What have you done to your car today?

Hope this works.. have been technologically challenged with pics. Was a long time happening - but now the mattress fits - complete with removable washable cover, and now folds back onto itself so it takes up less room when we go camping:

Reminds me of a gasser.

??? What's this?

She rides nice and should sit well for the trip later this week once she's loaded up.


Wash and wax on the outside yesterday, cleaned and vacuumed the front floor and seats, cleaned the insides of all 4 doors. Now just need to clean out the rear passenger area and the car will be cleaner than before the trip to Cameron Corner 3 years ago! lol.
Bennie and Tasa, both your cars are looking great.

Mind you... I don't think I will ever get rid of all the red dirt! :biggrin:
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??? What's this?

looks great Bennie, bet it handles better too with new shocks :monkeydance:

Stilson...as you're a Beetle enthusiast I'm shocked! :rotfl:

Biesel...yeah we want pics lol :poke::iconwink:
Gidday ST

That's a tad too abstruse, even for my weaselly mind ... :iconwink:

Care to be a little more explicit?
Transmission code manual AWD 75mm shaft spacing 8 bolt 5 speed DCCD 4.444 JDM STi V5/6 with a DCCDPro controller on its way to e-go depot in Sydney where it will hitch a ride on a truck and meet me in Perth.

You mean THAT kind of
ty754vb1ca ...

Silly me ... :lol: :rotfl:

Hope it works well for you, ST :).