Forester has behaving itself so I left it alone. Plugged the laptop into the Impreza and reprogrammed the launch control. Launch control now starts 500 rpm higher than before so now when you drop the clutch it doesn't bog down. Still need a bit of fine tuning- and the Haltech is pretty good at that.
So I went for a drive up to Kurmond on the outskirts of town. There is a BP servo just the other side of the river, and a car park just beyond that. The driveway out is a bit steep and at angle, so you are perched diagonally. I had the DCCD in auto mode, but I did not realise how much of the cars weight was only on 2 wheels. There was an initial wheel slip, then the diffs bit and i was away. But i did not get a chance to really investigate, but I think it will be a place I can possibly compare the new set up with the old. What would be ideal would be a standard car I can back to back test against. Then one could transfer that experience over to an offroad application.