WA monthly adventure trip report

I have the whistling muffler problem too. Isn't too bad to worry about yet.

Should be able to go on the next trip.
Where? I've hunted for a rear for my MY07-X and the best I could get was $280 for aftermarket.
Maybe a special deal for the 3 of us ;)

I'm just looking for a stock replacement and can fit myself.
If Taza can get it cheap I'd be in for a group buy :ebiggrin:

And stock for me too. I like listening to others loud exhaust systems, but I'd get sick of it pretty quick on long drives.
Internals in my rear muffler have fallen apart. (Which is a common problem on foresters) And the noise is just made by air leaking through the internals. The noise is slowly getting worse, now it starts at 3,000rpm under full throttle, but under less throttle requires higher rpm to get the required airflow. And the more rpm and throttle, the louder it gets. Costs about $350 for a new stock aftermarket one, which is more than I want to spend for something that isn't a real problem.

Any chance of getting a higher quality still at 7:05min into the video?

Interesting issue. First ive heard of it. Makes sense though!

Hows this? Photobucket makes it smaller for forum use.
If its good enough, feel free to copy paste or i can email it to if you advise your email address :)

Interesting issue. First ive heard of it. Makes sense though!
When my MY07 was on a hoist in Brissie recently for an oil/filter change, the mech pointed out the corrosion (aka rust holes) through the rear end of the muffler. He commented that that is unusual, and almost always the failure mode is the internals come loose and then you get the whistle. I guess it is the result of the original owner of mine being the stereotypical little old lady who only did short runs and probably never got into 4th, let alone 5th => Exhaust gets full of condensation and never gets hot enough to dry it out, so rust ensues. Mine's got a muffler bog repair for now because the price of aftermarket put me off. Maybe 'ron.
Still have original exhaust om my MY03 but rear has some small corrosion below exit pipe.
No noise yet or none that I can hear. Usually have music playing anyway...
When it does need replacement I`ll look at an efficient header/exhaust system if I can find one in Adelaide.
Yesterday Fazed and I went to the Mundaring Powerlines track. It was a nice fun day, I know the Eastern crew would of done the entire track in the wet, but in the dry it was still a good challenge for our closer to stock vehicles.

We did come across one hill were Fazed AT tyres allowed him to make it up, while my road tyres just spun up and created a cloud of dust. And no I didn't get any footage of that hill. Actually I didn't take that many pictures. But here's some of Fazed.



As with all trip that I go on, we ended up on some obscure bush track that was quite where we were planning on being.

But thanks to Fazed fancy memory map on his piece of technology we got back onto the Powelines track with out wasting half the day.

And some 4wding action of Fazed.
I learnt that I need to take spare batteries or only turn the camera on at interesting points. Most of the harder climbs and obstacles were in the second half of the track so I got no real interesting footage except this perspective gives you an idea of how hard the suspension works on rough road.

Cool stuff! I'm keen to check out this area sometime in the new year. Maybe before or after my roadtrip across the country.
Been a while since our last WA monthly adventure trip report...

Last week I did a trip with Tom and his EJ22 swapped L Series. Plan was to drive from Lancelin to Jurien Bay with out any roads. But we only made it about half the distance as there were so many great places to stop and swim/snorkel/fish/surf ect along the way.

Two nice looking red Subaru's in Lancelin dunes


A puddle near Lancelin

Before the main part of our journey, we took a trip South along the beach to Ledge.

Trip there wasn't too bad, but the wind seamed to soften up the sand, making a difficult trip back. The tide was very friendly.

Didn't get back to Lancelin until evening.
The next day we started heading North up the sand trails and beaches.

"The plants will be good for traction"

Wedge island wasn't much of an island and is currently connected to the mainland. Was a great place for a swim.


Our first camp along the way.

And the sunset
Heading further North there were plenty of nice bays along the way to stop off lunch, swimming and fishing. Side note - neither of us are very good at shore fishing.






As we headed further North the going got tougher. Tacks were more over grown, the only vehicles we came across were near towns, and then we found a very soft beach...
What a beautiful bog to wake up to!

And there's the other bog just a bit further down the beach.

This was done in the evening just before high tide. There was a bit of night digging to get the L above the high tide mark before it came up and night reversing the Forester back for a recovery was unsuccessful. The mornings low tide (when the photos were taken) was an easier recovery.

Since we were on our last day, only at the half way mark and had enough of digging, we decided to hit the tarmac and do some easier tourist things...


All up a very enjoyable trip and well worth doing again. Next time we just need more cars and more time.
Thats some nice adventures Red ! Wish we had an ocean here too...
Some pictures from the weekend trip to Wilbinga. Weather wasn't great, but still fun.


The beach at Wilbinga gets very narrow in places.

The U turn in the widest part of the beach went well. Once dedman was recovered I gave him some experience in winching out red Foresters.


Turned out the tide was coming in, with wave washing over our previous tracks. So we decided to go into the dunes for the rest of the trip back.


Dedman making a sand dune look easy

Dedman's Forester did extremely well, it was surprising where the 2L could get with some decent gearing.