What have you done to your car today?

The police will find them, sure they haven't left the country...nor the island :iconwink:
havachat, am sorry to hear about the damage to your wife's car. Our scooby still carries a battle scar on her driver's door from a similar mongrel which occurred 5 years ago. Doesn't look real pretty but we were lucky enough to get it working again. Makes my blood boil, and know exactly how upset you guys must be.

Best regards,
Thank you every one for your comments. Might have to start a new post "What has someone done to your car" !!
The police will find them, sure they haven't left the country...nor the island :iconwink:
jf1sf5 Australia is a huge island, I doubt that the police will catch them :sadbanana:
I am surprised how easy it was to force the drivers door lock on a modern car and how soft the door and other panels are on the SH.
Modern cars are pretty flimsy, bloody easy to get into with a coat hanger, bike tube and bike pump as well, I've only used this method to retrieve keys a mate locked in my car boot after locking the doors, he thought it was funny until he found out i only had one set of keys.

Well i fixed some wiring under the dash and added some more for my sub and ran heavy cable for rear 12volt stuff fridge inverter etc. Also fixed a bunch of work done by a dodgy auto electrician, when i went to find him to get him to fix it properly i found the shop was out of business with no way to contact him.
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Lol, I used to do mine while on night shift, now if I wash/clean my car and I'm not getting payed I feel like I'm getting ripped off.
I packed the car and drove the first 1000km of about 2000km to get to Fraser Island, forutunately I have left behind the Christmas madness of Melbourne.

Although my 5 and 8 year old daughters drove me mad a few times heading north on the Hume.

Bring on Fraser :ebiggrin:
Have a good time mate, I was originally suppose to be heading to Fraser last Monday, but plans fell through earlier in the month. Should be a good trip, don't worry about the girls sending you crazy on the hume at least they kept you awake :rotfl:
^ ^ Have a safe and happy trip, DF.

Braver man than I am, travelling with a 5 y.o. and an 8 y.o.!

I have quite enough difficulty just travelling with myself for company ... :poke: :iconwink: :lol:.

Why the Hume? I FAR prefer the Newell when heading in that direction.
looking good will.

Bought an ammeter and volt meter to stick in the power panel in the boot, but now to wait till they get delivered to finish the power install.
Work getting done at TruTrack all week. Should pick it up today:

new bushes for rear cross member and trailing arms, new steering rack: Old one was too far gone to repair), and just tweaking a few things. Should handle really well after this.
Bought an ammeter and volt meter to stick in the power panel in the boot
:) I added a DMM (used to call them VOMs) to the pile of gear under the floor in the back a while ago. Found I had a spare when cleaning up my office, and if stuck with electrical issues offroad somewhere it could come in handy. I have a super-slim one that travels with my camera gear/batteries/chargers around the world.
Seriously, if I didn't have one already I'd go and spend $4.95 at the nearest Jaycar and get a basic (and small) one to put in the car.

For me today involved doing the first tyre rotation and alignment on Roxsie III.
:lol:, Nar i meant a little one for the power panel i put in the back so i know what the draw on the battery is at a glance. I usually carry my old multimeter in my tool bag which gets chucked in when I'm out off road or on a long drive, my nice new bench top one sits on my work bench made from the road cases my PA is in. It'll be nice when my partner and i get into our own place haha
Got a head unit today, PioneerDEH-X2650UI. Got it for $91 down from $168 :biggrin:

Its only a basic stereo, but has all I need...CD, USB & radio :iconwink:
Sounds good, NL.

One of the things I really enjoy about Roo2 is the six stacker ... Very pleasant.

Modern ones will play MP3/MP4 files as well. I have one in SWMBO's six stacker. It has about 6 or more normal CDs on it. Not that MP3/MP4 files are high fidelity, but then, neither's the inside of a car ...
Not so much today but over the last week i've have the Liberty in the garage.

LH valve cover has now been replaced and the car has now stopped dripping oil.
Trying out a land rover K&N air filter in my after market air intake, it fits better than the old one i was using but still not 100% sure about the seal.
I removed the radiator and drilled out the lower radiator support panel so i could cable tie the wiring loom in properly and away from the motor.
While the radiator was out i measured it all up for an after market Flex-a-lite dual thermo fan with full shroud. It will cover the entire core which would be fantastic. Too expensive for me right now though.
Pulled out a complete handbrake assembly from a well maintain Liberty at Jolly's and started putting than in my car yesterday. My old cables don't move very freely and the old pads aren't in the best shape, one is down almost to the metal.
More fun today reassembling the rest of the handbrake.
More fun today reassembling the rest of the handbrake.

Its so much fun putting all the little springs, etc together in the handbrake drum. Just when you've almost got it together one of the little springs will fly out & it all falls apart... :rotfl:

I also re-routed my cable over the top of the moustache bar while I had the cable out, keeping it away from rocks :biggrin:
Nice work with the shovel carriers hydrowill :ebiggrin:

I also re-routed my cable over the top of the moustache bar while I had the cable out, keeping it away from rocks :biggrin:
Might as well while you're in there :)
Good thinking :iconwink:

Mr Turbo