PICTURE POST: your favorite off-road shot!

Haha, yeah it's only been getting up to 68 degrees Fahrenheit on the hottest days so far, which is insane hot. We're at 65 degrees North, which isn't as North as the Arctic circle, but North enough for sunset to occur at 11:44 tonight according to wunderground.:cool:
Definitely requires some thick curtains in the bedroom.

Thats pretty warm for that far north!
Still, we get the occasional 48 Celsius here (about 120 F) and I recorded 68 C (over 150F) in the sun once before my thermometer melted (No joke, the LCD literally melted!)
But it doesn't stay sunny overnight at least
Thats pretty warm for that far north!
Still, we get the occasional 48 Celsius here (about 120 F) and I recorded 68 C (over 150F) in the sun once before my thermometer melted (No joke, the LCD literally melted!)
But it doesn't stay sunny overnight at least

That's insane! It would take me quite some time to get used to heat like that. But the crazy thing about the climate here is that it'll get up to about 80*F in the summer, and consistently drop to -55 in the winter, not to mention the 70 below days in 2012. Luckily i was in Colorado for that cold spell!
Thank you gents, and nice pics there, Sarge98! I'm stuck taking pictures with my phone also. El_Freddo, where did you visit when you came to Alaska?

Sorry mate! I read the thread, then later posted getting you and Sarge98 mixed up :(

Apologies! I'd love to visit Alaska but it'll be ages off if I ever get there - still got loads to see in Australia...


Blue Rag Range Track trig point, high country Victoria, with the new Forester.


One of the few really good photos I have of Scooby out and about.
Taken at the rest stop halfway down Three Bears Track in Dunsborough, WA
Blue Rag Range Track trig point, high country Victoria, with the new Forester.


^ You're up at the Trig point on Blue Rag Track before it drops back down to the river?? Have they graded the road since the bush fires because 7 lifted and some highly modified subarus couldn't get up there a few years back... Top effort either way - awesome views up there!

Some Mt Cole teasers for you all:





Wore in the new Outback :ebiggrin:


Went with Twinkles on here (Jackaroo) and my other mate in the Falcon.

Ill put a video up soon on youtube once i put it together.
It depresses me to get on ORS.com, I have to travel a few hours to get nicer views than these.

EDIT: More AWESOME views, like those of Blue Fox and E.J.

And that is just the local fishing hole.
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^ Nice spot anyway, NC.

I'm in the same boat, I have to drive around an hour just to find a real dirt road! :(
^ Whaaaaaaat? You're in Melborne, like Australia? And you dont have a dirt road near you? How is that possible? I thought thats all Australia was, was dirt roads and kangaroos and alligators and Dundee saying "G'Day Mate!" ...lol

I have found trails around here, but they're not as scenic or challenging. The Trans American Trail is just north of me and Gravel Rocks was saying something about the Trans Eastern and Trans West Virginia Trails. I just need to find a group to go with now.
Love it Snowball :monkeydance:

Mighty big spotties you have there:ebiggrin:
This is my favourite because its me towing my brother out. Makes it all that sweeter.

This is at the Glass house mountains on the weekend


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