What have you done to your car today?

Yeah, thought about that, still thinking... Easy to remove before a trip.

At the moment it is straight, but hopefully its the first stage of adding a snorkel like Troys. Squezzing a bendable pipe up the inner fender guard to the base where Troys starts... Oh the joy, no for the money.
I put a rocket/missile switch cover on my fan cut out/kill switch today. :)

I did this because there was a small incident on our recent trip where I bumped the switch, that turned off the fans, & caused my engine to overheat. :redface: :furious:
Something I most defiantly don't want to happen again. :shake:




Mr Turbo
Looks good Damian and should stop you bumping it next time.

Got car serviced and a new fuel pump installed. Forester run sooo much better now. :lol:
Bought the 102mm holesaw to install my snorkel. Damn that's a big hole :eek:

Going to start the install tomorrow if all goes to plan.
Looks good Damian and should stop you bumping it next time.
Lets hope so. I don't what to do it again, as I may not be so lucky next time. :bcool:

Bought the 102mm holesaw to install my snorkel. Damn that's a big hole :eek:

Going to start the install tomorrow if all goes to plan.
It sure is & it looks even bigger when you see the actual hole once you've drilled it. :eek:
You'll have to post up some pics of the install once it's done. :)

Mr Turbo
You'll have to post up some pics of the install once it's done. :)

Will do. Sure picked the wrong day to start. It's rather warm out.

OEM washer bottle and intake are out, lower airbox is modded, inner guard hole is drilled and shaped. Just have to drill the outer guard for the intake tube and mounting studs. Then I can rust guard all the bare metal and let it dry overnight and then fit it all up in the morning.
The company I work for owns WhiteKnight paints so I'm just using the stuff I have experience with.

Car now has a massive hole in the outer guard and a few smaller ones :eek: Good news is everything lines up :biggrin:

Two more small holes to drill and I'm done. Just waiting for the sun to go down a little
Thought that I give the Karcher that I got myself for xmas a good workout & washed my Forry aswell as a polish. :raz:

:censored: me there was some dirt on it, especially under it & in the wheel arches. :eek:

Tomorrow I'll polish the bullbar & finish it off with a good wax & if there's any time left, I might even clean the inside aswell. :)

Mr Turbo
^ what, with the heat we had yesterday - you guys must be crazy! :iconwink:
I'd say the only crazy part was giving it a good clean & polish, cause it's only going to get dirty again. :lol:

It wasn't that bad really (heat wise) as I started nice & early (8am) before the heat really started to bite. Then at around 6pm once it cooled down a little in the evening I started polishing it. :iconwink:

Mr Turbo
Got the snorkel install finished. Glad today was a bit cooler. Have a CEL showing ATM so I've got the battery disconnected. I'm hoping it's just the fact I turned the ign on for accessory power a few times with the air flow sensor disconnected while I was working on it and it's picked that up.


Not a job I'd want to do every day. Hopefully I haven't missed anything and it's sealed up nicely and I didn't miss painting anything.
Got the snorkel install finished.
Looks good mate. It really suits it. Well done. :bananatoast:
Hopefully I haven't missed anything and it's sealed up nicely and I didn't miss painting anything.
I'm sure you got everything.
As long as it doesn't fall off when you hit the first bump (like I saw happen once :redface:) you'll be fine. :)

Mr Turbo
Have a CEL showing ATM so I've got the battery disconnected. I'm hoping it's just the fact I turned the ign on for accessory power a few times with the air flow sensor disconnected while I was working on it and it's picked that up.

** yep, probably. Subarus will do that too.

Not a job I'd want to do every day. Hopefully I haven't missed anything and it's sealed up nicely and I didn't miss painting anything.

You can test it by blocking the intake - if the motor dies - you're good.

Looks like a job well done!
You can test it by blocking the intake - if the motor dies - you're good.

I'll ahve to try that but I'm not sure that it's 100% accurate. It could be possible for there to be small leaks that'll let water in but not enough air to run the engine.

Anyway, today I installed the motion detection over ride. The in dash touch screen that I have that controls GPS, phone, stereo, ipod, DVD etc disabeld most of it's functions when in motion. Obviosuly intended as a safety feature but annoying when your passenger can't change to a different album on the ipod or enter an address in the GPS. Someone on the Pajero forum came up with a little gadget so that when you turn it on it feeds the unit a wrong speed pulse so you can use the features that are usually disabled. Interferes with accurate GPS readings so it's not something you leave on all the time but it works a treat.

Another project ticked off the list.
In the process of de-chroming my car (Possibly de-badging too), first thing was first, removed grill, primed, 5 coats of Matt Black, 5 of Clear. Still managed a decent job, a few imperfections but meh... Stone chips await anyway.
A small esky i use for my fish tipped over in the rear. I had taken the fillets out but it had blood in it. Went through my carpet and down to the metal and spread out. It stunk:furious::puke:!!
I had to pull out everything and wash it. I think some has managed to soak up in the rear seat. I have extra soundproofing matting down and some has also got into this. Don't know if i can get rid of it all yet.
Also did an oil change a few days ago.
Installed my new front speakers and added some sound deadening while the doors were apart. Sounds better but I don't think the stock amp is up to it so that'll have to change down the track.