What have you done to your car today?

^ My gearbox is nice and smooth :biggrin: :raspberry:

It would want to be being a fully reconditioned box :iconwink:

Very very very happy with it. I am still finding it hard to get used to with no noises though, being so quite. For the last 12months 1st gear has been making noises and the centre diff has been whining.

Suprisingly the gearbox in my L-Series is extremely smooth for a car of it's age. Shifts almost aswell as the new one in my Forester :eek: :rock:
Only thing is the bushes are r***ed in it causing the gearstick to move 100mm(sideways) while in any gear and 150mm (sideways) in nutrel :lol: Makes it abit tricky to drive if your not used to it and can make it hard to find the gears.

So yes Nachaluva the bushes could cause some issues shifting but most likely it's the syncros. Couldn't hurt to replace them though (very easy to do and cheap). Get genuine bushes too.

Good stuff Taza, I hope it works well for you ;)

Some bad news tonight :( After disconnecting the battery to sort out some stuff under the dashboard (in the rain), fun fun, I got the vibration sorted (only @ a certain rev), what ever it was - I didn't get my tacho working yet. But what I did manage to do was cook the engine good a proper. This is how:

After finishing up with the wiring that I was doing I re-connected the battery and started her up. Thought I'd get all the gear ready to go, by the time I'd have this done the cab would be nice and toasty (freezing here today! Snow weather!!) and we'd be off with the ECU having done it's thing after being disconnected from the battery. What I didn't realise and hadn't checked is the thermo fan switch - I'd accidentally knocked it to the "off" position, 10 minutes of idling and she was well and truly steaming away :( I immediately popped the bonnet then shut her off, but then started her up to keep the coolant circulating. That's when I found that the thermo's weren't operating.

I was surprised that she started. The over flow bottle was pressurise and steaming away but she was still running as normal. I hope I've not done any damage but if the head gasket shows up a leak tomorrow morning I know how it happened.

Ruby Scoo did however drive to Benders (an hour) without any issues, and started after being at the store for 20 minutes.

I'm glad I've been running the anti boil, anti freeze, as I think this may have helped out! I've had this engine up to 120C working hard in the sand a few years back, but that gauge died in the snow. I've never seen the factory temp gauge 2/3s up with the EJ - only seen it just below 1/4. I'm not sure if I'm going to sleep tonight.

On a positive note I've sorted out the Cruise control :D


Locker parts are on order from the US for my rear diff!!!!!

Woohoo :newmulti::woohoo:

What I didn't realise and hadn't checked is the thermo fan switch - I'd accidentally knocked it to the "off" position, 10 minutes of idling and she was well and truly steaming away :( I immediately popped the bonnet then shut her off, but then started her up to keep the coolant circulating. That's when I found that the thermo's weren't operating.


I hope its not cooked...

Thats why when Venom & I do ours we're going to use a on/on/on switch, with a buzzer connected to the "fan off" position. No way we can knock it & not know or forget we've switched it to "off" :iconwink:

On a positive note I've sorted out the Cruise control :D

Yay cruise. Where would we be without it :biggrin:
Bugger Bennie

Some bad news tonight :( After disconnecting the battery to sort out some stuff under the dashboard (in the rain), fun fun, I got the vibration sorted (only @ a certain rev), what ever it was - I didn't get my tacho working yet. But what I did manage to do was cook the engine good a proper.

We've all done this kind of stupid thing, mate.

Hope it's OK after cooling down/ re-filling the coolant.
Fingers crossed for you ...
Sorry to hear that El_Freddo :sadbanana:
Hope your engines not fried.

What I didn't realise and hadn't checked is the thermo fan switch - I'd accidentally knocked it to the "off" position, 10 minutes of idling and she was well and truly steaming away :(
I did that once :redface: I bumped mine with my knee while I getting in.
I ended up changing my switch to a rocket switch type :iconwink:
Now I have to pop the cover & flick the switch to disengage the fans :)

Mr Turbo
So far though things are looking good with my head gaskets. I'm hoping that it's all good and that nothing will show up anytime soon - or for the next 100k km!

This is what I've got now, at $6.95 I couldn't go past it, no buzzers, and is very simple, when closed the fans are at the "auto" position:


This is it when it's open, spring loaded too so when it closes it flicks the switch to Auto from either Off or On positions:


And I can still select the "On" position too, Off can be as well, I was going to post a pic of that but it's overkill to show the point of this rocket or missile cover:


So now I wait for a week or two to see what happens with the HG's. But early indications say that it's going to be a-ok!

Next will be properly mounting it on the dash somewhere. Just need to nut out something to make it look good, I've got a few switches to mount ;)


This is it when it's open, spring loaded too so when it closes it flicks the switch to Auto from either Off or On positions:


Hmmm...I might do that too. But I still want a on/on/on switch so the "fan off" position goes to a buzzer. Looks good Bennie :biggrin:
Gidday Bennie

So far though things are looking good with my head gaskets. I'm hoping that it's all good and that nothing will show up anytime soon - or for the next 100k km!

This is what I've got now, at $6.95 I couldn't go past it, no buzzers, and is very simple, when closed the fans are at the "auto" position:

This is it when it's open, spring loaded too so when it closes it flicks the switch to Auto from either Off or On positions:

And I can still select the "On" position too, Off can be as well, I was going to post a pic of that but it's overkill to show the point of this rocket or missile cover:

So now I wait for a week or two to see what happens with the HG's. But early indications say that it's going to be a-ok!

Next will be properly mounting it on the dash somewhere. Just need to nut out something to make it look good, I've got a few switches to mount ;)



Good to hear that initial indications are looking good, mate.
Keeping my fingers crossed for you ... :iconwink:.
Gidday NL

Except forgetting its been switched to off. Thats why I want an "fan off" position that operates a warning buzzer.

Having trouble finding a suitable on on on toggle switch though :(

A question of h/w logic IMO.

Use two switches.

First switch in OFF position leaves the fan/s on AUTO.

First switch in ON position turns ON Buzzer; AND activates the second switch.

Second switch in ON position leaves the fan/s on AUTO; but buzzer is still sounding (buzzer is controlled solely by first switch position).

Second switch in OFF position switches the fan/s OFF.

In either case, the buzzer keeps reminding you to check your fans switch.

The "buzzer" could consist of a flasher can (indicator light timer) with a simple solid state speaker and red dash light wired to it (or wired to a light in the switch, if it has one. It is my understanding of these cans that the pulse rate slows down dependent on the load, so could have a ceramic resistor across it to increase the load, increasing the time period between beeps. The technology these use may well have changed since I learned this fact however.

After all, you only want it to remind you; not drive you crazy (or crazier, in my own case ... :lol:).

An alternative is to use a multi-pole/multi-throw switch, like the ones used in stereo amplifiers.

Try Dick Smiths. They usually have a range of specialised switches.

You may also be able to find a suitable switch at your local electrical wholesale outlet, like Middendorps or L&H.
Try Dick Smiths. They usually have a range of specialised switches.
I have found that Jaycar have a great range of switches available.
Dick Smith used to be good but have gone down hill, big time (in the last few months) when it comes to switches.

The buzzer is a good idea & may I also suggest perhaps a rocket/missile switch for this particular mod aswell.
I can help if you accidentally bump it, thus turning the fans off. The last thing you want to happen is to have your Subi overheating.

Mr Turbo
Welp, I drove to Hotham today, on cruise most of the way.

Ruby Scoo performed flawlessly as usual, I've not had any signs of a HG issue - I'm yet to check her out after the drive up but the temp was fine as was the oil pressure :D

