Anyway So this past week drove abit further for work at a more constant speed for 100KM/H. The needle sits where it should a couple mm above the first line and doesnt move,
What was the weather like? Did you try with Air-con on?
Ill remember that for friday
👍 Air-con sends my temperature through the roof.
Picked mine up from the mechanic who diagnosed a fan problem,if it's not that, then about the only other problem is a blockage although he can see coolant flowing through.
It's going into the auto-electrician on Monday. If fixing the fan problem doesn't help next step is radiator & coolant sensor, then after that buy a rebuilt engine. Which I probably should have done rather than doing the heads. :gaah: ohh. that's not an emoji.. 😾
urghh it never ends! Bottom radiator hose must be on the way out, clamp is done up good. Dont know how much more i can tighen it. Whats the go with radiator hoses, OEM or we good for other brands??
Indeed and everything will be for naught if i dont fix this asap. So can ni got to repco or bursons and pick up a house and she'll be right??
OEM is usually best for this kind of part, but in an emergency, anything that fits is good!

Make sure you get new clamps ... ;) .
Just ordered the pipe off partsouq so doubt it will come this week just need to get the clamps @El_Freddo you wouldnt happen to know what size clamps i need and what type.
Just ordered the pipe off partsouq so doubt it will come this week just need to get the clamps @El_Freddo you wouldnt happen to know what size clamps i need and what type.
You could ask them to send you a pair of clamps for the hose you are buying ... ?
Radiator hoses I just use aftermarket. I’ve not had an issue with these.

As for clamp @Ser_Egg - I don’t know it off the top of my head, maybe a 52mm clamp but don’t quote me on that. What’s wrong with your old clamp? I always reuse mine unless there is an obvious issue with it ;)

Good idea to swap that pesky little heater hose to the water pump too while you have the coolant out. Super cheap usually have a hose for a Statesman or a Camry that does the job (after cutting it down).

