scream and Shout - ft. Britney Spears (Lyric Video) - YouTube
That's great ... But that's
DEAF, not "deff" ... just for those whose hearing is shot from too much
LOUD MUSIC ... :lol: :rotfl:... You ought to hear the opening of the Carmina Burana by Carl Orff through my 15" Tannoy Monitor Golds - 130 piece symphony orchestra and two full choirs (100+ in each - King's College Cambridge and Wandsworth Boys Choir, IIRC ... ) all going at it hammer and tongs. Either that or the Stones "Paint it Black" will blow a candle out a foot in front of the speaker ...

In "real horsepower", that's 50W RMS per channel into 16 Ohms, both channels driven, in the power bandwidth of 20-20,000 cycles (flat response: ±0.5%) - total harmonic distortion = 0.028% right channel; 0.029% left channel ... :ebiggrin: :biggrin:

Mind, they are a bit hard to fit into a car, each speaker box weighs around 130 pounds, including the 32 pounds each for the speaker itself.
Safe trip home and back, mate.