Tomorrow I continue the oil change and spark plug lead replacement on my MIL’s S2 SG Foz - by swapping out the water pump gasket for a new one and replacing the three missing exhaust nuts at the heads. I noticed the missing exhaust nuts and some coolant droplets on the bottom of the water pump while doing the oil change. The minor leak seems to be from the water pump gasket.
The story goes she had a check engine light that came and went. Then it started playing up back in Feb but didn’t tell me. Finally she said it’s the worst to drive as it dragged its arse along before dropping a gear with a bang and revving high.
I worked out it was dead spark plug leads - having the end of the lead remain on the spark plugs was a bit of a giveaway while I was trying to replace the spark plugs. My thinking is this misfiring engine caused vibrations from the long period of time that it was an issue that it rattled the exhaust nuts off and possibly did the water pump gasket in at the same time. The pump and gasket are about three years old now and are genuine items that should last a lot longer than this!
Interestingly at around the same time my sister’s Liberty was playing up so I had done the plugs on that already without change. I swapped the coil pack from the Foz to the Lib and that solved the liberty’s misfiring issues. I’d already replaced the leads with “genuine” items from a reputable seller so that was a bit of a waste, but still way cheaper than local aftermarket leads (if available!). This is one of the leads. From memory at least two in each set came like this which was disappointing and hopefully not a sign of what’s to come:
Next issue with the Liberty was a gearbox issue that reared its ugly head quite quickly but was soon realised to be a clutch issue. Initially I couldn’t select second gear properly. Within a couple of blocks in the CBD of Bendigo I had to rev match all gears and had to ensure I had first gear before stopping at a red light, foot had to be on the brake to avoid the vehicle creeping forward - the clutch worked enough to sit stationary like this. Fun fun. After the CBD it’s about a 40km drive home.
My weekend was a balancing act of working on this, meeting with a men’s group and attending a mate’s 40th, thank the Subi gods for good weather and no hangover! This was the issue. I didn’t see this coming and haven’t experienced anything like this before!
To minimise my work effort to get to the clutch I kept the gearbox in the car, sitting on some steel rods on the front gearbox crossmember, removed everything from it effectively isolating it from the vehicle so I could slide it off the engine as far as possible until the firewall became the stopper. This gave me enough room to do what I had to do - and to align the clutch disc correctly making for an easy mating of the gearbox to the engine session. Luckily I had a spare in the wings for another project so it was a quick fix that didn’t require waiting on parts.
All of that was done on a set of car ramps on our gravel driveway…
Replacement (2nd hand) coil pack is yet to be fitted to the Liberty, other than that and a clicky front CV, all is well with it since the gearbox work at the end of July.