What have you done to your car today?

The battery looks like it could be the original from 2006 so probably needs replacing any way.
If it is the original battery, then you've done really well.
Can't complain about 8yrs of (original) battery life.

Hopefully it's just the battery & not the alternator aswell.

Mr Turbo
To check the alternator, put the multimeter across the terminals while the engine's running. Should be in the vicinity of 14V.

Edit.. Checked with the resident auto sparky, car idling, no accessories, voltage across battery terminals should be 13.8-14.2V. Then turn everything on (lights, heater, ac, etc) and it "shouldn't" drop below 13.8V.
If it does drop below 13.8, your alternator is dying/not charging properly.
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Apart from going to the dentist, I managed to prise the gear lever/cigarette lighter/ashtray cover off to see what I can do about re-positioning the 12V socket, or wiring another one up in parallel.

Should be do-able.

BTW, in the series II SG, it appears best to start at the back edge of that cover - not at the front/side, where I did ... :redface:.
Today i started the car for the first time in a week and a half, let it idle for ten minutes. Then i stopped it and went back to using the daihatsu with its 4l/100k asthmatic engine my partner and i have lovingly dubbed the white **** box on mag wheels, or ****box for short.

Still loving the new car we bought her to replace ****box though, I might reveal what it is one day :lol: only hint is its not a subaru unfortunately.
Replaced the stock muffler with a flowmaster muffler. Sounds bad donkey but my SO thinks it's too loud. Seeing what other solution I can come up with to quiet it down a bit but still keep a bit of the tone and volume over the stock setup. Also, called up the local stealership to get some new fog light buttons for my off road light set up. They said they would happy to order me some for $45 a piece.......I think I'm just gonna go with a cheaper less stock look for my switches.
Bought my weekend bush basher a friend, an '09 Impreza for my missus, I've got the Subaru bug!
^ :biggrin: :lol: :rotfl:.

Sorry to tell you this, Twinklz - no known cure ... :iconwink: :raz:
Also, called up the local stealership to get some new fog light buttons for my off road light set up. They said they would happy to order me some for $45 a piece.......I think I'm just gonna go with a cheaper less stock look for my switches.
Try you're local wrecker mate :)
You never know, you might be lucky & score a couple for a lot less :iconwink:

Mr Turbo
I'm gonna check the junk yards to see if I can find one, unfortunately Subarus are a bit hard to track down around here.
Installed my new gearbox today. Dccd, torsen front diff. So much grip, if this car lets go on the road you are going really fast and it's really wet.

Suspension is also getting worked on, konis going in the rear and the whole lot is getting tuned.

What me and bet a lot of other people have forgotten about when lifting their cars is the bump stops! Crucial for protecting your struts. Lift your car, extend your bump stops :) Will save you lots of headaches.
Bought a wire basket for the roof bars from Repco on sale at $69 was going to buy one from Supercheap at $118. Thanks Ratbag for the Repco sale advice!
Cut my switch bracket to test fit my Oricom UHF300 two way. Fits beautifully another thanks to RB. See his post on fitting this type of radio.
Glad it was of some assistance to you, HC.

I bought a whole swag of goodies at the last Repco sale. For a bit over $600, I got a load of stuff that normally costs well over $900. That ain't chicken feed savings in my books!

Also good to hear that the cutting out of the switch mounting frame went well for you.

You now know first hand what I have been stressing about how fragile the frame becomes as you remove more and more material. At the start, it seems very rigid and quite strong.

I don't know, and didn't want to find out the hard way, just how much force would be required to break it towards the end of the process.

I have been out on another buying spree today myself. Mostly at Bunnings, but bought a lockable ball for the hitch at SCA. Not the clamp type, but one that fits into the hitch ball socket, is expanded using a Allen key, then a lock is inserted into the access hole for the Allen key and locked in place. The lock does nothing except prevent access to the Allen key.

Simple, and more effective than the clamp type IMHO. It cannot be cut, forced or destroyed without also destroying the hitch ball socket!

Its one weakness is that it requires some care in fitting. I expect to get used to that as I use it more.

When attached to the car, I use the last link of the safety chains to lock the trailer onto the tow bar (not the ball tongue).

Nothing will prevent a determined thief, but one can make things as difficult as possible for the casual thief ... :iconwink:.

The main expense at Bunnings was buying a big 600 mm Kinchrome swaging tool for making security cables ($85). I have made a couple already. No way am I strong enough to have made them using the much smaller and cheaper tool. IIRC, it had 300 mm handles, so about 1/4 the leverage. The tool also has side cutters specially designed to cut braided steel cables, so can cut the roll of 4 mm plastic covered cable I bought to whatever length I need.

All the pre-made cables had locks (nothing keyed alike ... ), were too long (i.e. a bloody nuisance in use) and were made of that pre-coiled cable that is like trying to prise off a Boa Constrictor in use.

Also picked up a set of Kinchrome trim levers for about $19.
Picked up a roofbasket, six steel rims and a sports exhaust system, unfortunately I have a wedding this morning so I can't play with my new toys until midday
Fitted new wiper blades (complete set, not refills) and gave the glass a well-needed clean and polish

This isn't so much what I've "done" to my car as much as what I "am going to do"...

I did a bad thing :P

Picked this up for $300..EJ22, running well, 200k odd kms, insurance write off.


now to wait for mid year break, then i think i'll need to start a proper member's journal!
^ Someone's got their work "cut out" for them ... :iconwink:

Funny place for a tow ball ... :rotfl:

From my Batphone
As for the rest of it. I have got my deposit back from the Mildura crowd, and will now be getting the Oztrail 6 Camper + Sun room from Kangaroo Tent City in Sydney.

Hope you have some luck with KTC....
^ And what exactly are you trying to say, Aware ... :poke: :iconwink:.

I hope it's not that I have jumped out of the frying pan into the fire ... :(.
Gidday Folks

Yesterday and today I have made some more modifications to the trailer - made a lid out of an ice cream container lid to stop the water pooling in the tool box lock indent. See my trailer build thread for details.

Also fixed my floor mat problem today ... Anyone else got a problem with their clutch pedal catching on the floor mat? I will put up a post in Roo2's journal thread about this.