What have you done to your car today?

I mechanically installed some new driving lights on the Forrie. They should be ample to light up the road ahead. If not, there is always the HID conversion.... Electrical installation this weekend.
Took a look at why my car has so much body roll. Took the rear sawybar and endlinks off and I have 40mm on movement on the sh***y rubber endlinks. That explains it so for the time being I just took the whole rear swaybar off.

I also cut my rear bump so it doesn't keep catching offroad. It's pretty much hanging on the car and in hobbile condition from getting caught and cracking it so now it shouldn't catch as much :P
Today I cleaned about 50kg of sticky clay mud from wheel arches, wheels, bumpers, chassis rails (inside them lol), suspension, radiator...basically the whole car lol

I've discovered the rear bumper works really well as a mud scoop :lol:

^Notice mud oozing from ABOVE the number plate! :eek:

The valve stem just barely visible with about an inch of mud inside the rim:

Its all nice and clean now...only took about an hour! And I'm sure its faster now haha:rotfl:
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Gidday NL

Today I cleaned about 50kg of sticky clay mud from wheel arches, wheels, bumpers, chassis rails (inside them lol), suspension, radiator...basically the whole car lol

I've discovered the rear bumper works really well as a mud scoop :lol:

^Notice mud oozing from ABOVE the number plate! :eek:

Mate, I hope that's not oil covering your rear diff ...
Might pay to check it :poke:.
Today I cleaned about 50kg of sticky clay mud from wheel arches, wheels, bumpers, chassis rails (inside them lol), suspension, radiator...basically the whole car lol...

...Its all nice and clean now...only took about an hour! And I'm sure its faster now haha:rotfl:
I'm sure it is :lol:
And I bet your economy rate is better too, now that it's lost all that extra weight :iconwink:

Mate, I hope that's not oil covering your rear diff ...
Might pay to check it :poke:.
I noticed that too :cool:
Best to check it out mate, better to sure than sorry :iconwink:

Mr Turbo
This morning (friday) I "de-iced" Ruby Scoo in order to get to Lakes Entrance to have my back sorted. I was great to be driving on the snow again!


On our return to Hotham it's still snowing, and my wife drove us home safely, her first snow driving experience - at night too!


Driving lights now fully installed, just need alignment.

Gidday Bennie

This morning (friday) I "de-iced" Ruby Scoo in order to get to Lakes Entrance to have my back sorted. I was great to be driving on the snow again!

On our return to Hotham it's still snowing, and my wife drove us home safely, her first snow driving experience - at night too!



Makes me feel even colder just looking at it mate! AND our central heating hasn't stopped for days here!

Congrats to your wife on her 'first time' at snow driving :). Can be pretty scary, and hairy; well done. Black ice is absolutely terrifying IME (minute amount of that, thank goodness!).

How's your back? Nothing too serious I hope.
Look good, Rally

Driving lights now fully installed, just need alignment.

The alignment's always the hard part, IME ...

They should make up for crappy single headlights.
They may well be better than the ones on Roo1, but I doubt it. I ran 90/55W in them, but it didn't help much :(.

The best standard lights of any car I have ever owned were on my Austin Kimberley. 4 x H4; all glass and thermoset plastic; ran 100/60W in the outers and 100W in the inners (IIRC); all separately adjustable for vertical/horizontal alignment :). Shame about the crappy alternator output ... Ah well, I suppose nothing's "perfect"! Not even me ... :iconwink: :lol:

My only problems with the ones on Roo2 is that they only have vertical adjustment AFAICS; and the individual lights in each headlight assembly are not able to be separately aligned. Other than those two things, they are excellent.
Today I cleaned about 50kg of sticky clay mud from wheel arches, wheels, bumpers, chassis rails (inside them lol), suspension, radiator...basically the whole car lol

I've discovered the rear bumper works really well as a mud scoop :lol:

^Notice mud oozing from ABOVE the number plate! :eek:

Good effort mate, but still not trying hard enough, where's the mud on the roof?? :poke:

Driving lights now fully installed, just need alignment.


I quite enjoy setting up my lights, if you do it properly the first time it's set and forget. A moonless night and a long straight quiet road is the key for me ;)

How's your back? Nothing too serious I hope.

My back is awesome today compared to the last two or three! I'm still skewed to the right but in a lot less pain. If I'd left it longer the chiro told me I could have ended up with a slipped disc or something of the like - it's where the cartilage bulges out from between the discs and interferes with the nerves in the area. Glad I didn't get to that point. Another couple of visits and staying active will see me straight again. Not fun I can tell you though - it's so debilitating!
Since I'm at Hotham I'll see someone back in Benders next week that's cheap but does a good job. The fella I saw was $50 and I saw that as a very good price, initial consultation is $55 or 65, I can't remember as that was a year ago now!

Ruby Scoo's covered in even more snow today since parking her up at 11pm last night :D Love it!


G'day again Bennie

My back is awesome today compared to the last two or three! I'm still skewed to the right but in a lot less pain. If I'd left it longer the chiro told me I could have ended up with a slipped disc or something of the like - it's where the cartilage bulges out from between the discs and interferes with the nerves in the area. Glad I didn't get to that point. Another couple of visits and staying active will see me straight again. Not fun I can tell you though - it's so debilitating!

Yeah, it's a bugger mate.

Glad to hear that you are feeling better.

The Orthopod said to me more than 20 years ago, "Don't feel cheated. Half the human race has a bad back, including you and me. We should still be walking around on our knuckles ... ". He was certainly right about me ... :ebiggrin:.

His other advice was:
  • NEVER work through a pain barrier; Drop everything where it is, lie down and rest until the pain goes away.
  • NEVER take pain killers during the day, unless absolutely unavoidable; as they mask the pain, allowing you to further damage yourself.
  • NEVER allow anyone except a neuro-surgeon or anaesthetist to touch your spine - No orthopods, chiropractors, physioterrorists; no one. We do not know enough not to damage you further.
I have followed his advice ever since, and have only had a couple of bad episodes that have laid me out for more than a few days at a time.
And yes, I have two discs with bulges that are geometrically central where they rub on the spinal cord (T5:L1) and spinal nerve bundle (L5:S1) when they are inflamed. They are certainly crippling when 'active'.

My commiserations, and best wishes for a speedy recovery mate.
Your new lights look great Rally :raz:

What beams did you end up going with ?
I'm guessing they are both pencil, judging by pic.

Or did you go with 1x pencil & 1x spread ?

Mr Turbo
Both pencil beam. They light up the whole length of my street! And then some.
I know what you mean by lighting up the whole street when they're on :cool:
I have 2x pencil beams on my Forry too :ebiggrin:

Mr Turbo
I know what you mean by lighting up the whole street when they're on :cool:
I have 2x pencil beams on my Forry too :ebiggrin:

I prefer spread over pencil... I got 1 pencil and 1 spread. I find there isn't enough spread to have 'good' visability. Certainly much better than the stock head lights though :iconwink:
These lights are so good they provide a good spread- even though they are pencil beams.
Gidday Rally

These lights are so good they provide a good spread- even though they are pencil beams.

They sound as if they are very well designed, from your description.

All depends on the shape of the reflector. They can be made so that they are not quite perfectly paraboloid, and so give both a well focused beam as well as some side lighting.
I could take a photo but I am yet to see a photo that shows how well a light works. For one, you lose depth of field. For another, what the camera picks up as poor light can still be reasonably good light, because it has to react to the really bright light in the foreground. I think it is a case of good design and the sheer size of them that makes such a good light. Interesting though that they are not the biggest light they make. The big ones must indeed be impressive.