Photobucket sucks for hosting video
i think ill youtube from now on.
i think ill youtube from now on.
Gidday B25
I edited your post to remove the redundant "https:// " from the front of each URL.
Your links work OK now. At least they do for me ... :biggrin: :lol:
I am proud to report that Captain Sense of Direction (me) got Twinklz and t.ridden through a new and exciting track in Mundaring, very sensibly, with absolutely no getting lost at all yesterday.
The brakes stopped making that annoying noise after I left the sand, I already have a large range of clips for putting panels back on (as it happens all the time in my car) and I already have polish and touch up paint to make my car look pretty again. So a total damage bill of $0, not too bad.Didn't get anywhere near Moore River, but it was fun and no-one broke anything severe (Red and Blanket, confirm?)