What have you done to your car today?

Hey guys, been away for awhile studying and then camping on the weekend.

Took the Forester offroad with it's new gearbox, didn't miss a beat. I swear i went 10x as good as usual. The low range seemed lower then it used to :huh:
Being able to select first though at a walking pace is nice unlike how I wasn't able to for the past year!
She was loaded upto the hilt which really effected performance but I pushed though, even out showing Dave's mighty high 2.5l Outback on a few dunes.
The back bumper needs to be looked at though as it keeps getting caught :cry:
It was great having the awning too, first time that got properly used..

I even saw some of the AuSubaru crew out there (D_Gen among others) but didn't get a chance to join them for a drink, next time though :raspberry:

good to hear taza about the gearbox and a good weekend. i cant wait untill i have to time to get away!
sounds like that seal is the next priority on your check list now
Great to hear Taza, dunno if the gearing's changed though haha :iconwink:

Thanks, yeah the oil burning is definately getting worse. ...As soon as you put your foot down too clouds of smoke just some puffing out :cry:

Sure does smell nasty. Could smell you from a good 50m back. Its getting worse fast. :sadbanana:

Get it done as soon as you can. Apart from gunking up everything, you can get a decent fine from the EPA
Took the Forester offroad with it's new gearbox, didn't miss a beat. I swear i went 10x as good as usual.
Thats what I like to hear :ebiggrin:
Great too that you're happy & enjoying the new gearbox mate :biggrin:

Mr Turbo
Gidday All

Bought some recovery straps & shackles for Roo2 :cool:.
Details in my member's journal.
any pictures or videos from the weekend taza? you know we would love to see them :cool:

Na sorry didn't. It wasn't much challenging stuff more just camping. Might be going back this weekend if I can get the last of my assignments done for the semester but this time for fishign and offroading!

There is this vid from the Ausubaru guys who I did meet up with for a short while.

Not my car but apart of it.

Dropped my bloody old gearbox on my foot while trying to carry it myself!
Worst idea ever :shake:

I thought it was broken at first and I was going to have to drive myself to the hospital somehow but luckily just bruised and a few deep and big cuts :sad:
Look on the bright side. You cushioned it's fall and possibly saved it from more damage. Of course, the box probably is not worth much anyway
Gidday Taza

Not my car but apart of it.

Dropped my bloody old gearbox on my foot while trying to carry it myself!
Worst idea ever :shake:

Mate, what's all that crap I keep rabbiting on about as regards experience?

I seriously did my back in (for the second time ... ) when I was about your age, lifting a short Mini block with crank and pistons from the workshop floor onto a workbench by myself. Only 254 pounds (115 kgs) ... :shake:.

To this day, I periodically have serious problems with that old injury, and with another done about 30 years ago when I really did know better ...

We really need a smiley for "completely stupid bloody idiot" - only for referring to one's self, of course.

I thought it was broken at first and I was going to have to drive myself to the hospital somehow but luckily just bruised and a few deep and big cuts :sad:

Get them seen to by a Doctor, Taz.
That's what Doctors are for ... :iconwink:.
Stitched wounds heal far faster than un-stitched wounds, and far more cleanly as well; with far less risk of infection.
Dropped my bloody old gearbox on my foot while trying to carry it myself!
Worst idea ever :shake:

I thought it was broken at first and I was going to have to drive myself to the hospital somehow but luckily just bruised and a few deep and big cuts :sad:
Ouch !!!
:censored: me that must have hurt :cry:

So I take it you weren't wearing steel caps :redface: :poke: :redface:

Look on the bright side. You cushioned it's fall and possibly saved it from more damage.
Thats cruel :rotfl:

I seriously did my back in (for the second time ... ) when I was about your age,.....
.......To this day, I periodically have serious problems with that old injury,....
I know what you mean Ratbag.
I did my shoulder in about 7 years ago & it still plays up from time to time, just like it is today :( But on the bright side the other one still works :p
Same as when I ripped my groin muscle about 5 or so years ago :o

Get them seen to by a Doctor, Taz.
That's what Doctors are for ... :iconwink:.
Stitched wounds heal far faster than un-stitched wounds, and far more cleanly as well; with far less risk of infection.
Yes, definitely see a Doctor & get it x-rayed too.
And don't rush the recover either. Trust me. I've been there & done that :bcool:

Seriously though, I hope it mends & heals quickly mate :)

Mr Turbo
Ouch !!!
:censored: me that must have hurt :cry:

So I take it you weren't wearing steel caps :redface: :poke: :redface:

Actually bare feet. I was wearing thongs and thought I might trip over while wearing them so I took them off. I got half way down the drive then it slipped from my hands. I got 25m down the drive way and that was it.

Thats cruel :rotfl:
Yes it is. I can't wait to get rid of the bloody thing this week and send it back to All Drive Subaroo!

I know what you mean Ratbag.
I did my shoulder in about 7 years ago & it still plays up from time to time, just like it is today :( But on the bright side the other one still works :p
Same as when I ripped my groin muscle about 5 or so years ago :o
Yeah I know, it wasn't so much my back. Just heavy and awkward to carry.
:censored: Mr T! How did you manage that?

Yes, definitely see a Doctor & get it x-rayed too.
And don't rush the recover either. Trust me. I've been there & done that :bcool:

Seriously though, I hope it mends & heals quickly mate :)
Yeah I should, it's not really bad but does hurt quite abit.

I have already broken both my feet (at the same time) when I was a kid and that hurt like hell. I still now have issues from that with my feet and sometimes back due to it and will for the rest of my life.
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I did my shoulder in about 7 years ago & it still plays up from time to time, just like it is today :( But on the bright side the other one still works :p
Same as when I ripped my groin muscle about 5 or so years ago :o

:censored: Mr T! How did you manage that?
Both happened at work.
The groin muscle happened when I was moving some steel sheets from one table to another. Just got into a bad position I think & it (groin muscle) let go :o

The shoulder was a funny one. It ended up being a pinched nerve :(

What didn't help (separate incident) was when about 20-25 water tanks (weighing 60+kg's each) fell over (think domino's falling) & hit / smashed into the same shoulder :bcool:

Mr Turbo
Both happened at work.
The groin muscle happened when I was moving some steel sheets from one table to another. Just got into a bad position I think & it (groin muscle) let go :o

The shoulder was a funny one. It ended up being a pinched nerve :(

What didn't help (separate incident) was when about 20-25 water tanks (weighing 60+kg's each) fell over (think domino's falling) & hit / smashed into the same shoulder :bcool:

Sounds painful mate :o
Perhaps we should change this thread to
"What have you done to your body today?" :rotfl:

I've been silly enough to break my coccyx, a vertebrae & dislocate a shoulder, all separate injuries. But atm its my knee which gives me the most grief...2 ops and its better but not great
Geez NL

Perhaps we should change this thread to
"What have you done to your body today?" :rotfl:

I've been silly enough to break my coccyx, a vertebrae & dislocate a shoulder, all separate injuries. But atm its my knee which gives me the most grief...2 ops and its better but not great

OUCH!! :( :(

That all sounds very bloody painful mate.

Hope it heals OK.

I had my left knee done many years ago now, but it sometimes gives me a twinge. The shoulder I can currently truly identify with ...
Looks nice bobbotron :monkeydance:

Today, I covered my Foz in mud, revved the crap out of it, slid backwards down a hill and escaped branches falling from a great height :cool: