What have you done to your car today?

Just finished installing new clarion head unit 1000watt amp and 2 12inch subs in subi . and installing new jvc head unit in wifes honda . i sure like the boomboom in the subi
Thought of ideas on making some sort of heat exchanger for water that would use the exhaust manifold as the heat source. It sheds TONS of heat, so I think it would work out for some hot water while camping. Just need to scheme more. I know there are kits out for the use of the coolant as the heat source, but I have to be different, lol.
Very jealous, I am trying to worm my way into getting some extra juice into my stereo at the moment, it's always nice to have good bass:lildevil:

Yeah im loveing it . had to put a larger fuse in . it started melting the one that came with the amp kit .
Yeah im loveing it . had to put a larger fuse in . it started melting the one that came with the amp kit .

What's even harder for me is I installed a high end kenwood touch screen double din unit with all the bells and whistles, upgraded all the standard speakers to Polk ones and them added an amp and a sub in her liberty, got it sounding very nice indeed and now I can't get an upgrade for mine. She suffers from turbo envy as well :rotfl:
I added a chain... to the best ute in Australia :-)

What's even harder for me is I installed a high end kenwood touch screen double din unit with all the bells and whistles, upgraded all the standard speakers to Polk ones and them added an amp and a sub in her liberty, got it sounding very nice indeed and now I can't get an upgrade for mine. She suffers from turbo envy as well :rotfl:

I have turbo envy too . but maby some day ill be.able to.afford to.install one
Opened my headlights by baking them in the oven for 10min @120C to soften the butyl.


I hope to have one projector mounted tonight.
Geez ST

You are very brave mate!!

Do you have to baste them while cooking?
What vegetables do you serve with them?
How many serves do you usually get from each headlight?
Do you serve the fog lights as dessert?

:poke: :lol: :rotfl:

Seriously though, how did you settle on 120°C?
At what temperature will the polycarb melt?
And how about the other plastics in the light fitting?
Mm yummy head lights

Yeah I reckon! I bet his missus was happy with the use of the oven!

What have I done to Ruby Scoo - well, continued on the camp cargo setup before the big trip (2 weeks ago now); added a rear LED setup with switch that's also switched with the interior light - works a treat when it's dark!

Then went bush for an awesome time out with Venom - we survived and managed to fix his lib to continue together on the trip :D

Trip report coming up ;)


Ooo, Can't wait for a trip report Bennie!! :D Did it all go smoothly, no one break any Soobs?

Yes the I don't know if Mrs. Stilson was happy about that one, atleast it worked though :D
Thanks sjm, it's only a job I have been getting around to for 11 years... but it makes a big difference! It folds over onto itself, so it doesn't take up a lot of room when you travel. We tried it on the weekend for the first sleep in the Outback... was like we had an up-sized sleep area compared to the Liberty - we didn't have to synchronize our turns all night. Also a big improvement to our camp was the RV end tent... you can sleep with the hatch up, and have a huge area that stays dry in the rain :-)

Our New Camp:

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Also a big improvement to our camp was the RV end tent... you can sleep with the hatch up, and have a huge area that stays dry in the rain :-)

Yeah, I reviewed something similar in this thread: https://offroadsubarus.com/showthread.php?t=3587

I've since made some mods though - added more tie downs, and shortened the wall height so it doesn't angle out so much. One minor annoyance though, is that when the hatch is covered in mud, it gets smeared on the inside of the roof.
Today i flushed radator and toped it off . its getting down in the 30deg area here in colorado usa . id hate for any thing to crack cause the temps