What have you done to your car today?

Sounds like a close call with the key Ratbag.
Glad that you were able to sort it out without doing any damage, to both the key & the ignition barrel :)

Mr Turbo
Gidday All

Thanks for your concerns and good wishes.

Sounds like a close call with the key Ratbag.
Glad that you were able to sort it out without doing any damage, to both the key & the ignition barrel :)

A BIG sigh of relief when my car's key came out in one piece;
An even bigger one when SWMBO's key worked properly, with no sign of resistance or damage of any kind.

Could have been far worse Ratbag - well done on getting it sorted without coughing up copious amounts of money. Hope you're both enjoying Roo3. We haven't had that experience, but I have seen mum grab her keys, and wonder why my car keeps flashing... :lol:

NOT the day for that, mate ...
But yes, SWMBO is still very nervous as so new; and so used to driving the Camry, as I was with Roo1 (so am I after reading "War and Peace" - aka the Owner's Manual ... ).

Lucky to get out of that one mate.

Quite right, ST.
Could have been VERY nasty indeed.
I didn't have visions of sugar plum fairies, more like visions of a bank loan for fixing the flaming thing!!

I know what's involved in removing the lock assembly from the steering column - security bolts; drills; buying a new yoke and bolts and ignition lock assembly .... gave me the heebie-jeebies just thinking about it until I managed to fix it!

But hey, the car even has reclining back seats :cool:; LOVE the rear armrest and tray for comestibles ...

The tilt AND reach adjustable steering wheel is terrific.

The inability to display both the main odometer and trip odometer at the same time sucks - bloody accountants ... :twisted:.

The D/S convex external mirror is alarming.
May have to get it replaced with a 'proper' flat one ...

It does look HUGE next to Roo2 in the drive ... According to the OM, it has 0.8 inch more ground clearance than Roo2 (8.7" vs 7.9" for Oz models).

There is a lot more rear leg room, and the rear seats are more comfortable than in Roo2.

AND SWMBO reckons the automatic rear seat fold down is fabulous ...

So just my impressions after a very stressful end to the day ...

And this I just cannot believe. With all the cars both new and used, that my family, myself and SWMBO have ever bought over all these years, NOT ONE has come with a full fuel tank; not ever.

Brighton Holden sent us off in RonnyRoo with a fuel tank that is absolutely chockers ...

GOOD ON THEM. THAT is what I call good customer relations.
In fact, neither of us could fault their service in any way, shape or form.
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That was a VERY close call RB, so glad you didnt stuff the lock :)

You'll get used to the convex external mirror and learn to like it for the extra vision it gives you. Is it the Driver's side or passenger? Never seen one D/S before
Gidday NL

That was a VERY close call RB, so glad you didnt stuff the lock :)
Not half so much as I am, mate ... :ebiggrin:
You'll get used to the convex external mirror and learn to like it for the extra vision it gives you. Is it the Driver's side or passenger? Never seen one D/S before

Both sides ...
I keep telling SWMBO that she will get used to it. Hope so.

Crikey, I recall saying here that my Fox is smarter than I am - her's definitely is!! Still trying to work out how to work the radio/CD. Love the leather steering wheel with the wheel mounted cruise and stereo controls :biggrin:.

Dinner's up ... :)
Made the 1000km in my $300 L-Series. Yeah boi!!!!!
The carby started dying and surging the ladt 100km which caused us to have to do 60-90km/hr the rest of the way.

Also adjusted the clutch ad the grabbing pint is about 3-5mn as you come of the clutch. Now tight and like a normal car :)
Yesterday got the oil, clutch fluid and rear diff fluid changed. Then drove it for half an hour in stop and go traffic - worst conditions, a little too fast for 1st, too slow for 2nd, I had to down shift to 1st a ton of times... The foz HATES downshifting to 1st. :P
Different oil may help- what are you running in the gearbox? I have the problem only when the oil is cold
Get in the hole dammit!


