What have you done to your car today?

Hoping to get it lower but nothing too crazy, hoping to find SF specific swift springs or similar.

In other news I just ordered ironman springs for my Foz, going to take about 60 days to get here though.
Just ordered 2 sets of H&R camber bolts and a set of whiteline rear subframe locking bolts for the Grey Fox. Wheel alignment here we come!
Gidday E.J.


Brought home another one. This is going to be my wife's DD (replacing an extremely reliable/horridly brown brown Camry), this one will be going the opposite direction of my foz :quitar:

That looks to be one real ripper of a car, mate. Congrats on becoming a two Forester family ... :rotfl:
When does the new baby come home?

I looked at one that model with that sort of kit for me (the lot, with extras ... :ebiggrin: :cool:). Very nice set of wheels indeed. Unfortunately the one I looked at had a tired engine, and something wrong with its alignment, either wheels or chassis. Love Roo2, even though SWMBO's MY10 makes mine look a bit shabby! Hers is very posh!! Still even smells like a new car :).

My SWMBO has all but forgotten about her white, white Camry after only 4 weeks ... :ebiggrin:
Not really, she still feels nostalgic about it because her Dad gave it to her when he stopped driving, 6~7 years before he died (at 92 y.o. ... ), a very generous gift to us, which we will never forget. But not particularly as a car ... :iconwink:

Hope your wife loves hers. Mine has always been well aware of how much better the primary safety was in my Impreza, even though there was nothing particularly wrong with the Camry in that regard, the Impreza was on a different plane altogether.

ENJOY :biggrin:
Very nice EJ. No lift hey...tell her it'll help her drive over curbs for a better parking spot lol :iconwink:

Just ordered 2 sets of H&R camber bolts and a set of whiteline rear subframe locking bolts for the Grey Fox. Wheel alignment here we come!

What are "rear subframe locking bolts"?

Have sent you a PM
I cleaned more of Rusty today. I need to order valve seals and a couple other things before I start the mini rebuild. I am hoping I can get it all together ASAP. I hate dumping money in the Cummins as a DD :(

Congrats on the new (to you) Forry :raz:

Hoping to get it lower but nothing too crazy, hoping to find SF specific swift springs or similar.

Very nice EJ. No lift hey...tell her it'll help her drive over curbs for a better parking spot lol :iconwink:
Thats a good one, I like that :lol:

Great job on you're Forry too aware. Looks fantastic :bling:

Mr Turbo
Nice Pickup E.J. Congrats!

Great job on you're Forry too aware. Looks fantastic
Thanks Mr T.
You still got the MY05, aware? Still up at Macq these days? MY09 looks nice!

Thanks Shiv. Yeah, still got the MY05. And yep, still at Macq. What about yourself?
Thanks Shiv. Yeah, still got the MY05. And yep, still at Macq. What about yourself?
Good stuff. Hopefully the MQ drifters stay away from your car!! (never found those photos I took of it unfortunately).

Yeh I'm still there. My last semester is coming up and then I'm finished :cool:
Good stuff. Hopefully the MQ drifters stay away from your car!! (never found those photos I took of it unfortunately).

Yeh I'm still there. My last semester is coming up and then I'm finished :cool:

Haha. I have seen that car around again though. I stay well clear of it.

Lucky! For me Commerce isn't done until this time next year, and then Law will either be another 3 years, or 6 years part time. I feel like I won't be leaving for a while.....
Haha. I have seen that car around again though. I stay well clear of it.

Lucky - For me Commerce isn't done until this time next year, and then Law will either be another 3 years, or 6 years part time. I feel like I won't be leaving for a while.....
Wow yeh that is a long period of study. That'll be a solid double though, so good luck with that.

I gotta admit I'm at that phase where I'm over study and just keen to get myself some full time work come end of this year. I'll probably take that back once it actually happens though haha...
Noticed an issue with power/acceleration when trying to accelerate anything quicker than slowly between 60-110kph. The car would almost stutter/bounce and I would have to ease off the accelerator.

Looks like a visit to the mechanic is in order.
Blew both headlight globes...at the same time!:eek:

The lights were in the on position, briefly came on while turning the car over, then as soon as the car started they both immediately blew :huh:

I wonder if there was a voltage surge. Has anyone else had this happen?

Had to put the standard globes back in...not impressed after my super mega hyper bright Phillips rally 130/100W globes :shake: