What have you done to your car today?

I started mockup of a lightbar for the grill area of Rusty. I am currently searching for just the right lights to mount up there ;) I am thinking 2 spot beams and 2 wide angle beams should be nice along with my headlights(which SUCK!!)

I'm with you Rally & stilson. I like having my ABS, especially on the black stuff.
I've had a few close calls with 3 different cars that had & have ABS & it's been a godsend. It's allowed me to still be able to steer the car out of the way, when I've been hard on the brakes :iconwink:

But as you said Rally, it's only good to have, if you know what to do & how to use it, if & when the time arises :cool:

Mr Turbo
Who would of thought that changing a gearbox was such a mission.

Took two of us on a crowbar to seperate the box from the engine!

Swapped all the sensors and stuff over to the new box which is now ready to go in and will be done tomorrow morning :biggrin:
Great Taza

Who would of thought that changing a gearbox was such a mission.

Took two of us on a crowbar to seperate the box from the engine!

Swapped all the sensors and stuff over to the new box which is now ready to go in and will be done tomorrow morning :biggrin:

Hope it all goes well tomorrow .. :ebiggrin:
Hope it all goes well tomorrow .. :ebiggrin:

Yeah me too. Was a mission getting the old one out thats for sure. Pretty heavy even only being 70kg's. But when your on your back underneath a car it makes it twice as hard.

I am actually looking forward to getting back into the drivers seat of the foz :)
Yeah me too. Was a mission getting the old one out thats for sure. Pretty heavy even only being 70kg's. But when your on your back underneath a car it makes it twice as hard.

I am actually looking forward to getting back into the drivers seat of the foz :)

Mate, 70 kgs overhead is like lifting double that weight in a straight lift ...

It will be very nice for you to get your Foz back on its feet again.

Take it easy tomorrow. Play safely!!

I don't want to hear any more of that "falling off the chassis stands" stuff.
Gave me the heebie-jeebies, big time.
People get killed in those circumstances.
Nearly had it happen to me once. Taught me to take much more care with chassis stands; and jacks generally.
Yeah I know RB.

The car isn't being lifted or moved around on the stands though like last time. It's about a metre high all round so we could get the box in and out from underneath on a trolly jack. Getting the new one in and lining it up will be a challege though. Once that is done the rest is just hooking it all back up and putting the oil in.

Plus when doing suspenion and trying to compress the strut, spring and lift to get it in the whole car moves up and down. It's scary as hell, to be on the safe side though non of us were under the car. The car isn't designed to have over 100mm of lift though! If stock the rear struts could of been done in 2-4hours easy.
If you had trouble with the 5 speed, best be happy you were not doing a 6 speed! Getting gearbox and engine apart- and back together, can be a pain. Other times it can be quite easy.
In an accident carbon fibre will break and can form into dagggers. That is why you do not see them on production cars. HSV was reportedly going to put one on their 427 Monaro, but did not for this reason. Aluminium is significantly lighter than steel. The gap from aluminium to steel is probably bigger than the gap from aluminium to carbon fibre.

Yeah it has a habit of doing that.

You do see it on some production cars, though not many. One of my favourites was the RX7 SP...lots of CF all over it.

Carbon fibre ram-air ducting to airbox
Carbon fibre airbox
Vented aluminium bonnet (to lessen underbonnet temperatures)
Carbon fibre nose cone (larger intakes, splitter)
Carbon fibre rear wing (more downforce than S6)
Carbon fibre fuel tank (110 litre)
Plus more bits not mentioned


Ahhh, carbon fibre heaven :biggrin::lildevil:

I started mockup of a lightbar for the grill area of Rusty. I am currently searching for just the right lights to mount up there ;) I am thinking 2 spot beams and 2 wide angle beams should be nice along with my headlights(which SUCK!!)

Have you thought of doing a lights upgrade? If your lenses are glass, you can put in a wiring relay and 130/90W bulbs...awesome! :biggrin:

For your driving lights, go HID. Way better than halogen for high beam.

Took two of us on a crowbar to seperate the box from the engine!

Swapped all the sensors and stuff over to the new box which is now ready to go in and will be done tomorrow morning :biggrin:

Can be fun...esp if you dont realise there's a funny little screw thats jams it all up. venom and I wasted a good couple of hours till we figured that one out lol :rolleyessarcastic:

Great to hear its ready to go in. Do you have an alignment tool? If not you can make one out of a broom handle and duck tape. Suck on that McGuyver! :rotfl:
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Have you thought of doing a lights upgrade? If your lenses are glass, you can put in a wiring relay and 130/90W bulbs...awesome! :biggrin:

For your driving lights, go HID. Way better than halogen for high beam.

My lenses are glass, but with the age and rarity of parts I am not going to tear apart any factory wiring or change wattage, etc. The extra lights I have planned should come in very handy and brighten the trails I plan to hit at night :)

Had suspension replaced and lifted 30mm on outback. For the life of me I can not work out how to replace foglight globe on 2002 outback
My lenses are glass, but with the age and rarity of parts I am not going to tear apart any factory wiring or change wattage, etc. The extra lights I have planned should come in very handy and brighten the trails I plan to hit at night :)

Fair enough, but you dont have to cut the wiring. I just disconnected the plug, then plugged in pins of my new wiring to the existing plug. These then became the control wires for my relay.


I might put up a thread about it as its a pretty handy upgrade and VERY confusing till you get your head around it...
Gidday Jamie

My lenses are glass, but with the age and rarity of parts I am not going to tear apart any factory wiring or change wattage, etc. The extra lights I have planned should come in very handy and brighten the trails I plan to hit at night :)


I agree. When I went to 100/55s in my '93 Impreza, the extra heat promptly melted the standard plug that goes onto the back of the globe ...

I had to replace them both with after-market fittings. The replacement ones were more like Bakelite; i.e. a thermoset plastic.
Gidday Jamie

I agree. When I went to 100/55s in my '93 Impreza, the extra heat promptly melted the standard plug that goes onto the back of the globe ...

I had to replace them both with after-market fittings. The replacement ones were more like Bakelite; i.e. a thermoset plastic.

The PO of my 97' OBS also "upgraded" to higher wattage bulbs resulting in me replacing both back harness's, hence my discomfort of wanting to do it again with an even older wiring system. The alternator on my Justy is only rated to 55 amps, so I am trying not to put an immediate strain on it right now. When the build is done I will have 2 batteries in the Justy, 1 for the vehicle itself and it's accessories, and the other for the extra lighting, air compressor, etc.

I agree. When I went to 100/55s in my '93 Impreza, the extra heat promptly melted the standard plug that goes onto the back of the globe ...

I had to replace them both with after-market fittings. The replacement ones were more like Bakelite; i.e. a thermoset plastic.

The PO of my 97' OBS also "upgraded" to higher wattage bulbs resulting in me replacing both back harness's, hence my discomfort of wanting to do it again with an even older wiring system. The alternator on my Justy is only rated to 55 amps, so I am trying not to put an immediate strain on it right now. When the build is done I will have 2 batteries in the Justy, 1 for the vehicle itself and it's accessories, and the other for the extra lighting, air compressor, etc.

Yeah, dont upgrade the bulbs without upgrading the wiring first. Thats like asking a standard Subie gearbox to handle a 500HP rally engine. Something will break!
Good luck & have fun fitting your new gear box taza :)

I'm sure by tomorrow arvo, you'll have a smile from ear to ear when you get to take your Forry for a spin :raz:

Mr Turbo