My first proper test with larger winter tires in mud water and grass, didint aired down went with full 2.4bar . We drove for about 9 hrs in forests with local forester club. And what i found it was amazing so capable, so high that front bumper didint had any problems there even when dumping into deep water and coming off them.
When just need to get out of mud of water or get onto some hills that are slippery was using VDC with TC on , just on large hills where i needed momentum, used TC off ,VDC still worked good in braking wheels that lost traction, and i was lossing traction at times because didint aired down but never got stuck.
Sadly noone filmed me there or took more pictures in best moments as we drove in group so everyone was just driving after others you couldnt do or go where you want or stop for no reason.
But what i found its amazing capable car i was even higher then some lifted foresters, some had snorkels, one had winch in front, but noone had proper recovery points as i did in front . Im still driving like that with shackle in front there. Looks more cool .
Had hilift jack in car too now i will carry it everyday.
For me there it was that i had that front shackle in place one time i was pulled out to side as couldnt change direction from deep tracks, the. It was ground clearance that kept that front bumper up high and never catched front or rear bumper. Couple cars where stuck on deep tracks as they hanged on center and i never had problems.
So for me for this car and for my area forests those things that made my car capable are lift , larger tires 28.5' and proper recovery points with shackles ready just in case.
About VDC it was amazing. I saw foresters just spinning wheels when going on to mud hills and it was wet mud very nasty, so where they where going lots spin i was jusy cruising up with TC stoping some wheels and letting spin others, still those used winter tires no mud ones so in wet mud very hard, still managed.
Just found i have some problems with ignition coils and water. Just after another water splashing i got errors and like 2 or 3 cilinders was going misfire and stopped working. Then when all heat up and dry all went well again. So that is good i found week point that i need to fix, no other week points there. All links stayed in places nothing broke or anything. Sometimes when got bored i turned TC off and was flooring pedal going drift on mud or grass. That split more to rear is very cool on those VDC cars. Car is allways more rear happy .
Will make recovery points and hilift points next and then put skid plate onto gearbox i think and some extra protection in front to sides so less water would come to engine area from bottom.
Maybe some extra skid plate to protect front bumper lip.
That was amazing trip and amazing experience on full mud there.