What have you done to your car today?

Good planning havachat... Had a similar occurrence with trailer tyres recently.... They were 2002! This lil black duck wanted no blowouts, so 3 new heavier rated tyres fitted.

Best regards,

You will need to slot the rear bolt holes on the sump guard. Cut them all the way through the back. Do not touch the front holes. You will also need to bend the sump guard a little to fit around the sump. I have also used a pair of mudguard washers on the rear bolts, since the holes are now open slots.


Thanks for the advice will have a go at it on the weekend.
Put a weber carby in today, but forgot that I had drained the cooling system. Halfway through tinkering with the weber I realised that I had not put coolant back in. So crossing my fingers that the coolant in the heads and block was enough to stop the head gaskets blowing or the heads warping will find out tomorrow
Have taken her out for a good run no leaks and coolant is still at the same level. The Weber Carby makes a huge difference. Heaps of low end power. Top end it is lacking but I will change the jets on the second barrel down the track and see if that makes much of a difference. But so far all smiles.
All sounds good, Teki.

Glad that it works well, and that no harm has come about from the mishap with the coolant.
Forked out to the local mechanic for the Heater Core repair...ouch. Oh well. And scored some new sportswagon wheels, already painted in the original off white, and swapped them on with mine. Amazing what a cleaned up set of wheels does to the car. So - going to have some Sportswagon wheels and also a set of brumby white wheels available soon if anyone's interested?

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Make sure you keep at least one set of spare wheels. That way you can have one set for highway / everyday use, and one set for offroad, they will last longer that way.

It may seem overkill now, but you will regret letting them go later.

Good point! Hadn't thought about off road tyres yet thought so hadn't considered keeping them. Thanks!
Some people should just get a life...
Having finished up completely my anal retentive (me not the car) MY03 XS log book at 335375 kms I, this arvo, completed calculating the fuel consumption.
It has, in its 13.5 years, used 30155 litres of a mix, at different times, of E10, 91, 95 and the very odd batch of 98 (Birdsville where it is only marginally more expensive than 91) at an average of 9.0 litres/100 kms over the distance of 335375 kms..
The consumption has increased marginally over the past year or so from my last calculation of 8.9l/100 km to today`s number.
Suspected reasons are engine wearing out and getting weary, both of us, and more city driving as I now reside in Adelaide for most of the time.
Time to buy a new log book methinks.
Will it fill this one I wonder..........
^^ & ^ surely is, S2. We have kept similar records for all our vehicles since about 1982. Patchy before that ...

That's how I know that #2 Colt cost us about 22c/km to own from cradle to grave.

Today I replaced the rear wiper blade/holder assembly on Roo2. $20 ...
got the cheque for mine...... as it got written off by the insurance company after a fool reversed into me.

still I got all the parts [wings] to fix it for £57 and bought it back off the insurance for £200.
Machined front rotors, new front brake pads, oh and a heavy duty clutch too! Seems that offroading has taken its toll!!!! Heavy duty clutch is a million times better, though is slightly harder to use in stop start traffic (especially up hill).
And obviously to break it in, a trip up to Wisemans Ferry and Buckety was in order, going through St Albans
Nice run that. I really like going all that way to Wollombi when heading to QLD if time permits, Gourd`s Own Country.
Somewhere up there, just south of W I think is a good little turn off towards the east which takes you up over the hills along an interesting road and brings you out west of Lake M I seem to think if my memory serves me correctly. Long time since I have been on it though and it was wet and raining when I drove it.
RB, I started record keeping in the days of my Renault 10 back in 1968 which gave me an average of 36 mpg for its life of about 75000 miles before I sold it. I drove it hard!!! Tyre life was only about 30000 miles on those Michelin pennies it used.
Apart from the obvious reason of knowing what your car costs you record keeping also gives you a warning of an engine malfunction if fuel consumption changes markedly for no apparent reason.
I just found out another good reason to keep log records. It is a constant reminder and record of where you, and your car, have been. Can be very useful at times to settle spirited discussions and legal arguments etc.
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Yeah we took Wollombi Road up to buckety, then went right to go back down to Sydney. Sounds like an adventure for another day!!
Luckily we beat the storms to by going out on saturday not sunday, but it was getting gloomy towards the end of the day.
Nice run - came back from the Hunter that way once; strangely there was no other traffic: [ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcbpJL0yfm4"]Subaru Forester goes snorkeling! - YouTube[/ame]
Ah I wish there were some river crossings when I went, I got excited a few times by the water depth signs, but they were all concrete bridges, with the water level insanely low!
Got bored yesterday so painted all the things...

Pretend Currie diff much?

Here's something I prepared earlier too. Good use for old cam covers.

Also managed to change the rear diff oil. It was disgustingly black, watery and full of shavings... Should hopefully mean the LSD will work a bit better now.