What have you done to your car today?

G'day again Species

Today I ordered a brand spankin' new 32/36 weber, don't know how long it will take to arrive but for someone who originally wanted the cheapest option, I'm quite excited about a performance upgrade!

I called an engineering place here in Mt Isa, $120/hour and didn't even sound confident about this kind of work. Later that day I got told to steer clear of them and to look in Townsville but forget that. Anyway, all those issues are true but the running hot. The car appears to be running cold if anything. The suby mechanic actually suggested that I put in a thermostat to make it run warmer. The only time the needle got over 1/4 since buying it was the trip here while towing a trailer and as soon as I hit traffic it dropped very quickly back to it's usual spot.

I'm surprised that there are bugger all precision engineering shops in the Isa!!

But at that sort of dough, the Weber starts to look pretty good.

You need to get the throat diameter and jetting right to suit the characteristics of your donk. That can take some doing unless you can pick up a 'crib' from somewhere.

The old Prince Skyline GT (6 cylinder, 3 L) used to have three 45 DCOE Webers on it, choked down to 38 mm, IIRC; BUT it was a bloody long time ago. Went like the clappers! A mate of mine owned one. I have driven it, of course ... :iconwink: :lildevil:

Good luck with it all, mate.
Running that cool sounds as if you thermostat is stuck open as well. The engine will still have been running lean though, and that makes both inlet and exhaust valves run hotter.
Did you have trouble with random pinging? Loss of power? Rough idle? All also characteristics of the engine running too lean.
in the last couple of days I have changed the timing belt, both fan belts, serviced the motor, transmision, replaced the front rotors and pads,scrubbed the interior and installed a double din touch screen stereo with all the good stuff in it. I'm buggered.

Well next week its all the struts, yay:sad:

Crikey you have been busy! are you putting in OB struts? how bout a lift kit?

You're gonna have an almost new Subie :biggrin:

The car appears to be running cold if anything. The suby mechanic actually suggested that I put in a thermostat to make it run warmer. The only time the needle got over 1/4 since buying it was the trip here while towing a trailer and as soon as I hit traffic it dropped very quickly back to it's usual spot.

Do you mean replace it or put one in? If its missing I would certainly put the correct thermostat in in, its essential for correct operating temp, neither too cold (runs rich, causing poor fuel economy & carbon buildup) or too hot (runs lean, causing pre detonation & burnt valves. It can even burn holes through your pistons!)
I tried a steel 15" on the front of my SG today and it almost clears my calipers.

I could still turn the wheel by hand and it just left a mark where I would have to shave the caliper down a touch.

Opens up some exciting tyre options and might let the tyres bag a bit more giving me a higher overall ratio with low pressures.
Oh yes,even more bad news to come fir my poor foz :(
1st gear has beenwhining for the past 30,000km and now on my 1.30am drive home it started making a really loud noise. Almost like a lawn mower, well exactly what a f@&k3d gear sounds like. I really hope it doesnt die as I need first with all the hills around here in perth.
Otherwise 2nd low is going to have to do for the time being.
might be time for bed now as its 2 am i think but what a way to wreck a good going weekend!
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I didn't do anything to the car yet, but I accepted the delivery of my king springs and strut top spacers today. I am waiting on the struts to show up soon. :lildevil:
Nearly completed installing a quick ratio steering rack in the WRX. It's pretty painful getting to everything. I had to drop the sway bar but there is very little room to get at everything. Would be easier on a non turbo but you can't have everything. Just need to do a basic alignment before putting everything back together. I have a motorkhana coming up soon and with the quick rack it should make the car even better. Not a job I really want to do again.
Oh Taza

Oh yes,even more bad news to come fir my poor foz :(
1st gear has beenwhining for the past 30,000km and now on my 1.30am drive home it started making a really loud noise. Almost like a lawn mower, well exactly what a f@&k3d gear sounds like. I really hope it doesnt die as I need first with all the hills around here in perth.
Otherwise 2nd low is going to have to do for the time being.
might be time for bed now as its 2 am i think but what a way to wreck a good going weekend!

Sorry to hear that, to add to all your other woes.
You surely are having a string of rotten luck, mate.

I can only hope that things look up for you soon.
Oh yes,even more bad news to come fir my poor foz :(
1st gear has beenwhining for the past 30,000km and now on my 1.30am drive home it started making a really loud noise. Almost like a lawn mower, well exactly what a f@&k3d gear sounds like. I really hope it doesnt die as I need first with all the hills around here in perth.