After much beating, swearing and sweating, my spare is getting pretty close to fitting in the wheel well. There's a little bit with a double skin giving me a hard time, I'm going to try a bigger hammer.
Gidday ST

Get in the hole dammit!

After much beating, swearing and sweating, my spare is getting pretty close to fitting in the wheel well. There's a little bit with a double skin giving me a hard time, I'm going to try a bigger hammer.

Just make sure there aren't any fuel lines or other vaguely important things running between the double skinned parts, mate ...

I could lend you a Canadian block splitter (best invention, ever ... ), but the freight would be a killer!

BTW, I agree that the most important part is using the right "magic words" ... :rotfl:
Gidday All

SWMBO took us for a drive in RonnyRoo down the freeway in the rain to a regional art gallery.

First time on other than suburban roads.
First time off the bitumen (in the car park, :rotfl:).

Very nice. Very comfortable. Very stable on the road.
Badly needs the 'detail crap' cleaned off the windscreen and wipers ... So does Roo2!

Interesting to watch the fuel use gauge vary from 4.2L/100 kms to 50 ... !!

Seems that the electronic throttle is very sensitive to the slightest change in foot pressure ...
Gidday NL

Normally varies between about 2.0 and around 20 ...

But very interesting to watch, and contemplate the ramifications for available fuel in the engine, and therefore the available torque ... Helps to explain the very flat torque curve.

SWMBO keeps commenting about how it seems to have plenty of zip ... :iconwink: :lildevil:
I've just returned from an overnight stay in Canberra, and I've now officially had it with the stupid idea of running car aerials in windows. For the second time the rotten clip has come off, so today I bought a replacement window. The WRX runs one through the "A" pillar- a far smarter idea. As for the WRX, at the last skidpan I had to retire early due to the exhaust bracket being ripped off the pipe. The second hand exhaust I bought 10 years ago for some reason had a small section of mild steel in it- and the bracket was welded to that. Bu now rust had taken it's toll.

So I had a new section of stainless pipe, a new cat and a new flex joint installed. As soon as I drove out the door I noticed a change in the exhaust note, and then I noticed the car had more grunt. I could live with that. Clearly the cat had some degree of blockage. Fortunately, last weekend was our club dyno day- how's that for good timing! I ran it over the dyno to check to see if the less restricted cat would affect AFR's- they did not. The AFR's were good. And I had an extra 20kw at the wheels. I figured I could live with that.

I was in fact stunned, as the car only runs moderate boost and a moderate sized turbo to make it good on the skidpan. There was a 2 litre and a 2.5 litre, both with twin scroll turbos, tune and TBE and also an MY11 with exhaust and a tune and I had more power than them, while equalling a 2.0 litre with a turbo 2 sizes up on mine running more boost. And yet mine came on so strongly the derived torque curve is almost vertical- which impressed both myself and the workshop operator. So the car is not just a power producer, but has really good torque coming on really strongly and at reasonable RPM on moderate boost, meaning less stress. Needless to say I was delighted.
Great to hear Rally...20KW more would be nice. Many people whack on huge turbos with huge exhausts expecting huge gains, but unless its all matched incl the ECU & intake it could be a LOT of wasted cash. Sounds like you have a sweet setup :monkeydance:
Put the new starter motor in the Forester yesterday when I found time, turned the key and nothing happened :(
The car has been driven once in the past 3 weeks :( Still have to fix it's wheel bearing too. While the L-Series has done almost 3000km in the same time period and for the most part is running well :cool:
I didn't really DO something, rather added something to my car:


ahh Mt Isa where these are just sitting around doing nothing and people just give them away! ;)
My Forester has let me down once again with another sticky clutch pedal. Common issue on the earlier Foresters and already replaced the slave cylinder once (OEM). Failed again on me in traffic last night. Get my Land Cruiser back today so thinking of parting my Forester out. Sick of owning that car.