What have you done to your car today?

I hear you taza :iconwink:
I'm starting to feel the same with my Geolander AT-S tyres. Not in a big way mind you, but enough to notice.
By the way, I'm down to about the final 15% (8-10K) or so of their tread life.

Mr Turbo
I hear you taza :iconwink:
I'm starting to feel the same with my Geolander AT-S tyres. Not in a big way mind you, but enough to notice.
By the way, I'm down to about the final 15% (8-10K) or so of their tread life.

Mr Turbo

Ok, yep. A great tyre non the less though..

how many ks did you get to this set?

how many ks did you get to this set?
I've done about 40Km's so far & have about (as I said) 8-10km's left in them (at least)

I'm sure I could easily push that a little further too (of whats left to say 15KM's) if I wanted to. Thus getting 55-60KM's out of them in total.
I'd rather sacrifice the last couple of '000km's though, to be on the safe side.

A great tyre non the less though..
Yes I've been very happy with their performance & will be getting the same again; most definitely :)

Mr Turbo
I have found myself going through corners with massive understeer... no swaybars probably don't help either though.

I hear you taza :iconwink:
I'm starting to feel the same with my Geolander AT-S tyres. Not in a big way mind you, but enough to notice.

What are your front camber settings?
I have a noticable amount of understeer now with the Pro comps fitted.
I'd like to try around -2 deg but my camber was already adjusted fully neg when I got it.
Would more camber combined with your lift kits increase outer cv wear?
Got the hitch installed last night, holy cr@p it was difficult to line up the bolt for the carbon canister.

Got a nail in my tire the other day, 3rd one in a year, what the heck?
Gidday Thunder

serviced the forester.
Always good to get done. Up till about 1995~98, I always did all the intermediate services on our cars. They only went to the 'doctor' for the major services.

hopefully ordering new clutch and rear strut tomorrow

What's wrong with your clutch?
How many Kms?
How easy/hard is it to do a clutch in a Forester?

If you have a strut problem, it will make quite a difference to the car.
The Camry (R.I.P.) had to have the front struts done about 1~2 years ago. The Impreza never had anything like this sort of stuff done to it. Same age, but about 65% more Kms ... Speaks for itself, really ... :) :cool:

Anyway, all the best with it all, mate.
Gidday Bob

Got the hitch installed last night, holy cr@p it was difficult to line up the bolt for the carbon canister.

"Hitch" and "carbon canister" don't seem to fit comfortably in the same sentence to me. What am I missing here :poke: :iconwink:?

We call a 'hitch' a 'tow bar' here in Oz. And they are right proper buggers of things to fit!

These have to comply with an Oz Standard here.

To rip one off the back of any car I have had one fitted to would require the destruction of most of the rear of the car!!

Got a nail in my tire the other day, 3rd one in a year, what the heck?

I had a period like that too. About 16 years ago now. Got to the stage where I would say "Oh no, not again", or words to that effect ... :iconwink: :lol:

About 6 or 7 flats over a period of 18 months. All nails. One of them was caused by running over a bit of builders scrap; piece of building ply with about 6~10 3" or 4" nails through it. Kinda completely wrecked that tyre!

What always surprised me about this (all were on my Impreza ... ) was that I didn't even notice while driving the car with a flat tyre! I can usually notice if the tyres are slightly out with pressure, but these were all at suburban speeds, and the car felt fine, just a bit "funny". Never lost a tyre off the rim, or anything like that. Noticed when I stopped the car and had a look. Also surprising is that mostly the tyre was OK.

My condolences. Hope that you are at the end of the "run"!!
Replaced the window with aerial in it. Reception has never been so good. Expensive way to fix a design error.
Gidday Thunder

Always good to get done. Up till about 1995~98, I always did all the intermediate services on our cars. They only went to the 'doctor' for the major services.

What's wrong with your clutch?
How many Kms?
How easy/hard is it to do a clutch in a Forester?

If you have a strut problem, it will make quite a difference to the car.
The Camry (R.I.P.) had to have the front struts done about 1~2 years ago. The Impreza never had anything like this sort of stuff done to it. Same age, but about 65% more Kms ... Speaks for itself, really ... :) :cool:

Anyway, all the best with it all, mate.

g'day ratbag.
the car has now done 165,000. i have always done the servicing myself on this car at 10,000ks but as with you more major repairs it goes to the shop.

The clutch slips regularly in 2nd and 3rd especially at about 2,500rpm its the original clutch that i also learnt to drive manual in, so hasn't had a easy life.
dont know how hard it is to replace, but im not doing it, my local machanic is (uncle) so at least its cost price parts.

The shock is very loud even on smooth roads i can hear it bashing away. it was leaking about a year ago so it was going to happen sooner or later.

hoping to get these done in two weeks time
G'day again Thunder

g'day ratbag.
the car has now done 165,000. i have always done the servicing myself on this car at 10,000ks but as with you more major repairs it goes to the shop.

The clutch slips regularly in 2nd and 3rd especially at about 2,500rpm its the original clutch that i also learnt to drive manual in, so hasn't had a easy life.
dont know how hard it is to replace, but im not doing it, my local machanic is (uncle) so at least its cost price parts.