You surely are having a string of rotten luck, mate.

I can only hope that things look up for you soon.
I'm sorry to hear that taza :sadbanana:
It seems like the Subi Gods really have it in for you at the moment for some reason :confused:

I don't what to say mate, but keep your chin up & hopefully things get better soon. Really, really soon :)

Mr Turbo
It seems like the Subi Gods really have it in for you at the moment for some reason :confused:

Red line abuse?? Maybe.

I don't what to say mate, but keep your chin up & hopefully things get better soon. Really, really soon :)

I remember when Ruby Scoo went through this sort of stage where everything seemed to just keep breaking. I remember being pushed to the edge of throwing in the towel. Persistence paid off in the end, that's what you need to get through it, especially if there was a period of thrashing going on without the regular/required maintenance to back it up, or if you were just mechanically un-sympathetic towards the drivetrain it always comes back to bite you!


Red line abuse?? Maybe.

I remember when Ruby Scoo went through this sort of stage where everything seemed to just keep breaking. I remember being pushed to the edge of throwing in the towel. Persistence paid off in the end, that's what you need to get through it, especially if there was a period of thrashing going on without the regular/required maintenance to back it up, or if you were just mechanically un-sympathetic towards the drivetrain it always comes back to bite you!

No Redline abuse anymore but for a while there it was every gear change.

I have been un-sympathetic to the gearbox abit but recently (last 6 months or so) ive been kind. I guess it does come back to bite you :(
Im not throughing in the towel, it was alreaady whining, both 1st gear and the centre diff. Plus the reverse thing and this was bound to happen.

The whole car is going to be sorted out soon enough though and with mechanical sympathy and less need to be hard(more power and lsd's offroad) she should be fine.

To get her upto scratch will be around the $6000 mark, but as said it will be worth it.
The whole car is going to be sorted out soon enough though and with mechanical sympathy and less need to be hard(more power and lsd's offroad) she should be fine.

To get her upto scratch will be around the $6000 mark, but as said it will be worth it.

It's good to know that you know what's required and what you're up for. Who's going to do the work and have you got wheels while your pride and joy is off the road so you can get to uni etc?


It's good to know that you know what's required and what you're up for. Who's going to do the work and have you got wheels while your pride and joy is off the road so you can get to uni etc?

Im preparing extra money as you never know what else might come up.

Uni, well it takes me 10-15mins on a push bike and I could do with abit of exercise so thats not an issue. Sometime I have to go to sites/businesses for contracted work but I can work around that if I have no car.

Todo the work well I want to do it but am not experienced enough. Probably will ask a few people if they are willing to help, paid work of course. If not then get a shop to do the valve stem seals and while the engine is out install the new gearbox at the same time.

Looking into it all though and being prepared is my number one focus.
Gidday again Taza

Im preparing extra money as you never know what else might come up.

In a previous life as a CPA, I always advised people to have a $5,000 "slush fund" for all those things that just turn up at the worst possible moment - financially and otherwise ...

Uni, well it takes me 10-15mins on a push bike and I could do with abit of exercise so thats not an issue. Sometime I have to go to sites/businesses for contracted work but I can work around that if I have no car.

Todo the work well I want to do it but am not experienced enough. Probably will ask a few people if they are willing to help, paid work of course. If not then get a shop to do the valve stem seals and while the engine is out install the new gearbox at the same time.

While you have the valves out is the time to do the valve guides. Needless to say you can't just whack these out and in with a drift. You need an hydraulic bench press to press the old ones out of the heads; then press the new ones in. Also need a valve seat reamer to cut a new valve seat (you may even need new valve seat inserts; which is a whole new dimension). Then you need a valve head facing tool to make the shape of the valve head the correct angle to fit the new valve seats in the head/s. These tools are a capital cost of any such workshop, and will last almost indefinitely. However, they are far too expensive for most people to purchase for their own use ...

Then you need a practised and measured hand/eye to lap the valves and valve seats together so they are a perfect fit. This is approaching an art form, IMNSHO!

There are so many skills that go into "just" lapping valves properly ... An eye for perfection; experience; judgement; etc.

