PICTURE POST: your favorite off-road shot!

Deadlock, next time you are up my way, give me a yell. I can take you on some great off road rides. I get down to western NC from time to time. Lenoir to be exact. Ex-wife lives there with my youngest daughter.
Sounds good, don't see it really happening until next year's Rally West Virginia though. Lenoir is about 1.5 hours from me, not terribly far though.
My off road shots :-)




These aren't too crazy, It was an easy Sunday drive I took with my dog on some back roads I had never explored before around where I live. This was up on a plateau with a storm coming in behind me, there are actually some pretty tall mountains behind those clouds
G'day MT05xs & :welcome: to ORS.
Where abouts are you located ?
By adding it to your profile can help us help you should the time ever arise :iconwink:

Mr Turbo
No, just a quick day trip out of Sydney.

It probably took longer to wash the car and the driveway afterwards, than the trip itself, haha....
I know what you mean about the cleaning part Shiv :lol:

The area in the first pic looks familiar to me for some reason.
Is it up & around Yengo somewhere ??

Mr Turbo
Hard to say, the sills look pretty close to level but the shape of the arches make it look nose up.

My Datsun 1600 is the same, looks nose up when dead flat.

What are your measurements front of sill to ground and rear of sill to ground?