12 Volt wiring to rear of Outback.
Finally got around to taking some photos of the 12 volt wiring I installed in the rear of the Outback early last year - a bit slack I know!:iconwink:
Negative busbar and 6B&S wire is under the left luggage floor lining, as well as the 50 Amp Anderson plug to connect to the removable battery box, and the wiring to the 12 pin flat trailer plug, via the spare tyre well.
Power for 39 litre Autofridge and a rechargeable battery starter is routed to two 30 Amp Anderson 'power poles' in the rear left quarter pocket, just above the location of the optional accessory (ciggy) power socket.
The reason I have fitted the power poles here is that they are relatively easily damaged, so didn't want them sticking out of the side wall, as with the cigy socket.
The fridge connection also runs via a 12 volt timer clock at the top of the accessory pocket. This allows for the eutectic (phase change) cold panels in the walls of the fridge to be automatically frozen then the fridge turned off. Timer was a bit $$$ and needed help sorting how to connect it up, but it is much better than to risk losing the contents of the fridge by forgetting to swith back on if operating manually! But for the timer, I would've worked out a way to install the fuses without bringing the wires outside of the pocket wall.
Photo showing location of fuses and connections to the timer. I will use the accessory pocket to carry my spare fuses etc.
Detail of the power pole connection, showing wires running to the fuses.
I have ordered some power pole accessories from the US, this includes a 'plug' which will lock on to the lip of the power pole connector.
I will have all my accessories running via 30 amp power poles or the larger 50 Amp Anderson plugs.
Will get more pics up once I have the bits and get the modifications done.
I will also be modifying the fridge transformer - it is a Waeco unit - to take a weatherproof (i.e. rubber covered) power pole connector, rather than the cigy plug, which is a b!tch to keep tight anyway.