What have you done to your car today?

In my Foz it isn't too bad but the L-series though... man would I love just to have power steering!! :lol: Atleast its a good workout trying to drive in shopping centres. lol

Agreed, it does Rally. Im interested to here what you say a stock ones is like and the difference.

My Foz rego for a year was only about $540 or there abouts, I know its not over 600.

Does anyone know if the rego is worked out on a percentage of the cost of the car? If so its going to be really cheap for 'The L' (daves and my L-series's name)

In NSW they calculate the rego cost based on the cars weight...

Anything under 1.5 ton is lightweight,$230.
$100ish extra for the next weight class.
The outback is 1550kg haha grrr i should take it with some seats and the spare wheel removed, also i get slogged extra excess on third party insurance for being under 25, rego is a PITA.
No, In NSW, they look at how much money they have squandered, divide it by the number of cars on the road, double it to make up for next years waste and voila- that is how much it costs to register your car. Pity bugger all goes back into roads.
I finally got around to changing my rear wiper blade today :)
Now I can see all the cars I pass eating my dust better than ever :lildevil: :lol:

Mr Turbo
In NSW, they look at how much money they have squandered, divide it by the number of cars on the road, double it to make up for next years waste and voila- ......Pity bugger all goes back into roads.
They put money back into roads ??? :huh::huh:
Could've fooled me :confused:

Mr Turbo
If the RTA had a dollar for every pothole on the states roads they might have enough money to fix all the roads...

Not so bad over here but could always be better..

That sucks that your Outback is in the next class up!

Dave and me replaced the front left CV on the L today. It was a pretty painful job. I did both boots on the good CV I scored just so theey don't go, what a messy job I have to say.
Wheel alignment now done. Only out 1mm per side, which is 1/2mm front and back of each tyre which is where I was measuring from. Pretty happy I have to say
In NSW they calculate the rego cost based on the cars weight...

Anything under 1.5 ton is lightweight,$230.
$100ish extra for the next weight class.
The outback is 1550kg haha grrr i should take it with some seats and the spare wheel removed, also i get slogged extra excess on third party insurance for being under 25, rego is a PITA.

Make sure there is no fuel in it next time:iconwink:
Do they weigh each individual vehicle?!
I'd have thought that the rego would be based on the tare weight of the model, as specified by the manufacturer.
Well I haven't read this in a while - been busy :D And "the new" L series is in for it's second RWC check today with the hope that everything's now sorted.

I'd go L series low range, L series 1-4 gears, 4.44:1 diffs with LSD front & 12kg centre.

I'd be checking your gearbox ratios - 1st to 4th, you might find them not much different from your current gearbox setup. Subaru had the setup of just playing with diff ratios to suit the tyre diametre rather than producing 50 different gear sets for different ratios. Really the only difference is the turbo and non turbo gearboxes. There are (I think) 3 different sets of 5th gear ratios out there...

when combined with your SC & rear LSD or locker, you would have a beast that could push Venoms beast off its perch :lildevil:

WISHFUL THINKING my friend! :rolleyessarcastic: But that would be a good setup for a 4 banger and no centre diff lock!

Im thinking keep my stock gears 1-5 (repalce 1st gear), new syncros 1-3, dual syncro on 1st. Fix reverse from popping out, front geared LSD, replace centres (stuffed already) with a 12 or 20kg, im leaning more towards 20kg.

Go for the 12kg centre, the 20kg makes daily driving a pig of an exercise from what I've heard. Gee (Bratgeebah ausubi) had a 12kg special ordered from STi Japan - cost was about $1200 plus shipping and import tax/GST!

Keep my 4.11 diffs as with more power to come one way or another 4.44 would be a waste of torque as mentioned many times.

Not a waste of toque, it'll multiply the torque and use it over a smaller area of wheel rotation in relation to speed. Waste of money possibly as you'll be revving higher on the freeway etc unless you're after a semi dedicated offroader I'd stick with your current 4.11 unless you're going to run a 29 or 31 inch tyre... I dunno if you can get a 30 inch, never looked into it plus you've still got to clear the strut spring seat!

It would be nice if it could do what Venoms could! :raspberry:

That's the aim of the game isn't it?

Just so while my foz is being fixed I have something to drive then when its fixed either kill it, sell it or keep it.

To kill it drive without oil or coolant... Otherwise have fun trying!

Im trying to tell myself im not going to mod it other than a tacho and possibly abit better stereo.

I'm finding this VERY hard to believe!

i wouldnt kill it seems a waste of a subaru, one day l series will become rare

They already are - you don't find them too often in the parts yards anymore, not like you did 3 years ago, maybe a sign of the times as people hang onto their older cars??

I always reckoned that Subaru should have kept this body shape when they released my Impreza (1993). Of course, they sorta did when they released the Forester ...

