2006 Outback 3.0R 180kw VDC project

so new car , new project m new plans for it , and gathering new info what could be done witt it and choosing what fits me

what i bought

how it looked in my yard next day

changing inside and some outside bulbs to led's


examples for myself how lift would look with my rims and how bumper cut would look

so normal steps for me do lift at least as much as in that pic, and then maybe cut bumper

car how its sits now, how +5cm would look and then +7cm wheel is in the air
would need bigger tires for better look there.

checked front arches for rust and how it looks, and put some bitumen spray over there , and then put back that plastic cover back

front grill plasti dipped to black

how it looks in dark with some lights
now when i was crossing those mud puddles and even before i allways thought why not just cover your front grill and maybe all front with something for short period time just when you need to cross something that is not so high but that wave would higt trough your front grill and maybe go into air box , and just splash all your engine area with mud .
so do those works ?

i mean thinking smart like why not you cover that part where your air is sucked and even more , well i nthis picture is even for long crossing like river , but i just thinking for like you see deep puddle and you gonna hit it maybe like for couple seconds and thats it then you out, and why not just cover your front with some material so it would stay dry and clean.
and its not even matter what material it would be , lots of water proof materials that you can just make yourself that cover from.

so i would avoid having that mud water line and all engine covered in mud , not mention air filter could be saved if its just that wave for couple seconds
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Yes, it works but you can just use a groundsheet: This was a brand new Forester at the time that we set up for a deep water crossing:
When I replaced my foglights with non-oem after the front bar was installed I had the same issue. I carefully sealed the unit and then put a breather pipe in the top of the foglights up into the engine bay. Eventually the lights got smashed!
Yh they both where underwater but just one got stuff inside and other not. Means not sealed, but to get to it its easier just remove all bumper, just those 2 bolts on sides but they not so easy to remove. On 2001 front bumper didint had any bolts at all just plastic plugs .
checking how much mud is left on rims and inside arches , and seeing how hi lift jack works. so still 3 points where it rubs, that one on metal i tried to bash with hammer some more in that place and plastic ones, well still leaving them as it is mybae it will rub how much it needs at stop then.
hilift works fine, as before very fast and easy way to lift wheels. there was still some mud there left on some on rims too, so cleaned those , cleaned brake pads from mud as well.
That hi-lift jack mount is really looking sweet, @scalman. If I am to do it here, it will need to be certified which costs way more than the mod itself.
Yh that sucks, but i mean i couldnt pass mot here with it as well , same with lift, thay doesnt mean i cant drive with those on street. Its not so strict here.
Is it not same there?

And then in other places you can drive with tube metal bumpers too and noone cares.
For my thing i could cover those holes if i would need like make it look like some oem stuff if i would needed.
How it works that you need certified? Is it you drive on road and police stops you and tells that you cant drive with that mod on car? But how they see that? They go under car on street and search for car mods? I dont get it how it works?
Like who is checking your car?
Then again metal roo bars in australia, how they can be certified at all? They metal for god sake, you would kill person if you would hit him on street with that but because they so expencive they certified? Rly? Thats stupid.
Then again metal roo bars in australia, how they can be certified at all? They metal for god sake, you would kill person if you would hit him on street with that but because they so expencive they certified?
All bars are meant to be certified in Australia, I think mostly to do with airbags. Protection against roo/bullbars for pedestrians, cyclists, animals and other vehicles appears to be secondary.
rear bumper removed and was thinking how could i use hilift jack there, maybe leave that aluminum frame as it is and just use on it. it cant be that weak , so it allready had holes too i just made one hole square and its done. i could remove that aluminum part later and put there metal tube instead but is that really so weak that aluminum. looks ok to me.

and i found out that i have LSD in rear. because both wheels where spinning to same direction when they where in air. so VDC VTD and rear LSD. good combination i think. it helped me in mud i think and on wet grass mud mix when i did that off road trip. now as i can rely on that hi lift jack its much better, just in time i wanna make tow hitch in rear too, maybe even use that aluminum tube or maybe add to it some steel tube and make some diy tow hitch there so it would be higher then normal oem that they sell. and that tow hitch adapter could became like recovery point in rear as well if needed.
Maybe seal those rear vents while the bumper is off; water will get in there in a deep crossing.
maybe but they pretty high, and im not sure when next time i will go to something so deep, if those wents would go under water means door lines must be allready under water too, means water would come inside car trough doors is it ? and i dont want that for sure.
and then car wont breath there, is it ok to seel those ?
I've sealed both my Forester and my ute to prevent ingress of water or dust.
was on sea. was cold but not winter c old , more like early spring weather but kinda strong wind. more then 600km trip. car showed average 11l/100km fuel usage which was great,plus on LPG so its half price of petrol so its twice cheap. it was more with 2.5 model,around 15-16 same trips because 4eat just 4 speed auto gearbox and now 5 speed. and power realy gives you less fueal usage because lower revs on engine , so now its more fuel saving car though much more powerfull . so win win. great views too not so much for car as i could not drive with car near to sea or harder places but win for us to have this nice relaxing time and nice anc clean air near sea.

When i was now on sea trip i took some firewood and sausaves to cook and i wanted to go crosss board go to other country and cook sausages there because there was fire place near sea that i used at summer, but now was winter so lets go and use it

And it was pitch dark not like in pics and was amazing to sit near fire and hear that loud sea sound ....amazing time.sadly our room was not there so we needed to get back to our room across the border.
Somoene come with newer forester to walk dogs there and later they came off
From last week forester trip

It's always satisfying to see Subarus gathering together and playing on the dirt.

Is the red one a Hyundai, though? How did it do? Cheers.
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last days got virbations when accelerating , so thought is it cv axle maybe or some bushings maybe rear diff bushings that i saw where in bad shape or something else. so first tried to remove front driver side cv axle because it had broken rubber and all oil was out , so maybe it cause that, and found that now cv axles become different from 2001 outback and older legacys imprezas and outbacks.

so i wonder do those pins stuff must be round or they should be in that oval shape there. and it had some loosenes there, but because didnt had any other cv axle for this model so put new grease there and new rubber . maybe first drive was like smoother but then it started to virbate again. so not sure is it that cv axle is bad or something else. anyway will try buy used cv axle and change and then see will it change anything. people say it can be other things too , so maybe its bad rear diff bushings then too.
change new steering end links as ai had new ones, and looked that i need new brake pads as well. with those new still got some click click sound when moving wheel up and down, it might be bearings in front its clicking on both sides when doing up and down. but that wouldnt give virbations so first i need to find cause of that and fix it . looks like car wasnt maintained for long time as all bolts rusted bushings looks bad and such. so will start to maintain it change stuff .

It's always satisfying to see Subarus gathering together and playing on the dirt.

Is the red one a Hyundai, though? How did it do? Cheers.
that was new hyundai Kona electric car. it was drivign with us only on good roads and some on light gravel roads and little mud hill but thats it, its low car and not awd i think so what it can do there?
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You've been very busy!

so i wonder do those pins stuff must be round or they should be in that oval shape

Unfortunately I can't remember if the tri-pod / spider arms should be oval but someone here will be able to advise us. The last CV joint I pulled apart was on my 1971 Mini Cooper S.
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