PICTURE POST: your favorite off-road shot!


I'll add a few more later :)
more Moab

[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3D39-y-QMVY&feature=channel"]Moab trail in Subaru, aka Superu - YouTube[/ame]

[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPTnYGy3Oes&feature=channel"]Superu running in Moab - YouTube[/ame]

[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVk2YLsqDMM&feature=channel"]clearance (@ 50MPH and 60 MPH) YO!! - YouTube[/ame]

[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zlAGAwmzvbI&feature=channel"]Superu on Hell's Revenge entrance fin - YouTube[/ame]

[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hmq4CIOgaFc&feature=channel"]Superu on Hell's Revenge - YouTube[/ame]
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Great vids Superu_legacy :ebiggrin:
The one of you driving Hell's Revenge entrance is a beauty :raz:

Mr Turbo
koretex is that at Windrock OHV park? Think I've seen that pic before.:cool:

Superu_legacy, sweet videos (pics too), I'm with Mr T, Hell's revenge entrance is :cool:.
koretex is that at Windrock OHV park? Think I've seen that pic before.:cool:

Superu_legacy, sweet videos (pics too), I'm with Mr T, Hell's revenge entrance is :cool:.

It is! The only other place Ive posted it is at sf.org. That is the most "extreme" situation I have ever gotten her into, and am lucky there was someone there taking pix!

Great pics koretex :)
The pics of your Forry by the stream are magic :raz:
And I really like the last pic too :biggrin: It's how all Forry's should look :rock:

Mr Turbo
It is! The only other place Ive posted it is at sf.org. That is the most "extreme" situation I have ever gotten her into, and am lucky there was someone there taking pix!

That would be where I saw it.:ebiggrin: We are getting a decent amount of south east folks here, perhaps we can get a trip going up there sometime this year.:cool:
I'm jealous of you lucky people that have snow or mud to play around in. Snow is rare around here, mud usually only during the summer monsoon season. All we get is dust. So how about this for an offroad Subaru shot ?

offroadsubarus by *dxd*, on Flickr

Great pic dxd :raz:
I love it, it's brilliant.
I can see another banner coming soon with that pic :iconwink:
Stay tuned :ebiggrin:

Mr Turbo
^^Here you go, as promised :iconwink:
It's a bit different to what I normally do I know, so I hope you guys still like it :)


Mr Turbo