Gidday All
Thanks for your concerns and good wishes.
Sounds like a close call with the key Ratbag.
Glad that you were able to sort it out without doing any damage, to both the key & the ignition barrel
A BIG sigh of relief when my car's key came out in one piece;
An even bigger one when SWMBO's key worked properly, with no sign of resistance or damage of any kind.
Could have been far worse Ratbag - well done on getting it sorted without coughing up copious amounts of money. Hope you're both enjoying Roo3. We haven't had that experience, but I have seen mum grab her keys, and wonder why my car keeps flashing... :lol:
NOT the day for that, mate ...
But yes, SWMBO is still very nervous as so new; and so used to driving the Camry, as I was with Roo1 (so am I after reading "War and Peace" - aka the Owner's Manual ... ).
Lucky to get out of that one mate.
Quite right, ST.
Could have been VERY nasty indeed.
I didn't have visions of sugar plum fairies, more like visions of a bank loan for fixing the flaming thing!!
I know what's involved in removing the lock assembly from the steering column - security bolts; drills; buying a new yoke and bolts and ignition lock assembly .... gave me the heebie-jeebies just thinking about it until I managed to fix it!
But hey, the car even has reclining back seats

; LOVE the rear armrest and tray for comestibles ...
The tilt AND reach adjustable steering wheel is terrific.
The inability to display both the main odometer and trip odometer at the same time
sucks - bloody accountants ...

The D/S convex external mirror is alarming.
May have to get it replaced with a 'proper' flat one ...
It does look HUGE next to Roo2 in the drive ... According to the OM, it has 0.8 inch more ground clearance than Roo2 (8.7" vs 7.9" for Oz models).
There is a lot more rear leg room, and the rear seats are more comfortable than in Roo2.
AND SWMBO reckons the automatic rear seat fold down is fabulous ...
So just my impressions after a very stressful end to the day ...
And this I just
cannot believe. With all the cars both new and used, that my family, myself and SWMBO have ever bought over all these years, NOT ONE has come with a full fuel tank; not ever.
Brighton Holden sent us off in RonnyRoo with a fuel tank that is absolutely chockers ...
GOOD ON THEM. THAT is what I call good customer relations.
In fact, neither of us could fault their service in any way, shape or form.