So, time for an update, (as per usual someone else will be posting pics soon) Took the old beast down too Wellington Dam the weekend just gone and what a sight! Bloody beautiful! was odd seeing the place where i bent the chassis on Twinkmobile 1.0 completely submerged, had a good barbie with TheInterceptor and OffRoadFalcon, then SWMBO and I went and explored the winery's and local area's, took it alittle bit up a fun track on the way out of Wellie but didn't do anything too serious due too all of us being piled into the one car, and no-one around to recover if we got stuck, was good fun all in all, mods too come over the next few weeks are: Rubber strips between scrub bars and body to stop mud getting on paint, second radio in the back for use when unloading the back, (also because i want to and i can) second cargo barrier between rear seats and front seats, Marker lights on the scrub bars and side steps, modding the roof basket so my swag doesn't take the back seat up, bigger mudflaps on the rear, adding more grab handles to the interior so i can climb in and out easier, cruise control if i can find it cheap, fitting 3x fire extinguishers to the (soon to be two) cargo barriers and drivers section for safety and peace of mind, new tint on the windows, more awnings and most importantly more lights for camping! In the long term future i plan to downsize my tyres from 245/70/16 to 235/70/16 to get my speedo exactly right and to lessen the blow on my wallet when i need new tyres. (Interestingly i can get cheaper muddies (Bridgestone M/T 674's $221 each) than AT'S (Bridgestone Dueler 697 A/T'S $231 each) so i'll be trying the M/T's out soon, if i can make the successful leap from contract work to fulltime/permanent employment soon, but in the mean time i'll also be looking for a good winch to slap on my new towbar mounted winch cradle, that's doubling as a seat at the moment!