PICTURE POST: your favorite off-road shot!

At the moment, this is my favourite image. The car has been knocked off the road (cheating for this thread) but just goes to show why the cars have such a great safety rating.
I was hit from behind by a truck traveling at least 30km faster than I.
Both myself and the passenger walked away without a scratch.


Some more photos in the Flickr stream if you want to see. https://www.flickr.com/photos/theatreperson/sets/72157629768192937/
Crappy dashcam footage (normal have my GoPro mounted at 60fps :( ) https://youtu.be/4dkZAFpcd_0
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Wow is all I can say dcoutback. Sorry bout your car, but very glad every1 is ok.

Best regards,
Holy :censored: thats a big hit :eek:

So glad you & your passenger were able to walk away without a scratch :)

Mr Turbo
Oh mate, so sorry to hear bout this. Did the truck stop? Hope he's been charged! :yell::furious:

Very glad you're both OK, sure was a big hit. Very lucky you missed the pub. At least you didnt have far to go to settle the nerves lol :iconwink:
Camo - :welcome: and thats some serious looking stuff

Rizzo03 - That's still awesome, I've never seen an outback ute (pickup-truck) before, don't think you get them in Australia.
G'day camo & :welcome: to ORS.

You're quite correct Red XS, we were never offered the Baja down under :sadbanana:

Mr Turbo
Bcoutback - Whoa man! Totally didn't expect that!

Glad you're ok. Looks like you could almost drive it home without any issues looking at that pic.

Keep us updated on what happens - replacement or repair etc

All the best, not a great way to start 2014 :(


^ what bennie said. Glad that you are OK mate. That would have been a ****ty experience.
:( So sorry to see this but I must say that you were very lucky to have been in a Subaru for that!
Trestle bridge past Noojee:

Hut at Woods Point:

Didnt see a deep hole while following a FJ40 along (in) the Goulburn R (just a trickle up here):
Great pic NachaLuva :ebiggrin:

The bridge in the background in the first pic is a beauty :raz:

Mr Turbo
And a view from the top of the Trestle bridge past Noojee (with the new car down below)


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NL - that car looks like a beast!

Here are a couple from recent trips end of last year... Esperance, Albany, Augusta, Margaret River and Tasmania all in 3 months!

Fellow subi, I thought I'd keep him company :)

Harvey Dam Fishing Trip, Boxing Day

New Years Day (Augusta, Black Point) - slept in the car and woke up to this view at sunrise, surprisingly comfortable just putting the driver seat back.

Airing back up from Black Point Trip

Augusta, exploring new tracks

Thanks Mr.T, that was a great trip waking up to that view!