I recall burning a couple of clutches in my youth. All my own work ...
As you rightly say, having a person learning to drive a manual car is very rough on a clutch.

I also managed to bugger up a couple of gearboxes before I learned to treat them with more respect. Usually after many tens of thousands of miles. I had a couple of mates who wrecked their gearboxes between one oil change and the next with monotonous regularity! At least I wasn't quite as bad as that ... :neutral:

The shock is very loud even on smooth roads i can hear it bashing away. it was leaking about a year ago so it was going to happen sooner or later.

hoping to get these done in two weeks time

Yeah, leaving suspension bits un-repaired can cause uneven tyre wear, and once that has started the only thing that will fix it is new tyres and a full alignment. Makes a relatively cheap repair very expensive. I learned that lesson the hard way too!
G'day again Thunder

I recall burning a couple of clutches in my youth. All my own work ...
As you rightly say, having a person learning to drive a manual car is very rough on a clutch.

I also managed to bugger up a couple of gearboxes before I learned to treat them with more respect. Usually after many tens of thousands of miles. I had a couple of mates who wrecked their gearboxes between one oil change and the next with monotonous regularity! At least I wasn't quite as bad as that ... :neutral:

Been there and done that :iconwink: :lol:
I can feel the gearbox in the L-Series having a slight crunch into 3rd and 1st is a little rough to go in sometimes if you still moving too fast... Some of the hardcore burnouts did help that I previously did in it.
G'day again Thunder

I recall burning a couple of clutches in my youth. All my own work ...
As you rightly say, having a person learning to drive a manual car is very rough on a clutch.

I also managed to bugger up a couple of gearboxes before I learned to treat them with more respect. Usually after many tens of thousands of miles. I had a couple of mates who wrecked their gearboxes between one oil change and the next with monotonous regularity! At least I wasn't quite as bad as that ... :neutral:

Yeah, leaving suspension bits un-repaired can cause uneven tyre wear, and once that has started the only thing that will fix it is new tyres and a full alignment. Makes a relatively cheap repair very expensive. I learned that lesson the hard way too!

yes the clutch hasnt had a easy life thats for sure. my gearbox is still good some slop but ok, hoping i dont have to replace that any time soon, hopefully when the time comes i will looking for a upgrade.
i cant imagine going through gearboxs that quickly! too much money :raspberry:

not to much tyre wear on the wheel yet but will getting a rotation while its on the hoist. in the 35,000ks ive had the tyres i have not a rotation yet :shake: with only some inner tyre wear on the front
G'day again mate

yes the clutch hasnt had a easy life thats for sure. my gearbox is still good some slop but ok, hoping i dont have to replace that any time soon, hopefully when the time comes i will looking for a upgrade.
i cant imagine going through gearboxs that quickly! too much money :raspberry:

I am talking about gearboxes that were quite primitive by today's standards. Almost zero gearboxes in the 1950s and '60s had synchro on first, for example. Having synchro on first was just an invitation for it to break! We were taught never to put a car into first while moving at all. Constant mesh gearboxes were really only just starting to appear in "cheap" cars around then.

Many first gear sets were also straight-cut, sliding gears, with two teeth on one gear engaging with three on the other gear. Fairly strong in use, but easy as hell to break! Helical cut spur gears for first gear were still in the future for most cars, along with synchromesh ... Helical cut gears spread the load force FAR more evenly between the teeth of the two gears.

The two Ferraris I have driven had no syncromesh at all on any gear!
Just like driving the tractors on the farm and grazing property our family owned then.

not to much tyre wear on the wheel yet but will getting a rotation while its on the hoist. in the 35,000ks ive had the tyres i have not a rotation yet :shake: with only some inner tyre wear on the front

Much as I hate to admit to it, my Impreza tyres only got rotated once per set ... About once in 28~45,000 Kms ...
[EDIT] The tyres on my Impreza lasted from 56,000 kms (worst) to 96,000 kms (best). Michelins in both cases! [end edit]

I think I will have to be more diligent with the Foresters, specially with SWMBO's. Tyres for it seem to cost a small fortune! Tyres for Roo2 are not fiendishly, horribly expensive. Just not cheap either.
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I have found myself going through corners with massive understeer... no swaybars probably don't help either though.
I hear you taza :iconwink:
I'm starting to feel the same with my Geolander AT-S tyres. Not in a big way mind you, but enough to notice.
What are your front camber settings?
I wouldn't have the slightest idea mate :o
But then again, I haven't had a wheel alignment for a while either :redface:

However, I can say that there is no abnormal / uneven tyre wear :cool:

After saying that, it might be a good time to have an alignment done I think :iconwink:

Mr Turbo
When I got my W/A done, I asked for the max neg camber front & .25deg rear.

Front was basically neutral & rear (with the help of camber bolts) as asked, but for some reason added total toe in of 2.8mmm???

I really dont like the handling on dirt ever since, onroad isnt too bad though.
When I got my W/A done, I asked for the max neg camber front & .25deg rear.

Front was basically neutral & rear (with the help of camber bolts) as asked, but for some reason added total toe in of 2.8mmm???

I really dont like the handling on dirt ever since, onroad isnt too bad though.

the toe will be out due to the springs mine is the same