What have you done to your car today?

GEARBOX is in!!

It's in and running. The car felt really wierd at first and I wasn't sure what to think but after driving it home im really happy. Feels like a new car out of the Dealer, well amost.

The only thing is that the low range light isn't coming on now when you put it into low range so I will have to look at the sensor for that. I know it will really annoy me if I don't fix it.
Congrats, Taza

GEARBOX is in!!

It's in and running. The car felt really wierd at first and I wasn't sure what to think but after driving it home im really happy. Feels like a new car out of the Dealer, well amost.

The only thing is that the low range light isn't coming on now when you put it into low range so I will have to look at the sensor for that. I know it will really annoy me if I don't fix it.

Well done, mate.
I am glad that it has all gone (relatively) painlessly for you both; and that you are pleased with the result. Sounds great. :ebiggrin: :biggrin: :cool:
Well done, mate.
I am glad that it has all gone (relatively) painlessly for you both; and that you are pleased with the result. Sounds great. :ebiggrin: :biggrin: :cool:

Yeah it did, the hardest part was aligning the new box to the back of the engine while being underneath the car. But once that was done the rest was easy. Got it done in 4hours without going stupid fast.
Awesome news Taza, well done :monkeydance: It'll feel great driving around knowing you did the work yourself, even if you had help. You now know much more bout your car, esp how to fix something in the bush.

I'm sure with this new pride in your baby you'll be more gentle on her too :poke:

Yeah it did, the hardest part was aligning the new box to the back of the engine while being underneath the car. But once that was done the rest was easy. Got it done in 4hours without going stupid fast.

Thats pretty good. Were there any probs getting it in? Often you can align the clutch right but the input shaft just wont slide in.

Congrats :biggrin:
That's awesome news Taza! What did you end up getting in the box anyway - the low range and that's it or did you lash out on the double syncro low 1st as well?

I hope you've got a good quality gearbox oil in there to help protect it! The other best method of protection is to just look after it in general with your driving habits, but I'm sure I don't have to go on about this!


That's awesome news Taza! What did you end up getting in the box anyway - the low range and that's it or did you lash out on the double syncro low 1st as well?

I hope you've got a good quality gearbox oil in there to help protect it! The other best method of protection is to just look after it in general with your driving habits, but I'm sure I don't have to go on about this!

Just a standard SF Foz box. 4.11 diffs and 1.447.1 low range.
Im happy, it shifts like a brand new car :biggrin:

Wierdly enough I was like 'wow', seemed to have more power. I did so some service stuff on it while it was out of action so maybe that helped slightly. Doesn't seem as gutless as I remember and is definately quicker than the L-Series, but the EA82 does have a better pull in some gears.

Nope just single syncro on 1st but all new syncros and bearings on the lot so im happy :raspberry: Plus now it just goes into reverse first shot. You don't have to double clutch it like with most Subie boxes ive used..
It feels really wierd though with 1st as it's silent, doesn't make any noises, no whinning or knocking. I guess im just used to the other one.
Yep put some good oil in it and it's at the right level too.

Nope you don't have to go on about it, I have learnt an expensive lesson :iconwink:
The only thing that I noticed is last night when I went for a drive is that there is an odd noise coming from the underside of the car. I think the exhaust headers might be slightly loose, something along those lines anyway.
The car wasn't idling right either side putting it back together but that was just a vacumm like which fell off in the poccess I noticed this morning :)
I took some night shots :)


I have more I just need to sort them out and put them in my Journal.

GEARBOX is in!!

It's in and running.

Thats fantastic news mate :woohoo:

Got it done in 4hours without going stupid fast.
Well done mate :quitar:

Plus now it just goes into reverse first shot. You don't have to double clutch it like with most Subie boxes ive used..
I know what you mean by that taza.
Mine was the same when I had mine replaced :banana: And isn't it a great feeling :rock:

Mr Turbo
Yeah very happy for you Taza :biggrin:

Now you can slowly build up a trick box with all the goodies...L-series low range, 12kg centre diff, LSD front diff, nitrided first gear, etc :lildevil:
Gidday Mr T

Thats fantastic news mate :woohoo:
Well done mate :quitar:

I know what you mean by that taza.
Mine was the same when I had mine replaced :banana: And isn't it a great feeling :rock:

Mr Turbo

I was starting to have the "crunchies" in Roo1 going from 5th/4th/3rd even with double de-clutching on the highway, even if changing pretty gently; and into first and from 1st/2nd. It was always slow going into first, even when just rolling to a halt at lights, from new.

Love the short-throw gear change on Roo2 ... :ebiggrin: :biggrin: :cool:.
Zero issues with slow synchro either.

