What have you done to your car today?

I wouldn't mind betting that the handling is better and more stable too ... :iconwink: :ebiggrin:.

Glad that there are positives from having it done, Thunder.
Us silly old farts worry about you young blokes at times, because we know only too well that it isn't just causing a bit of noise.
Glad to hear that you are enjoying a smoother & quieter ride now that you've fixed the rear strut mate :ebiggrin:

On top of what Ratbag said re the handling, it should also be giving you a safer ride too :iconwink:

Mr Turbo
Wasn't sure whether to post this here, or what you see at the wreckers.... Swifty aka the best ute in Australia is booked in at 8.00 a.m in the morning for a Queensland roadworthy to decide her fate.... She has been a part of our family for 11 years, and now I need to find her a new home. I have everything crossed and said a few prayers hoping that she will pass and can go to some1 who sees the same value in her as I have.

Wasn't sure whether to post this here, or what you see at the wreckers.... Swifty aka the best ute in Australia is booked in at 8.00 a.m in the morning for a Queensland roadworthy to decide her fate.... She has been a part of our family for 11 years, and now I need to find her a new home. I have everything crossed and said a few prayers hoping that she will pass and can go to some1 who sees the same value in her as I have.


How much ?
OutbackOiler, I have to see what they find with the roadworthy. If there's hundreds of $$ repairs I'll cash the rego in & then have a think. I have always kept it in safe roadworthy condition, but they are pretty harsh on older cars now... It was my very first Subaru, and still is a fun car to drive :-)... Fantastic for teaching kids to drive in & cheap as chips to insure comprehensively
Quick question btw... For those who installed strut top spacers, how much time did it take to do all fours? I'm trying to plan for next week (I'll be doing that with a friend... or, well, he'll be doing it and I'll try to help as much as I can lol).
Save Swifty! (Funny looking ute)

Stilson, One day when we had some timber delivered... Swifty had her ute shoes on, had branches inside stacked to the brim and a fairly generous amount of rainforest type vegetation strapped to the roof... the delivery driver mortified me when he asked if the car was part of the rubbish pile! The cheek of some people! And thanks Stilson, for thinking Swifty's worthy of saving :-)
OutbackOiler... she is a working Subaru, & I am always truthful :-) ... Needless to say it is the LONGEST roadworthy in history. Still not ready. How hard can it be?
Quick question btw... For those who installed strut top spacers, how much time did it take to do all fours? I'm trying to plan for next week (I'll be doing that with a friend... or, well, he'll be doing it and I'll try to help as much as I can lol).

Can be done easily in a day or evening. Ratchet spanners make the job quicker and a bench to sit the strut on while you fit the spacer makes it much easier than fighting it on the floor. We did the rear pair in 1:45.
Save Swifty! (Funny looking ute)

Stilson, One day when we had some timber delivered... Swifty had her ute shoes on, had branches inside stacked to the brim and a fairly generous amount of rainforest type vegetation strapped to the roof... the delivery driver mortified me when he asked if the car was part of the rubbish pile! The cheek of some people! And thanks Stilson, for thinking Swifty's worthy of saving :-)

I have a Peugeot 206 GTi that delivered 3x 2.5M olive trees contently (if not comfortably or legally).
Hopefully it won't be too bad price wise Scooby2.

I also like what stilson says & agree .... Save Swifty

Mr Turbo