They did, you could still buy a brand new off the showroom floor L series in 1994! This is what Beigewagon is now the new proud owner of ;)

Goes like a rocket

Your definition of a rocket? Are we talking a WWI prototype or a new supersonic long range unit???

So today I took out the O2 sensor but it doesnt look fouled up.


Can anyone tell me if these look ok?

Can't tell by looks, you need to probe it while it's in operation, make sure it's getting the voltage it should be and that it's giving readings within spec. From memory that's how it goes anyway.

These little buggers will create issues and not throw a code. VERY frustrating. A new bosch replacement should be about $70-$90 and can be worth the coin simply for your fuel economy!

I also cleaned out the PCV valve & hoses. There was quite a lot of gunk in there but they didnt seem blocked. When I cleaned the PCV valve, it seemed to rattle easily, so I think thats ok. From what I've read, blocked hoses/valve seem to be the cause of problems, but mine werent, just gunked up a bit.

For a ~$15 part it's worth swapping the PC valve as this is a replaceable item EVERY YEAR! according to subaru maintenance schedules. But no one does them as they should.

Interesting note, there was some kind of hardened sealant on the valve thread...does this mean its been replaced at some stage?

Possibly, it's hard to say without having seen it.

Is there anything else I should do? I get 11L/100kms with gentle, economical driving which is pretty crap! I used to get 10 or better...

To me this points to the O2 sensor. Also check your air filter ;)

im jealous of use in WA our whole road worthy certificate process cost about 500 itself!

No, it now costs $170-$190, it used to be ~$75! Now they take photos of the car in the workshop, brakes, engine, etc etc, then document every thing and hold these records for 7 years due to Vicroads wanting to keep records for some reason!

Then there's a $45 inspection booking fee, which I've found out also covers you for non-registered vehicle permit for the day of your booking.

And lets not forget our trusty state government getting their fingers into your wallet - stamp duty! After all of that you've got your registration which the cost depends on where you live...

To be continued - too many characters!

$250 for rego? Are you serious??? :eek:

You guys have no idea how good you have it :shrug::rock:

Ours is about the same, check out the fee calculator on the vicroads web page. It pays to live in the country - my total cost as of today (fees are going up again on April 1st 2012!) is $540.30 which $191.60 is registration cost; TAC premium $317.00; and insurance duty of $31.70. So our registration is actually cheaper - until you add the TAC fee for looking after those injured and maimed by road trauma, this is how the system is supported.

Now if I was to live in the centre of Melbs the total cost would be $641.50

And if you own a ute and live in a rural area it's even cheaper again! Can't wait to get a brumby and "start saving money" ::rolleyessarcastic:

we may have all the restrictions but we do have the high country! cant beat that!

Yeah stick it to them! :poke:

Vic rego is $640 :madred::puke:

I knew NSW rego was expensive but thats crazy! :furious::puke:

Technically not true, see above! The actual cost of registration is only $191.60. Its all the other stuff they sting you for that bumps the cost. Also the more road accidents that occur the higher the TAC premiums in the following registration fees.


The weight on the rego papers can often be quite wrong. My Falcon was 1670kgs when the rego said 1570. Who am I to argue with the RTA- who are always right.
Wheel alignment now done. Only out 1mm per side, which is 1/2mm front and back of each tyre which is where I was measuring from. Pretty happy I have to say
Now that is very close indeed :raz:
Well done mate :raz:

I'd have thought that the rego would be based on the tare weight of the model, as specified by the manufacturer.
Me too :)

Mr Turbo
Saturday: replaced the NGK BKR6E-11 spark plugs (one notch colder than stock) with the standard BKR5E-11s. I'd suspected that the colder plugs (which went in right after the engine replacement) were contributing to poor fuel economy, and after about one-third of a tank it looks as though I may have been right. Still too early to really tell, but the rest of this tank plus the next one should give me a better picture.

Today: replaced the rear wiper blade courtesy of some b****** trying to wrench the old one off while the car was parked. Came out from running errands yesterday to find the rear wiper arm sticking straight out from the hatch and the blade bent into almost a 'C' shape. Dunno if it was someone trying to steal it because they were too cheap to drop $3.99 on a replacement for their own car, or if it was just a random s***head screwing with cars, but either way I'd be fine if it was a capital crime to mess with someone else's vehicle like that.

Also managed to replace the stock rear speakers today with a set of Pioneer TS-G1044Rs. Big improvement, particularly since one of the stock speakers was half-blown. They match nicely with the TS-G1643Rs I put in the front a few weeks ago, though they're not quite as much of a night-and-day improvement as the fronts were. Still not complaining, though - actually had to turn down the bass slightly and narrow the treble a bit to compensate for the new ones :biggrin: