WA monthly adventure trip report

Good to meet you all and to finally match name to faces. Day started with a few laughs and a few thrills until clutch related smoke became visible.

Yes my stay was brief but yet the morning provided many laughs. Thankyou Twinkles:lol:

Awesome day out guys, hope your clutch is ok catchya!

Clutch is just about rooted Stilson. I'm glad I made the decision to head home otherwise I could see myself still driving home:poke:

1st and 2nd gear slip, 3rd to 5th is fine so far. I have to nurse it for the next 2 weeks due to work commitments

Positives are I get to start planning immediately a dual range conversion for the FXT. :discomonkey:
Great trip guys! Good to meet ya catchya. Tis a shame about the clutch but these things happen. Was a good idea you went with your gut and decided to call it a day early!

I have pics and vids that i may post up in a new wash up thread for this trip :)
Good to meet you all and to finally match name to faces. Day started with a few laughs and a few thrills until clutch related smoke became visible.

Yes my stay was brief but yet the morning provided many laughs. Thankyou Twinkles:lol:

Clutch is just about rooted Stilson. I'm glad I made the decision to head home otherwise I could see myself still driving home:poke:

1st and 2nd gear slip, 3rd to 5th is fine so far. I have to nurse it for the next 2 weeks due to work commitments

Positives are I get to start planning immediately a dual range conversion for the FXT. :discomonkey:

I'm usually good for a laugh or two! Shame about the clutch, been there! Good on ya for making the call to leave!
Was lots of fun! Good to catch up with everyone again and great to go back to Lano! Looking forward to next time!

Was good to meet you too catchya, 'tis a shame about the clutch though. You definitely made the right choice though!
Some of my pics

Some of Taza's L series, apart from the clutch and other engine problems that thing was awesome



Stilson showing off his flex with the easy dis-connectable sway bar.


The Jackabru



Twinklz kept trying to get over this really steep dune. (videos next)

Then I had a go in Red. Red had plenty of power to make it up the dune, it felt like being in a NASA rocket launch, if I didn't hit the brakes on the way up I would of been launched. After the car slid back about a cars length it made some good photo's.


Some video of Twinklz trying and failing to make it up several sand dunes. Note - Stilson is already on top of one of those dunes.
WARNING!! Contains no Subaru action. Stilson was already on top of the dune, while Taza and Catchya had already killed their clutches by the time I got the camera out. And it's difficult to video myself.


With Twinklz persistence and a Subaru's power-weight ratio cars would have been launched!

Maybe next time in the Brumby.
Cool pics Red! Good stuff. I got lots of good video and pics, will try to post some pics if I get time.

Interceptor is going to put parts of mine and his videos together in a YouTube compilation soon.
Here are some pics. Video is on its way, just has to upload. Sorry for the delay!

If anyone wants a higher res pic for themselves just let me know!
Photo's are courtesy of myself and offroadfalcon.

As ive said, video is currently being uploaded and i will post it in here as soon as its done. Youtube reckons 299 minutes. . !
Keen to come for a Lanno trip once the EJ finally puts itself into Scooby....
deadline has been set at New Years :P
Is my exhaust squeal that loud!? It doesn't sound anywhere near that bad from inside the insulated cabin.

Getting bogged on such a small dunes required a decent effort :P I didn't even see it until after I got stuck.
Is my exhaust squeal that loud!? It doesn't sound anywhere near that bad from inside the insulated cabin.

Getting bogged on such a small dunes required a decent effort :P I didn't even see it until after I got stuck.

Yeah mate, its just as loud as ever! Quite ear piercing really.
Yep its fairly loud, what causes it?

Yes, hidden mini dunes are a menace, i found one and it was a case of goodbye front bumper :)
Internals in my rear muffler have fallen apart. (Which is a common problem on foresters) And the noise is just made by air leaking through the internals. The noise is slowly getting worse, now it starts at 3,000rpm under full throttle, but under less throttle requires higher rpm to get the required airflow. And the more rpm and throttle, the louder it gets. Costs about $350 for a new stock aftermarket one, which is more than I want to spend for something that isn't a real problem.

Any chance of getting a higher quality still at 7:05min into the video?
Internals in my rear muffler have fallen apart. (Which is a common problem on foresters) And the noise is just made by air leaking through the internals. The noise is slowly getting worse, now it starts at 3,000rpm under full throttle, but under less throttle requires higher rpm to get the required airflow. And the more rpm and throttle, the louder it gets. Costs about $350 for a new stock aftermarket one, which is more than I want to spend for something that isn't a real problem.

Any chance of getting a higher quality still at 7:05min into the video?

Certainly is an interesting one. In a way it's almost a characterful feature of the car! :)