What have you done to your car today?

One more teaser :)

Mounted my "new" offroad lights and mocked up the switch for them. I still need to make my relay and wire it all up, but thats what I have planned for tomorrow. Here are some pics of the current mockup...

Nicely tucked in...

Red switch is for the front lights, mini toggle is for a future endeavor ;)

They are very well protected and hidden :)

Close call!

Developed a 'rubbing' sound last night, got progressively worse on the way to work today, approx. 200km round trip. So dropped it off to my mechanic at lunchtime...
Collapsed front right wheel bearing, the wheel 'being held on by the caliper'.

FFS! Glad I didn't start the 75km trip home tonight and lose the front at 100kmh!

Believe it or not, no vibration feedback etc to identify this problem.

If I had dropped the front on the way home I would've been looking for another car!
Developed a 'rubbing' sound last night, got progressively worse on the way to work today, approx. 200km round trip. So dropped it off to my mechanic at lunchtime...
Collapsed front right wheel bearing, the wheel 'being held on by the caliper'.

FFS! Glad I didn't start the 75km trip home tonight and lose the front at 100kmh!

Believe it or not, no vibration feedback etc to identify this problem.

If I had dropped the front on the way home I would've been looking for another car!

Wow, close call Barry!!
Did it make a whoo'ing sound as the wheel rotated? My Forester has started making a noise in the rear passenger side. I'm not sure if it's a wheel bearing or possible CV, but the CV isn't damaged :confused: Could the wheel actually come off?
More a 'feel' than a sound...
With a destroyed wheel bearing it could presumably come off, or collapse sideways.
Presumably my disc could eventually have broken the caliper, then come off entirely, although would have to take out the castle nut as well.
More a 'feel' than a sound...
With a destroyed wheel bearing it could presumably come off, or collapse sideways.
Presumably my disc could eventually have broken the caliper, then come off entirely, although would have to take out the castle nut as well.

Ok, I can feel what ever mine is through the floor with my feel and in the drivers seat... :(
Struth Barry

Developed a 'rubbing' sound last night, got progressively worse on the way to work today, approx. 200km round trip. So dropped it off to my mechanic at lunchtime...
Collapsed front right wheel bearing, the wheel 'being held on by the caliper'.

FFS! Glad I didn't start the 75km trip home tonight and lose the front at 100kmh!

Believe it or not, no vibration feedback etc to identify this problem.

If I had dropped the front on the way home I would've been looking for another car!

I cannot believe that there was no clunking ... unreal.

Close call indeed!

I have had a ball joint break at highway speeds on a corner - sheer good luck that I could control the car to a stand still. Pretty alarming ...
I had a front wheel bearing die on a car that I drove. First thing I noticed was a R-E-A-L-L-Y long brake pedal. Then the car was difficult to steer. When we jacked up the car, the front wheel almost fell off- would have too but for the calliper. Tow job from Marulan to Mittagong
Developed a 'rubbing' sound last night, got progressively worse on the way to work today,.....
....Collapsed front right wheel bearing, the wheel 'being held on by the caliper'.

Believe it or not, no vibration feedback etc to identify this problem
I can mate.
I have no vibration in mine either.
But then again, it might not be the bearings that have gone on mine.

My Forester has started making a noise in the rear passenger side. I'm not sure if it's a wheel bearing or possible CV, but the CV isn't damaged :confused:
My Forry is starting to make a few ugly sounds to, but on the front end.
I first thought it might be a CV. But there's no visible damage (boots) & there's no grease oozing out any where.

More a 'feel' than a sound...

Ok, I can feel what ever mine is through the floor with my feel and in the drivers seat... :(
Yep, me too.
I tend to feel mine through the front of my foot.

I cannot believe that there was no clunking ... unreal.
Thats a bit like what I'm feeling/hearing a strange clunk.

I had a front wheel bearing die on a car that I drove. First thing I noticed was a R-E-A-L-L-Y long brake pedal. Then the car was difficult to steer.
My brake pedal isn't like that, it still feels normal, not long. The steering is still normal too.

I have a sneaking suspicion that it's my front struts though.

I'm going to drop into see my mechanic tomorrow on the way home from work if I can.

Mr Turbo
I had a front wheel bearing die on a car that I drove. First thing I noticed was a R-E-A-L-L-Y long brake pedal. Then the car was difficult to steer. When we jacked up the car, the front wheel almost fell off- would have too but for the calliper. Tow job from Marulan to Mittagong
Yes, brake pedal was a bit longer - which got me thinking, as the pads were only replace 7,000 km - less than 3 months ago!
Hopefully the new pads aren't fecked... but still, that would still be cheap compared with the alternative!
I certainly had a clunking before, but that was the CVs.
Initially I thought the new sensation was just the 'feel' of new, stiff CVs.
Gidday Mr T

Thats a bit like what I'm feeling/hearing a strange clunk.

Grab each wheel at the top in turn, and shake the car violently from side to side.

You will feel the very distinctive movement in the loose bearing.

Tapered roller bearings can usually just be adjusted up, assuming they are not r**ted.
Remove the split pin (bend tab; whatever).
Tighten castellated nut until it is just tight; back off to the next loosest lock point.
If the wheel bearing grease looks thick and like beeswax, remove the bearing (no need to remove the outer races), thoroughly wash and clean, thoroughly re-grease with waterproof wheel bearing grease (high temperature), reassemble, and tighten up as above.
Got a call at 6.30 from a friend just saying that they had been in a car accident on the freeway. 5 friends were there and 2 of their cars were involved. 1 car is written off.

It was stop go traffic and the person driving at the back didn't stop when they speed up. Drove 4 cars were damaged after going into each other. 1 car write off, 2 will need repaires (1 of them could drive away with only plastic damage and the last the 4WD was undamaged bar missing paint from the rear bumper.

No one injured. The funny thing is that we were all talking about it lastnight saying that a certain person was going to have an accident due to their very very reclusedriving. Then he cause the whole thing, but anyway.
I beat the shirt out of my spare wheel well smorning with a rubber mallet after warming it all with a heat gun so as not to crack the paint.

My new 225/70R16s are pretty close to fitting in the hole.

I mocked one up to trial fit and they just clear the spring perch and will only foul ever so slightly at full lock.

On the rear the tyres will collect the side skirts at full jounce so I will have to add trailing arm spacers. Does anyone have any pics of them fitted?
I beat the shirt out of my spare wheel well smorning with a rubber mallet after warming it all with a heat gun so as not to crack the paint.

My new 225/70R16s are pretty close to fitting in the hole.

I mocked one up to trial fit and they just clear the spring perch and will only foul ever so slightly at full lock.

On the rear the tyres will collect the side skirts at full jounce so I will have to add trailing arm spacers. Does anyone have any pics of them fitted?

So they will fit? Awesome :discomonkey: Will have to put your lift in too sometime :biggrin:
Front wheel bearings are apparently sealed units.

One replacement has just arrived at my mechaic and is being fitted as I type. Hope to have it back tonight.

The LHS unit will be replaced next week.

Just another reason why I prefer older cars - give me a wheel bearing I can grease and adjust any day!
Not going anywhere without the other bearing being done.

Non-serviceable wheelbearings on a car designed for going off the bitumen...:puke:

What F-WIT thought THAT up, FFS! Grrr!!!
:mob: :eviltoyou: :mad:

Hopefully it will arrive and be fitted tomorrow morning.