XenForo Live Feedback


Jul 28, 2008
Sydney, Oz
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To get started please read this guide: https://offroadsubarus.com/threads/xenforo-guide.8357/

Let's discuss here! :) My thanks to those members who previewed our test site.

There is still some fine tuning to undertake but we wanted to make the forum available ASAP - besides it's past my bedtime! ;-)
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Looks like everything works well !

....but my avatar has been reduced and I can't read the threads if not logged in.
Some, including me, will have to reload their avatars.

Yes, you have to be logged on the see thread content; this is intentional
Geez, Kevin ... you must have worked on that all night ...

There's something amiss with the time zone but - 1016AM Today hasn't happened yet ...
It truly seems faster. (y)

By the way, some video links in the Locker thread do not work or are broken but some work well in the form of a link. Go get some sleep first @Kevin! Cheers.
Yep it was a long night! I'll check the timezone @Ratbag
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@Ratbag your timezone was reset to another zone? Looks like many have been reset to American Samoa - am working on it
As best I can tell only a small number of members' time zone has been "somehow" changed; only 3 or 4 which I have fixed. But I would ask that members double check to see if their timezone is correct via Account Details / Preferences and change it if wrong.
Much bigger improvement over the SF.org attempt Kevin, you have done both yourself and the Forum proud mate! 👍
By the way, some video links in the Locker thread do not work or are broken but some work well in the form of a link.

There was an automatic media embedder in VB "AME" and so you'll see some codes surrounding the links e.g. [ame="https....... [/ame] and these codes need to be removed. The slow way is to edit the post, remove the codes then save and xenforo will work it out. I'll see if I can find a way to scan and replace forum-wide.

UPDATE: I "think" I have found a way to do the scan and replace but I will have to thoroughly test first as I do not want to destroy the database (!) so it won't happen for a few days.
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Sweet ride brah. :cool:
Oh... Ctrl + Enter works!
Starting to feel like home :D
In turn, I'd like to pay a compliment to Harry from urljet as he did an excellent job importing VB across.
Well done Kevin, and thanks for all the work
Think i found an issue. What has happened to some of the pictures we have posted. I noticed a sunset image I posted has disappeared. I posted it on the old version a few weeks ago.