Baby it's HOT OUTSIDE!!!

My mate in Little rock AK told me last night that they have had the hottest March on record, you might want to prepare ya'self. :lol: :lol:
Always climate change, just a matter of how ;)

However, usually when those areas up north of us have hot early springs, we have wet & mild ones! It's like we get to swap climates with them for a couple seasons. Seems to happen about every 4-5yrs. With all the rain we've had, & the hot temps even up way north, it looks like we might be in for a treat down here. :)

Last time it happened, that bigass lake in Atlanta damn near dried up & New York was seeing several days around 100. People were dying up there because they weren't use to the heat. Plus, many don't have a/c's up thataways.