UPDATE: It's taken a while but the ECU is learning & I'm now pretty happy with the EJ22. It has noticeably more poke in the midrange & a little more torque at low RPMs.
There's a steep hill near home in a 60kmh zone that the old EJ20J would just barely hold speed in 4th @2000RPM @60kmh. Initially, the EJ22 would lose speed but I've been doing lots of "teaching"...deliberately using a low gear/low RPM/high load to force the ECU to learn. On this hill & any other time I could, esp at 1500RPM, I'd hold it WOT & wind it out to 5000RPM so it learns all the parameters.
It's worked because the other day I had an extra 200kg plus passenger up this hill, I was sure I'd have to change gear but the revs dropped a little then held, even with the extra weight.