Gidday Taza & Thunder
The standard one is only any good onroad and on abit of gravel, nothing more as it isn't strong enough.
Mine seems to work extremely well, and it hasn't broken - yet ...
i should have been clearer. what i meant was i can only get one wheel to spin, never two, or when offroad does it stop spinning or ever get both spinning. on road it makes it a little more dinamic but not much.
and also i belive the GT has the rear LSD anyway, so the comparison of rear diff makes no difference.
either way the rear lsd is pathetic
I still think that you miss the point of what an LSD is supposed to do, Thunder.
If you really want to get both back wheels spinning, drive a different car ...
Are you saying that the car has one wheel spinning while going nowhere? i.e. no forward motion at all?
Personally, I think that technique (driver skill and experience) is far more important than almost any mechanical attribute of a car. I see that mentioned by many people here who have exactly that. It comes from not just driving lots of miles over lots of years, but also from thinking through what you are doing for almost every second of that time behind the wheel.
There is a great deal of subtlety involved in driving well, and lots of thought goes into working out what one is doing wrong, as well as right - be it in towing a very heavy trailer, or just going for a quick fang along a mountain road.
Driving off-road is yet another such set of skills.
All these skills only come through practice and thought.
It comes down to the difference between drag racing (relatively simple set of skills) and grand touring racing as it was done in the olden days - on real public roads (a very complex skill set). Everyday driving is more akin to the latter, rather than the former ...
Compare the death rate in motor cycle racing between track racing and road racing. The Isle of Man TT claims about one life every year, IIRC. Deaths in ALL track racing events are almost unheard of these days. Does happen, just not very often.
As I said to Taza, mine seems to work very well indeed. Hugely different vehicle dynamics from my Impreza, which had no LSD in the rear ...