how did you get you get your screen name?

My first names Tarran and everyone except my mother calls me Taza.
My car has also be named. lol. Not by me, by all my mates, they either call it Sandy' because it is always on the beach or 'Dirty Bit*h'. I have a bad habbit of washing it then the next day it is covered in red bull dust. I cant help but keep it clean (a wash every week) then get it completely dirty inside and out again.
Having been overweight most of my life, I was always yo-yo dieting.

In 2008 I needed to lose weight for surgery and decided it was time to stop with the yo-yo dieting.

That's when I thought of the nom de plume "nomoyoyo" and started using it as my on-line user name.
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Many people have a hard time putting a screen name to a face, I meet a lot of people from another board, and using my real name makes it easier for people to know me.
I use my real name, when I was using another name people were calling me by that name, a username other than yours is fine if you never expect to meet any of these people.
On the other board, many of the users have changed from a username to their actual name.
Many people have a hard time putting a screen name to a face, I meet a lot of people from another board, and using my real name makes it easier for people to know me.
I use my real name, when I was using another name people were calling me by that name, a username other than yours is fine if you never expect to meet any of these people.
On the other board, many of the users have changed from a username to their actual name.

I use the same username for most of my accounts online. Its my nickname that people call me anyway. Its based off my real name so Taza is short for Tarran :biggrin:
Bandido is in spanish bandit, I remember my mom when I was a children calling me "you are a bandit, be quiet.." , I prefer don't explain why..
Welcome to ORS Bombsquad. Pleasing to see you came out the other side! Where are you from?
Thanks for the reception guys!

I'll try to keep the subie in one piece :lol:.

My brother in law is a senior master technician for Subaru so give a shout if we need to pick his brain.


Welcome aboard bombsquad, where abouts in north GA are you? Got any good trails to share?

Back OT, when I signed up to this forum I didn't realize that EJ was a subi motor designation. EJ is a nickname I picked up from a bike forum I'm on using the screen name EuroJosh. I tend to fetish-ize European made bicycle stuff.
I am next to Lake Lanier. There are plenty of FS rds and trails. We just camped on Tray Mountain this weekend. Drop a msg anytime, that goes for anyone on the board.


Penguin is my (one of a few) nickname. I got it cause a friend didn't know how to spell my last name in his phone, so he put "Penguin". It stuck like glue.
Sub, cause a) I drive a (Sub)aru, and b) i work on (Sub)marines.
stealth - because i have a worked up wrx that has had the exterior swapped for all the non turbo gear...

i can drive it round all day and not get looked at twice while my mates in there wrx's are always being targeted