What have you done to your car today?

Thats a great little mod you found there wombat :ebiggrin:
Well done & great find mate :biggrin:

Well done on the snorkel MONSTERSKULLS :raz:
If you could post up a pic of it, that would be great too :ebiggrin:

Mr Turbo
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Cleaned the air filters after my trip through the Flinders Ranges and up the Oodnadatta Track. The engine one wasn't too bad, but the in-cabin AC one was filthy! I guess I'll be paying more attention to that in the future...
I replaced the grommet for the bonnet rod/holder today :)

Aswell as that I also replaced my radiator also, as it had a small leak on the plastic bit at the top of it.
It was a lot easier than I thought it was going to be too :biggrin:

Basically you undo 3x hoses (2 lge one's & 1 sml one) & 2x connectors for the fans. Together with 2x bolts that hold it in place & 2x screws for the reservoir.

Then swap it for the new one, fill it, bleed/burp it etc. Done.

I'll try & do a DIY thread on how it's done tomorrow :)

Mr Turbo
Got started on my Weber conversion, I bought a kit with instructions... everything is good except the instructions so much extra to do with all the hoses and vacuum lines. but it's almost there.. just a couple of t junctions to buy to run some hoses into the air cleaner.
As most of you know, finished the weber conversion. next up... Spotties! oh any suggestions on a CB radio?? I got a $50 Supacheap voucher, so trying to keep it as close to that as possible. haha yea right
G'day again Spec

As most of you know, finished the weber conversion. next up... Spotties! oh any suggestions on a CB radio?? I got a $50 Supacheap voucher, so trying to keep it as close to that as possible. haha yea right

Check out all the help and guidance on this very subject (CB radio alternatives etc) that people have given me here:

Read down the thread a bit. It turns into a thread on UHF gear ... :iconwink:.
Roof bars & Basket

Gidday Folks

After I had yet another blood test. The Warfarin levels are still unstable ... :(.

Today I picked up my roof bars that came from iTool in Brisbane at my usual freight rate :).

Fitted them late this arvo and attached the roof basket I bought from another member a couple of months ago. Had to buy a packet of U-bolts ($30) to attach the basket. I also need to get some security lock nuts for the U-bolts.

Took a bit to get the bars in the right position and parallel. Then re-adjust them so that the basket was straight and in the right position ... The front bar needs to be about 150 mm back from the front joint in the rail. Then about 850 mm centre to centre to the rear bar.

OT, but I have been doing some gardening the last couple of days as well.
I actually feel pretty well for the first time in a very long time ... :) :ebiggrin: :biggrin:. Just hope it lasts ...
Gidday Folks
After I had yet another blood test. The Warfarin levels are still unstable ... :(.

Thats not good..

Today I picked up my roof bars that came from iTool in Brisbane at my usual freight rate :).

Fitted them late this arvo and attached the roof basket I bought from another member a couple of months ago. Had to buy a packet of U-bolts ($30) to attach the basket. I also need to get some security lock nuts for the U-bolts.

Took a bit to get the bars in the right position and parallel. Then re-adjust them so that the basket was straight and in the right position ... The front bar needs to be about 150 mm back from the front joint in the rail. Then about 850 mm centre to centre to the rear bar.

Cool, got any photos of both fitted?

OT, but I have been doing some gardening the last couple of days as well.
I actually feel pretty well for the first time in a very long time ... :) :ebiggrin: :biggrin:. Just hope it lasts ...

Hoping for you mate all the way from WA :raspberry:
Gidday Taza

Gidday Folks

After I had yet another blood test. The Warfarin levels are still unstable ... :(.

Thats not good..

Nasty stuff Warfarin. Look what it does to rats ...
It does the same thing to Ratbags, given the chance ... LOL ... :rotfl:

Today I picked up my roof bars that came from iTool in Brisbane at my usual freight rate :).

Fitted them late this arvo and attached the roof basket I bought from another member a couple of months ago. Had to buy a packet of U-bolts ($30) to attach the basket. I also need to get some security lock nuts for the U-bolts.

Took a bit to get the bars in the right position and parallel. Then re-adjust them so that the basket was straight and in the right position ... The front bar needs to be about 150 mm back from the front joint in the rail. Then about 850 mm centre to centre to the rear bar.

Cool, got any photos of both fitted?

Only crappy ones for my insurer in case they get stolen overnight ...
I will take some decent ones tomorrow.

OT, but I have been doing some gardening the last couple of days as well.
I actually feel pretty well for the first time in a very long time ... :) :ebiggrin: :biggrin:. Just hope it lasts ...

Hoping for you mate all the way from WA :raspberry:

Thanks, Taza. What I have doesn't go away. Bloody lucky even to be here.
After I had yet another blood test. The Warfarin levels are still unstable ... :(.
Thats not good to hear :sad:

OT, but I have been doing some gardening the last couple of days as well.
I actually feel pretty well for the first time in a very long time ... :) :ebiggrin: :biggrin:. Just hope it lasts ...
As so do I :)

Mr Turbo
Gidday Mr T

Thats not good to hear :sad:

As so do I :)

Mr Turbo

Thanks for your good wishes, mate.

I have never become stable on the Warfarin in nearly nine years on it. Without it, the artificial heart valve would kill me in 4~6 weeks.

With it, I have some chance, if I am careful.

The death rate from the Warfarin treatment alone for my make & model of mitral valve is 1,700 per 100,000 per annum.
There is no safer alternative.

For comparison, the death rate on the roads for 18~25 y.o. males is "only" 56 per 100,000 per annum ...

At least with Warfarin, if you start to bleed seriously (going to die within 30~60 minutes ... ) it can be reversed instantly with a Vitamin K injection. The downside is that you have to have almost daily blood tests for 18 months because doing this makes your INR extremely unstable ... Other possible treatments have no antidote in emergent situations.

Without the surgery, I would have died about 5 years ago, at the very latest. I am a whole lot better off than that!! For that, I am very grateful.
Reminds me...I gotta chase down this guy who wants to do a prototype bonnet strut for me. said no charge if I let him experiment on my car :)

Curious - why would it be a prototype when you can buy them already? I have them on my Foz and they are great - bit of a surprise for folks who don't know they're there as they almost get hit under the chin by the rising bonnet. :lol: No charge sounds good!
Reminds me...I gotta chase down this guy who wants to do a prototype bonnet strut for me. said no charge if I let him experiment on my car :)

Curious - why would it be a prototype when you can buy them already? I have them on my Foz and they are great - bit of a surprise for folks who don't know they're there as they almost get hit under the chin by the rising bonnet. :lol: No charge sounds good!
I keep meaning to get a set for my Forry. Must pull my finger out & do it I think :cool:

Yes it is a surprise alright :lol:
Your Forry got me a beauty once Kevin. I think it was at one of the driver awareness w-ends :ebiggrin:

Mr Turbo
The Bluewagon is now registered! 1994 L-Series sportswagon. I now have transport for later on when the Beigewagon is off the road for an upgrade. I will post pics later, when I get home before dark and get to take some piocs.

Sorry, forgot to add, I got reissued old plates form circa 1994, green and white VIC plates FLT 004 (FLaToo4). But then, what else would expect from a subie nut.