I could see, and hear, dollar-dollar-dollar noises in there with Roo1's box, and it was one of the many reasons I bailed for Roo2.
Fine to spend a couple of grand on an old car that suits you just fine, but I have always wanted a Fox since they were first released. Loved Roo1, but I would never have jumped over a Fox to buy it, if the Forester had been available when I bought Roo1 back in 1994.

Spending dough on Roo1 would not have increased its selling price one cent; and it still would not have suited what I now want my car to do.

If anything major goes wrong with Roo2, I wouldn't hesitate to have it fixed, as the car suits me like a glove in every respect :ebiggrin: :ebiggrin: :ebiggrin: :ebiggrin: :lildevil:.
I was starting to have the "crunchies" in Roo1 going from 5th/4th/3rd even with double de-clutching on the highway

Couldn't have been doing it properly mate!!

and (going) into first and from 1st/2nd. It was always slow going into first, even when just rolling to a halt at lights, from new.

This is the gearbox design. You shouldn't be able to select 1st until you're pretty much stopped, or if you double the clutch and rev match at the same time. You might find that your foz is the same but not as noticable, unless subaru removed the second ring on the 1st gear - it's the only thing that I can see that would stop you from selecting first while it's still spinning...



Gidday Bennie

Couldn't have been doing it properly mate!!

Did it whether I doubled it, or not ... Even with quite slow changes.
Gearbox (or just synchro) on the way out, IME.

Perhaps it was a "gearbox design problem" that was caused by worn synchro rings.

This is the gearbox design. You shouldn't be able to select 1st until you're pretty much stopped, or if you double the clutch and rev match at the same time. You might find that your foz is the same but not as noticable, unless subaru removed the second ring on the 1st gear - it's the only thing that I can see that would stop you from selecting first while it's still spinning...




Whatever was causing the gearbox problems I was starting to have with Roo1, Roo2 doesn't have that "design feature" ... :iconwink: :ebiggrin: :lol:.

Two things kill cars IME (leaving abuse out of the equation ... ):
One is age; the other is mileage.
Roo1 had a bit of a problem with both ...
Not really a "what have I done today" but...

While we're on gearbox crunching, I have been wondering what could causing mine? I presume there is a plastic bush in the linkage...if that is worn could that cause it?

On what I have done today lol, I picked up my snorkel yesterday, played around with it today. Had to make a new stencil as the one that came with it was useless! I will have to bend it but not much. Fitting will be a bit of a pain I think :(
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Gidday NL

Not really a "what have I done today" but...

While we're on gearbox crunching, I have been wondering what could causing mine? I presume there is a plastic bush in the linkage...if that is worn could that cause it?

Not sure with Subarus, but I would think that any wear or looseness in the linkages could cause the gears not to engage cleanly.

One of the things the Owner's Manual says is not to rest one's hand on the gear lever, as this can cause wear in the linkages.

On what I have done today lol, I picked up my snorkel yesterday, played around with it today. Had to make a new stencil as the one that came with it was useless! I will have to bend it but not much. Fitting will be a bit of a pain I think :(

Any water as deep as that will have me chickening out and turning around mate!
We need a smiley for "CHICKEN", or even "OUTRIGHT COWARD", LOL ... :rotfl:
On what I have done today lol, I picked up my snorkel yesterday, played around with it today. Had to make a new stencil as the one that came with it was useless! I will have to bend it but not much. Fitting will be a bit of a pain I think :(
You'll be fine with the fitting of it mate :iconwink:
It's not as hard as you think :)
Just cutting the holes in the guard is & will be the tricky part :)

Any water as deep as that will have me chickening out and turning around mate!
We need a smiley for "CHICKEN", or even "OUTRIGHT COWARD", LOL ... :rotfl:
I understand where you're coming from there Ratbag :cool:
One thing to remember, is that a snorkel is also helpful in allowing your vehicle to breath easier in dusty conditions (convoy driving for example) & not only water crossings :iconwink:

Mr Turbo
Gidday Mr T

I understand where you're coming from there Ratbag :cool:

Cheep, cheep, cheep ... :lol:

One thing to remember, is that a snorkel is also helpful in allowing your vehicle to breath easier in dusty conditions (convoy driving for example) & not only water crossings :iconwink:

Mr Turbo

Yes, I do understand that. My old LC had a combined mesh and oil-bath air filter. Flaming filthy thing to clean, but extremely efficient at removing crap from the intake air ...

One doesn't seem to see the centrifugal air cleaners these days.
Invaluable in filtering out big particles before it got to the finer filters closer to the donk, thereby assisting them not to get blocked quite so quickly ...