Sumo 2 in lift

I had bought and received the 2" kit couple months ago and just installed two weeks ago, i was impressed, great quality product! alignment spec were all pretty far off before alignment, with 1.5 degree rear camber bolts all came in to spec easily except the rear camber(just outside spec positive)

Feels awsome and looks even better!

thought i'd put my 2 cents in there on the product

oh and new member on here and already hooked on the off road subarus!!
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G'day wildbird21 & :welcome: to ORS.
Great to hear that you're enjoying the ORS Site :ebiggrin:

Would love to see your ride too mate, especially now that you have the lift in.

Just as a matter of interest, what do you drive ?

Mr Turbo
Good to hear you got yours. Be good to see a pic. How far off would it have been without the camber bolts in the rear?

On another note: email me back Joe.
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alignment spec were all pretty far off before alignment, with 1.5 degree rear camber bolts all came in to spec easily except the rear camber(just outside spec positive)

Not quite sure why the rear camber would be out... I would say the offset on the lift blocks should put camber back in spec, shouldn't it?

Maybe the Sumo guy can comment???

No mate, yeh I received an email, which said mine was supposed to have been shipped but it said SF forester lift kit when I had ordered SG9, so I emailed both sumo and Joe on Friday and still no response. I really hope after all this time they haven't shipped me the wrong parts. As it has already been over 2 and a half months since the order.
^^Thats great news Hunter.

You'll have to take a couple of pics too mate, of both before & after to see the difference once it's fitted :)

Mr Turbo
Yeah as far as alignment think i might have possibly put the wrong rear spacers on the wrong sides, directions for the rear were good just not completely specific on which is which in the rear, wasn't really thinking camber but more the caster angles when installing to be able to fit my big bfg a/t on there without rubbing front of wheel well since i don't have trailling arm spacers yet.

thanks all for the welcomes, and mr turbo im riding in the 02 fozzy when roads get rough

will get some pictures of before and after tomarrow night or sat
Any time you mess with struts and most other suspension components you should get an alignment from just moving stuff around so much but, the natural rotation of a lifted independent suspension setup would be positive at least alittle bit if any from raising it from what i understand, front cam bolts are already there from factory, at least on the Subarus i have worked on, the rears the alignment shop should have them on hand if needed(know my shop does)
So i got them in the mail, so excited to install. Only one problem is the powder coat on all of them is chipped
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Man, that sucks. If I paid top dollar and had to wait almost 3 months to receive a lift kit that was scratched up and had the studs tacked wrong I'd be pissed off.

Once they're fitted at least you won't see the chipped powder coating.