Some people should just get a life...
Having finished up completely my anal retentive (me not the car) MY03 XS log book at 335375 kms I, this arvo, completed calculating the fuel consumption.
It has, in its 13.5 years, used 30155 litres of a mix, at different times, of E10, 91, 95 and the very odd batch of 98 (Birdsville where it is only marginally more expensive than 91) at an average of 9.0 litres/100 kms over the distance of 335375 kms..
The consumption has increased marginally over the past year or so from my last calculation of 8.9l/100 km to today`s number.
Suspected reasons are engine wearing out and getting weary, both of us, and more city driving as I now reside in Adelaide for most of the time.
Time to buy a new log book methinks.
Will it fill this one I wonder..........