What have you done to your car today?

It's a sweet ride Taza! Your 3rd brake light does work too.

Its pretty good for $300. Goes like a rocket but and yes there a but. Doesn't idle properly, it died at an intersection on my way home and at a set of lights.
Runs well though when not needing to idle. The temp guage doesn't work, no spare tyre and 3 are bald as a rock.
Its no rego ran out a while ago and the moving permit ran out this morning but I still drove it some lol :raspberry:

The body how ever is in really good nic, no rust and doesn't look like its done much offroading.
Needs a clean and is full of coins and loose money.
The barrel doesn't work properly so sometimes it wont start, theres no imobilser and the clutch doesnt have alot of life left. But once its had abit of TLC and $100-200 put into it and over the pits itll be fine :biggrin:

And for $300 what do you expect.
So today I took out the O2 sensor but it doesnt look fouled up.


Can anyone tell me if these look ok?

I also cleaned out the PCV valve & hoses. There was quite a lot of gunk in there but they didnt seem blocked. When I cleaned the PCV valve, it seemed to rattle easily, so I think thats ok. From what I've read, blocked hoses/valve seem to be the cause of problems, but mine werent, just gunked up a bit.

Interesting note, there was some kind of hardened sealant on the valve thread...does this mean its been replaced at some stage?

Is there anything else I should do? I get 11L/100kms with gentle, economical driving which is pretty crap! I used to get 10 or better...
i welded up a new bumper ,and put new bulbs in all my head and fog lights . tomorrow mounting and painting skid plate
what process do the cars have to go through over in WA to be registed or transfer rego?

Just get it to pass going over the pits. For that I need to put a new imobilser in, found the old one in pieces ripped out under the drivers seat this morning, fix the stuffed CV and get it idling fine. Thats about it. $80 for the pits, then get it registed by filling out some paper work which is only $120. I think I can have the whole car running fine and legal for under $500!!! :biggrin:

EDIT: oh and the tyres are bald but I will get some retreads or go back to gumtree.
Retreads- I thought you bought this thing to make your life easier- not shorter!
Gidday Rally & Taza

Retreads- I thought you bought this thing to make your life easier- not shorter!

Nothing wrong with retreads. Just make sure you get 4x identical casings (make, size and type) and don't drive like a bloody maniac on them! :iconwink: ;).

The tyre casing determines the handling, not the tread, by and large (btw, I do know this is a gross generalisation, folks; but true in practical terms).

The tread pattern determines the wet handling to a greater degree than in the dry, so should definitely be identical tread pattern.

When I first met SWMBO over 30 years ago, she was driving a 1500 VW Beetle with 4x non-retread cross ply tyres on it. I carefully collected 4x identical Michelin casings and had them re-treaded. I also let them cure for several weeks before fitting to her car. Even she noticed the difference immediately (she is singularly un-noticing of this sort of thing, even today ... ).
Came home from work one wet night and said "If I were still driving on my old tyres, I wouldn't have come home tonight". The only reason she had been able to avoid a serious collision was the better grip of the "new" retreads with a decent tread pattern on them.
$90 first inspection, $60 second inspection, $250 rego, $24 plates and maybe some kind of processing fee - pretty close to $500 here too.

If you can get tyres fitted, I can get you some tyres on the cheap.
Ordered 5x 225/70R16 Pro Comp ATs for the Grey Fox today, I have no idea where I'm going to put the 5th one. I'd better get the lift done ASAP too.
$90 first inspection, $60 second inspection, $250 rego, $24 plates and maybe some kind of processing fee - pretty close to $500 here too.

$250 for rego? Are you serious??? :eek:

You guys have no idea how good you have it :shrug::rock:

BTW Taza, if you really wanna put on retreads, think twice bout going over 80kmh!:rotfl: