Abit scary as it was raining and we had no brakes on the trailer. A 2tonne trailer behind a 1.6 tonne car with only the car brakes.
I insisted on driving it thus responsible if anything happened.
Power wise the 2.5 was alright, not lightening quick but when your towing that kind of weight not too bad. To do the 28km with the trailer and car on we used 1/3 of a tank!!!
The ABS kicked in twice as I slid forward a few meters coming to a round about, luckily there wasn't any traffic like we had most of the way. I was suprised that it happened as with Subies you have 4 wheel disk brakes but again it was almost 2 tonne on the trailer.
The old gearbox was pulled out this arvo and my new one will be going in tomorrow :biggrin: Only took 3 hours including to get the car up on stands and everything