If I give the impression of having more than a passing familiarity with all this, you'd be right. I have done most of these things under supervision; or watched as others more experienced and expert than I did them. Like watching any good tradesman (whether a mechanic, or a cardio-thoracic surgeon ... ), it is a real pleasure to see this sort of stuff done well. Try to arrange so that you can at least watch it all being done.

And this was all back in the days when engine tolerances were huge by today's standards, so there was much more latitude for small errors than nowadays.

Looking into it all though and being prepared is my number one focus.

Good thinking mate.

All the best with it.
Oh yes,even more bad news to come fir my poor foz
1st gear has beenwhining for the past 30,000km and now on my 1.30am drive home it started making a really loud noise. Almost like a lawn mower, well exactly what a f@&k3d gear sounds like.

Taza, very sorry to hear of yet another problem. :(

No Redline abuse anymore but for a while there it was every gear change.

I have been un-sympathetic to the gearbox abit but recently (last 6 months or so) ive been kind. I guess it does come back to bite you

Sure does. Just consider this a lesson learnt the hard way...& an opportunity for a new box with good bits in it :biggrin:

The whole car is going to be sorted out soon enough though and with mechanical sympathy and less need to be hard (more power and lsd's offroad) she should be fine.

To get her upto scratch will be around the $6000 mark, but as said it will be worth it.

Thats a fair bit of dosh, but as you say will be worth it when done
G'day again Species
You need to get the throat diameter and jetting right to suit the characteristics of your donk. That can take some doing unless you can pick up a 'crib' from somewhere.

Good luck with it all, mate.
Running that cool sounds as if you thermostat is stuck open as well. The engine will still have been running lean though, and that makes both inlet and exhaust valves run hotter.
Did you have trouble with random pinging? Loss of power? Rough idle? All also characteristics of the engine running too lean.

The Carby I bought is jetted and "engineered" as the ad says to suit the Subaru EA82 motor I have. Save's about $50 in jets. I don't hear pinging and I know these motors aren't powerful but I feel it's slower than it should be for the k's it has. Idle is fine.

I forget who suggested that the thermostat was stuck open, but that's what the suby guy said it could be OR I need a warmer one. I bought a new standard one and when I pulled the old one out I put them both in the same pot and boiled the water. Both thermos reacted the exact same way suggesting mine was working normally. The only thing i can suggest that might be putting things off is the brand new radiator I installed.
Im preparing extra money as you never know what else might come up.

Uni, well it takes me 10-15mins on a push bike and I could do with abit of exercise so thats not an issue. Sometime I have to go to sites/businesses for contracted work but I can work around that if I have no car.

Todo the work well I want to do it but am not experienced enough. Probably will ask a few people if they are willing to help, paid work of course. If not then get a shop to do the valve stem seals and while the engine is out install the new gearbox at the same time.

Looking into it all though and being prepared is my number one focus.
Taza, realistically what I think you need to do is buy something like this, low K's and mechanically perfect, they do come up over here quite often and usually go for around $1,000-$1,500 because they are statutory write offs, that way you undo about 10 bolts underneath each car and unplug about 10 wires & a few hoses & just lift the car off and slip the good stuff out & put it in yours in reverse order, I've done it heaps of times and usually make more from parts I sell than the wreck than the car cost me in the first place, if anything suitable come up I'll let you know as I watch the auctions all the time.


This one is coming up next Wed and I'd say it'll go for around the $4-500 mark and more than likely the engine and box are fine, just need to swap ancillaries over but you'd need to take someone with a rough idea whether it was worth the risk, let's face it, the tail gate & doors are probably worth more than you'd pay for it.

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Taza, realistically what I think you need to do is buy something like this, low K's and mechanically perfect, they do come up over here quite often and usually go for around $1,000-$1,500 because they are statutory write offs, that way you undo about 10 bolts underneath each car and unplug about 10 wires & a few hoses & just lift the car off and slip the good stuff out & put it in yours in reverse order, I've done it heaps of times and usually make more from parts I sell than the wreck than the car cost me in the first place, if anything suitable come up I'll let you know as I watch the auctions all the time.


Never actually thought of doing that. I could do that if it goes for 1500 or even 2k and swap my low range into that gearbox and possibly front and rear diffs. Then call it a day.

Youve give me something more to look into. Cheers

EDIT: Found this in WA but its an Auto...


Do repairable writeoff's sell for much more?
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