What have you done to your car today?

Well, for the second week now, I did NOT receive my much needed gaskets for Rusty :( I am actually getting pretty peeved at this.....

Gidday CF

My Forester has let me down once again with another sticky clutch pedal. Common issue on the earlier Foresters and already replaced the slave cylinder once (OEM). Failed again on me in traffic last night. Get my Land Cruiser back today so thinking of parting my Forester out. Sick of owning that car.

Sorry to hear about your master cylinder woes. From my understanding, the most common cause is trace amounts of water in the fluid causing corrosion :(. Wrong kind/grade of fluid can also cause these problems; as can mixing different brands/grades of fluid.

Back in the days when makers were switching from cast iron master cylinders to alloy ones, this was a very common problem. Alloy ones cannot be successfully re-bored.

I had several of my alloy ones machined oversize when they failed, and then had a brass sleeve pressed into them. This was then bored to size, and new cups fitted.
Cost was about the same as a new replacement cylinder, with the difference being that the brass sleeved one would last almost forever.

I don't know if anyone still does this sort of work. Probably not ... :( :(
Turns out it wasn't the slave cylinder that went, just a split in the clutch hose. Happened to have a SS replacement hose already. Problem is I cannot get the rubber clutch line undone from the metal piping. Been trying for ****ing ages. Any tips?

About ready to light my car on fire and claim insurance ;-)
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G'day again CF

Turns out it wasn't the slave cylinder that went, just a split in the clutch hose. Happened to have a SS replacement hose already. Problem is I cannot get the rubber clutch line undone from the metal piping. Been trying for ****ing ages. Any tips?

About reading to light my car on fire and claim insurance ;-)

I can understand that feeling only too well ... :(
Bloody stuff "welds" itself on.

If you have some spare rubber tube, or the existing bit is long enough, you can slit it lengthwise where it is over the metal tube, peel it off the metal tube, then cut that bit off and re-join to your metal tube.

Be very careful not to cut into the metal tubing if you are going to re-use that part ...

Good luck! Hope it works.
Turns out it wasn't the slave cylinder that went, just a split in the clutch hose. Happened to have a SS replacement hose already. Problem is I cannot get the rubber clutch line undone from the metal piping. Been trying for ****ing ages. Any tips?

I had the same problem. Got the end off the bellhousing easily enough but the other end (metal piping end) was stuck fast, the metal fittings had corroded together. I just soaked it in Penetrene overnight & it came loose the next day, albeit with some force lol.

Im presuming you mean the same clutch hose that goes between the slave cylinder & the metal piping from the master cylinder?
My AC refrigerant decided it didn't like being cooped up in my AC system anymore.:sad: It found a way out, and now it's gone.

Weighing options, I don't use it much, but sure is nice having it when I want it.
Gidday Carl

My AC refrigerant decided it didn't like being cooped up in my AC system anymore.:sad: It found a way out, and now it's gone.

Weighing options, I don't use it much, but sure is nice having it when I want it.

Just having this discussion over at Ausubaru here.

Thread starts here.

Same thing happened to the refrigerant in Roo1 a couple of years ago.

The thread referenced discusses alternatives to using R134A to replace R12, if that's what is in yours. If yours is already R134A, then just fix it and have it re-gassed.
If yours is already R134A, then just fix it and have it re-gassed.

R134A already, so I'm good there.:) Just have to debate, and figure out the cost of repairing it since I don't use it very much. AC on and I lose probably 20% of what little power I already have.:iconwink:
G'day again Carl

R134A already, so I'm good there.:)

That's the expensive part! I had to have all the seals etc changed in Roo1. That's what cost most of the horrendous repair bill.

Just have to debate, and figure out the cost of repairing it since I don't use it very much. AC on and I lose probably 20% of what little power I already have.:iconwink:

Yeah, but ...

Nothing demists a windscreen so quickly as the heater running flat chat with the air-con on too! We use ours for that in winter here (such as it is; winter, that is ... ).

The climate control models automatically switch it on if our w/s are fogged up. Love it ... :cool: :lol:

Also automatically switches it off if you sink the slipper into it. Great stuff :biggrin:.

Using the air-con in winter also keeps the seals lubricated, and is recommended by Subaru for that reason. At least 5 minutes per week, IIRC.
Nothing demists a windscreen so quickly as the heater running flat chat with the air-con on too! We use ours for that in winter here (such as it is; winter, that is ... ).

Using the air-con in winter also keeps the seals lubricated, and is recommended by Subaru for that reason. At least 5 minutes per week, IIRC.

An excellent reminder, yes, that is when I use the AC most (and most importantly).
Got the new SS clutch hose in this morning.
Now to re-pin the CV shafts, replace exhaust gaskets and put new disc rotors in.
Gidday CF

Got the new SS clutch hose in this morning.

Glad that worked out, finally. Don't you just hate days when nothing seems to go right?

Now to re-pin the CV shafts, replace exhaust gaskets and put new disc rotors in.

Have fun ... :iconwink: :)

Hope it all goes smoothly for you. :ebiggrin:
Today i installed rear bumper protection - looking good and protect from scratches while loadnig / unloading your stuff
56$ + easy 3 minutes installation time
Fixed a rattle near the overhead map lights that had been there since I bought the car. Removed the lining, stuffed all gaps with foam, and refitted it. Bingo!
Thats great to hear (or should I say now not to hear)
Those rattling sounds can be very frustrating, until you find the source & have them fixed.
Glad you were able to fix it :)

Mr Turbo
Took the Dulagarl to Subaru @ docklands to buy some fuel additive and some upper engine cleaner. Was nice to drive into the workshop and park near the parts reception, and watch some of the mechanics taking a good hard look at the vehicle.

Also bought a new spare serpetine belt which was about $60 from Burson. Next time I will buy one online from the US.

prepped the vehicle for the wimmera / mallee trip which starts tomorrow.
I got halfway through installing a trailer hitch on my subie. Some damn rusty nuts under there, in particular the exhaust hanger mount bolt. All ready for me to mount up the hitch tonight, hopefully with a few helping hands. Those curt hitches are heavy!
Finally got her (the foz) started after not driver her for about 3 weeks due to the dead starter motor and stuffed wheel bearing. Running well now, just needs the new engine and a few minor things done.

Oh and a Warning for anyon with Geolander AT-S tyres! Mine has almost reached their lifes end and with all the wet weather in Perth have become very slippery in the wet. I would say there is less than 20% thread left. I have found myself going through corners with massive understeer... no swaybars probably don't help either though.